Accidental Touch

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You can't help but smirk a little at the passed out figure of Dabi on the couch, the painkillers having taken effect.
He'd been a lot quieter when you brought him the food he'd asked for. It wasn't anything special, just some hastily made toast that was probably a little cold by the time you managed to pull yourself back to your reality for long enough to give it to him.
He wasn't so scary now his cold, hard eyes were shut and his body was slumped almost lifelessly against the back of the sofa, his lips parted ever so slightly.

You look at his pocket, at what you could only assume was the outline of either his phone or your own. You toy with the idea of reaching into his pocket and retrieving it for yourself, getting ahold of the police, your family, anyone. Although he'd been quiet and had refrained from any snappy comments or laying his hands on you this evening, you just honestly wanted him out of your house now. 
"Hey." You say, a little quieter than you intended for it to leave you at.
He doesn't stir, his head still hanging over the back of the seat, exposing his throat and adams apple entirely.
"Dabi." You call, a little louder, testing the waters to see how out of it he really was.

Again, he doesn't stir. His mind appears to be empty, too. So biting your lip, and leaning forward, your yellow eyes trained entirely on his face, you begin reaching for his pocket, your fingers gently grazing over the opening at the top of it. Your fingers barely enter the opening in his pants, your fingers gently pressing against something in there before his entire body lurches, his hot hand grabbing your wrist tightly.
You look horrified into his cold blue eyes, the scream you wanted to give out catching in your throat, only leaving your body as a pathetic whimper.

"If you wanted me that bad, all you had to do was ask, doll." Dabi drawls, a smug smirk pulling on one side of his mouth.
"I... What?" You mumble, your eyes widening as he encourages your fingers into the pocket deeper, revealing no metallic feel of a phone, just hardness that seemed to be underneath the material itself.
Your face burns red as you realise what you'd been touching, Dabis hand immediately moving away from your wrist as you go to yank it away. You desperately try to ignore his perverted thoughts, your eyes moving away from his bored stare, his eyes seeming to pierce through you.

"You moved it." You mutter.
"Duh." He grunts, sitting up again properly. "Can't have my nurse running away on me."
"You're a pervert." You cringe. 
Maybe if he hadn't threatened, or hurt you, you wouldn't have been too bothered by what had just happened. The initial attraction you'd had was now tainted by fear, and you couldn't help but feel like he'd duped you into touching him up somehow.
"You're the one feelin' me up while I'm asleep, princess." Dabi sneers, that smug smirk not moving from his mismatched lips.

"I didn't know!" You snap, your embarrassment taking over the internal need to self-preserve for a second.
He hums lowly, spreading his legs a little more as he stares directly at you, his hand running over what you can now make out is his hardened length as his pale pink tongue running over his scarred bottom lip teasingly. 
You can't help but gape at him, at the lewdness of the situation, hating the fact that he looked like some kind of casual, patchworked god as he sprawled himself out on the seat, and really hating the stirring in your stomach it gave you.

You avert your eyes, your pink cheeks burning even pinker once his perverted thoughts are no longer just verbal, instead giving you the images in his imagination, his hand tangled up in your hair, your mouth open and drooling as he strokes himself in front of you.
"Cute." He chuckles darkly, and you see him straighten himself back out, his hand moving to fluff the baggy, bloodied white shirt he wore as if he was trying to use it as a fan. "Do me a favour?"
You mutter about the fact you were already doing him a favour by harbouring him and treating his wounds anyway.

"That was before I woke up to you feeling my dick." He smirks, his head immediately revisiting the memory, your cheeks threatening to redden again. "Didn't even finish what you started, doll."
"Please." You spit quietly, the sarcasm in your voice dripping off the singular word.
"Just want a glass of water. You can do that can't you?" He asks patronisingly.
You throw him a look, but know better than to argue with him, your blistered wrist a reminder of what he was capable of. 
You pad over to the kitchen, leaving him to get up slowly by himself, his hand immediately flying to his stomach. You weren't going to help him. You were doing enough for him already.

Once the water was in tow, you find Dabi practically hanging his head out of the window, the gentle breeze from outside slightly ruffling his already messy hair.
You don't even tell him that it's probably not a good idea to hang out of the window like that as a wanted criminal, praying that one of your neighbours may see him and get you help.
"Here." You grumble, holding the glass out for him. 
His eyes open, revealing his cyan eyes once more. Without a word, he takes it out of your hands, leaning inside once more.

"Is that a byproduct of your Quirk?" You ask, deciding to learn as much as he'd tell you about himself while graced with his presence. 
Maybe if you could trick your brain into thinking you were building a friendship with him, you'd feel less panicky.
His eyes roll towards you, but he doesn't give you a verbal response. 
"You must be hot a lot right?" You ask, talking to fill the void now. "Must be uncomfortable." 
 Something flashes in his eyes for a nano second before it's gone again. 
'You have no idea.' He scoffs in his head before his lips part to give an actual verbal response. "Don't pretend you care." 
His eyes are hard again as he stares through you. You almost flinch at the sentence. You expected the hard, scary exterior, but you weren't expecting the offense in his voice at the idea of you pretending to care about his comfort.

Maybe you were. But you didn't think so. After all, you allowed him to have all the windows open last night because of how fed up his thoughts came across. 
You always cared.
Even at the worst times.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now