This Time Around...

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You wake up in the same position you'd fallen asleep in, all cuddled up against Dabi's side, your head rested against his shoulder. Except now Blue was curled up by his head on the other side, most likely making the most of Dabi's heat again.
Dabi's face is basically buried in Blue's fur and you have no idea how he hasn't accidentally choked on his fur during the night.
You move closer to Dabi, hooking a leg over his waist.
He grumbles a little in his sleep, his fingers digging into the flesh of your side ever so slightly, doing nothing to soothe the mood you'd woken up in.

Frustrated, that was for sure.
It had been a while since you and Dabi had been intimate, at least a month, which was pretty long for the two of you.
You rock your hips against him a little, grinding yourself into his thigh. You let out a little surprised gasp as you realise just how sensitive you are, the simple movement jolting straight through you.
You take a shaky breath, looking up at Dabi again, but his face hasn't moved from Blue's fur, and his breathing still seems to be slow and even.

You're a little torn. You don't want to wake him up when it was rare for him to sleep that well. You also don't want to wake him up for the sole purpose of sex, especially when you'd made such a big deal of him not trying it on with you the night before.
On the other hand, that felt really good. Really good. And you wanted to continue grinding on him, to chase that feeling he'd always succeed in getting you to.
At the same time, he was currently unconcious and you weren't stupid, you knew that was a no-go.

"Dabi..." You call quietly, burying your face into his neck.
This gets you a sleepy groan from him.
"Dabi..." You practically whine, running your lips over the scarring of his neck, kissing just below his ear.
"Whassup?" He asks, his voice thick with sleep.
"I need you..." You mumble, rocking against his leg again.
"Mm?" He mumbles, turning his head towards you, allowing you to see his eyes are still closed.
"I need you." You repeat, pressing your lips against his, gently tugging his bottom lip between your teeth.
This gets his eyes to open, him blinking the sleep away a couple times.

You kiss him again lightly, pulling away when you feel one side of his mouth pull up into a smirk.
"Poor baby." He croons, his voice even more crackly from sleep. "Kept ya waiting so long, didn't I?"
You nod, grinding against him a little again, a barely audible moan passing your lips. He catches his lip between his teeth as he watches you, his azure eyes hungry as he gazes at you.
"You're not that desperate, surely princess?" He asks, his voice lower than usual, his hand moving to pet your hair.

You just repeat the rocking of your hips against his thigh, clutching his shoulders and burying your face in his neck to muffle the noises it draws from you.
You hear his shuddered breaths, and feel his body heating up under you.
"Get the cat out." He mumbles, his voice rumbling through his body.
You've never moved so quickly in your life, untangling yourself from Dabi, picking Blue up and dropping him off outside your room, closing the door on him and ignoring the scratching on the door, halting the second you turn around and see Dabi with his boxers pulled down, his hand stroking his cock slowly.

"Come on then." He grins, biting his gnarled bottom lip.
So you do, dropping your panties as you stand, lifting the baggy shirt you'd opted to wear to sleep in, revealing yourself completely to him.
It's quick, but you swear you catch his eyes rolling back a bit as he works his hand a little quicker.
You approach him quickly, straddling his waist and lifting his shirt, him seeming more than happy to comply this time, lifting his arms to help you, his hands then soon settling on your waist.
You capture his lips with yours hungrily, grinding your bare sex against his, coating his dick with your wetness.

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