Teenage Kicks

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He perked up slightly after that, which you were thankful for. You didn't push the name issue, hearing how anxious his thoughts would go whenever you used it casually.
You found yourself a lot needier than you were used to being with him now he wasn't swatting you away at any sign of physical affection. You'd spent half the evening curled into his side, groaning reluctantly when he pointed out how much you were yawning.

His new studio-style apartment was nice, it was cosy and clean, and insanely neat as though he was barely in it.
You wanted to stay a little longer, soak in all the details of the place, like the small burns in the couch that he'd haphazardly covered with a blanket, the suspicious looking burn marks on the headboard, as though he'd set himself alight leaning against it.
You wanted to lay on him some more, count the staples that lined his skin, kiss the broken parts of him until he felt completely better.
Because as much as he was playing the role of the Dabi you knew, you could hear the odd slip in his thoughts that told you that he was still wrestling old wounds.

So when you yawn one more time and feel him shift against you, beginning to get up to go to bed, you scramble onto his lap before he can get up fully, watching confusion cross his face before he smirks up at you.
"Yes, princess?" He asks coyly.
"I'm not going to bed." You say firmly, wrapping your arms around his neck and rubbing your nose against his.
This gets the smug look to disappear, his eyes softening as his warm palms settle on your thighs.
You move messy black locks back, revealing his face properly.

He looks uncomfortable, only a spark of insecurity in his eyes before they're burning into your own, searching your soul.
"Anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" You ask quietly, moving his hair back into place, gently messing it up like it's usually styled.
He hisses slightly, his hands tightening on the flesh of your thighs.
"You're losin' it." He replies, but there's no vitriol in it, in fact, he's smirking again.
You roll your eyes, kissing the scarred patches of skin under his eyes as gently as you possibly can, feeling his eyelashes flutter closed as you do so.
"Insult me all you want. Doesn't stop it being true."

Theres a brief moment of silence between you both as you stare at each other, a tense silence between you both.
And then his mouth is on yours, and you can feel yourself being lifted from where you sit, his fingers digging into your soft thighs as he walks you to the bed.
He pauses for a second before shifting you ever so slightly in his arms so he can lay you down gently on the mattress.
You pull him down too, immediately sitting up and forcing his back against the headboard so you can straddle his lap.

"Bedtime." He says simply, but you can see the heat behind his eyes.
"Let me take care of you." You pout, running your hands under his shirt, nails scraping just under the staples that line the healthy skin of his body.
His hands tighten on your waist as you do it, eyes lidding even more and a groan tipping his head back.
He doesn't fight you any more after that, allowing you to tug his shirt and boxers off, watching you with a hungry gaze as you strip your clothing off too.

"What're you doing?!" He hisses as you settle between his legs, spreading them wide easily, but a quick kitten lick to the tip of his cock soon has his attitude sorted as his eyes roll back in his head.
You grin a little, running your tongue along the pierced underside of his length, holding his eye contact as you do so.
Watching his purple bottom lip get caught between his sharp teeth is enough encouragement for you to carry on, wrapping your lips around the head and slowly taking him into your mouth as deep as you can, his fingers fisting in your hair as he groans lowly.

You didn't get too much practice doing this with Junichiro, but you hoped you could make up for it with enthusiasm, and the groans and heavy breaths from Dabi sure told you that you weren't doing a bad job.
He piles your hair into two hands, as if holding it into a ponytail, his lips parted and his eyes watching you with a heavy intensity.
"Ah, fuck." He hisses as you try to take him even deeper. "Gentle with it."
You catch his gaze before pushing further down, being bratty about it really. And he was right, you couldn't take him any further as the action makes you gag and your eyes tear up instantly.

He wrenches your head off, both of you gasping for air.
"Fuck!" He half moans, half snaps as his dick twitches violently, hot spurts of come painting his stomach and chest.
He slumps against the headboard, catching his breath and letting go of your hair. You wipe your mouth, looking at the sight before you in awe.
He looked so pretty panting against the burned headboard, steam billowing from his flushed cheeks and his eyes practically closed from being overwhelmed.
The splashes of white coating his torso were hot too, and you lean forward to taste his spend.

"Babe..." He whimpers, squirming a little as you lick his over-sensitive tip again. "Let up. Seriously."
You obey, licking a stripe up the middle of the come painting his stomach instead, presenting the collection on your tongue to him before swallowing it.
He groans, fisting his hair.
"God damnit, Y/N. I wanted to fuck you."
"There's always the morning." You croon, hovering over one of his thighs, and leaning forward to kiss his bottom lip softly. "I just wanted to make you feel good."

His hands force you down onto his thigh, your bare cunt resting against flexed muscles.
"You're coming too." He says firmly, with no argument to be made with him as he uses his grip on your waist to roll your hips against him.
Your breath hitches as your apex grinds against him euphorically, your arousal overtaking how humiliating it'd be to come against his leg like some kind of dog.
His eyes are trained on your bare sex sliding against his skin, his grip on you no longer needed as you drag yourself against him, chasing the release you were rapidly approaching.

"Good girl." He praises, leaning close to dip his lips close to your ear. "Let go for me."
He kisses your earlobe, and before he can lean back again, you're coming against his leg, gripping his shoulders tightly and letting out a loud keen.
"That's it, princess." You hear him rasp as you slump against his chest. "So gorgeous for me."
You murmur nonsensically against the scarred skin on his shoulder, not even caring that his cold come is pressing against your own skin now.
His fingers trace patterns across your back for a while as you catch your breath.

The second you realise what you'd done your face begins to burn, and you peel yourself off of Dabi.
"Oh, man." You whisper, embarrassed.
He doesn't seem bothered, at least, his arms folded behind his head, looking pretty smugly at you.
"That was real hot." He grins wickedly.
This does nothing to soothe the fire in your face.
"I acted like a horny teenager." You grumble to yourself more-so than him.
If he hears it, he ignores it, looking down at his chest.
"Gonna have to shower again." He sighs. "Ain't gonna explain why there's spunk in my fuckin' seams to Doc."

"Classy." You comment.
"You just hum-" Dabi doesn't even get to finish his sentence before you're slamming your hand over his mouth, feeling his face split into a genuine grin underneath your palm.
You look down at him, your heart softening at the misunderstood and hurt man in front of you.
"I love you, Touya." You say, meaning every syllable.

You don't even care that his admission had opened the floodgates to your own, because you loved that every time you said it, he always looked a little shocked.

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