Quirk-Related Troubles

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You allowed him the first day to have some space. After he'd held you, and subsequently accidentally pulled out a good few strands of your hair, he'd seemed angry and irritable.
You weren't sure what you had done wrong, but you weren't going to push the subject.
You were planning on contacting him the second day, turning your phone onto airplane mode while you were working so you wouldn't be able to text him mindlessly through your shift.
Work is... hard. The library is busier than you'd ever seen it, students bustling around even though they needed to keep quiet. Even if they all were behaving well and keeping quiet as they studied, the sheer number of people there was filling your own head with an insane amount of thoughts that weren't your own, and it was loud.
Never mind the fact it was still summer, but thanks to Dabi's antics, you had to dress yourself so not an inch of skin could be revealed. Including a silk scarf.
The inescapable heat really wasn't helping the headache that was beginning to form behind your eyes no matter how many bottles of water you drank in a desperate attempt to keep the pain at bay.

"Y/N, dear, you look awfully uncomfortable. Why don't you take a couple layers off?" Ai asks, concern furrowing even more wrinkles between her brows.
You simply shake your head, continuing to rearrange the books that the students had messed up on the shelves without giving your boss another look.
"You are sweating..." Emi tries coaxing from beside you, as she picks up a book you dropped from your trembling hands.
You do nothing but give her the filthiest glare you could summon as you take the book from her. You hadn't forgotten what she had done, and weren't planning to either.
She visibly swallows, but backs away like you intended for her to. You turn your attention back to the books on the shelf.
Ai doesn't seem to go away though, hovering and watching you like she desperately wanted to say something. If you didn't have about thirty other peoples thoughts in your head, you may have been able to hear hers more clearly and find a way to get her gone.
"Yes, Ai?" You ask, turning to face the older woman. You try to curb the sassy tone that leaves you with that sentence, but it doesn't fully work.

She blinks at you a couple times, probably in shock. You'd never been anything but polite with anyone at work before, especially with your boss.
"We're all just worried about you, sweetheart." She stammers, avoiding looking directly in your eyes. Typical.
"No need. I'm fine." You try to say chirpily, giving her a false smile.
It clearly doesn't convince her, because she continues talking.
"It's just, you've handed in your notice without any indication that you were struggling here at all. I like to think I'm a fair enough boss, Y/N. You could have always spoken to me if you had a problem. And Emi said something about... seeing bruises?"
Your jaw clenches at the latter end of her sentence.
"Listen, your private life is none of our business, but if someone's hurting you, we're here for you okay? You can reach out to us. We'll help. And hey, doesn't your brother know Hawks?" She continues, the words leaving her like a waterfall out of nervousness.
"I'm fine." You repeat through gritted teeth.
Your headache was now full force. Every word that left her felt like it left a panging pain at the front of your skull and you just wanted her to shut up and leave you alone now.

Ai seems a little taken aback by your attitude again.
"Are you okay?" She asks, approaching you gently and holding your arm.
You want to spit at her to get off you, but there's something so motherly and relaxing about her touch that you can't find yourself able to do it.
"My head's killing me." You admit, a little tearfully. "There's too many people here for me today."
Ai instantly looks as though she understands, sympathetically patting your arm and taking the books you were holding away from you.
"Go home, Y/N." She says, giving you a soft and patient smile, even after you had been snappy with her. "Get some rest."
"But-" You begin to argue. It would just be her and Emi if you left, and it was the busiest it had been.
"Go, now." She says more firmly, waving you away with one of her aged hands.

And so you do. More than willingly.
The second you step outside, the near silence is almost overwhelming, and you feel your body completely deflate. Your shoulders lower, and every single joint in your body loosens. You had no idea how tense you had been all day.
And so you head home, not even stopping at the store for a pick-me-up snack or drink. Your head was hurting too much. You wanted to sit in the dark, in silence, now.
Honestly, you probably should have left your car at work with the state you were in and just walk home, but you managed to get home just fine.
When you step through the door, the last thing you expect to see is Dabi's boots by the welcome mat.
You roll your head back.
The one time you needed to be alone.

"You're home early." He says, a little suspiciously as you walk into your living room, ignoring him lounging over your couch in his usual way as you close the blinds, but open the windows for fresh air.
"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks, confused. You look at him with squinted eyes, trying to block out any excess lights.
"Migraine." You say simply, before walking to the bathroom and rifling through your medicine cabinet. You're a little relieved that Dabi doesn't follow you.
You knock back a couple of the pills the doctor had given you for times like this, cupping some water into your hand and swallowing it with the pills, looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing a very pale, clammy and tired looking version of yourself staring straight back.

You shed your clothes while walking from the bathroom to the living room, needing to be cold. You don't miss the way Dabi's eyes light up the second you come back into his view again.
"You can stay but you have to be quiet until these pills kick in, 'kay?" You say, dropping your pants to the floor carelessly before flopping onto the couch next to him, your knees pressed to your chest, your chin resting on them as you close your eyes.
You don't see it, but you can safely assume his hopeful look fades from his face at that.
"What did you take?" He asks, genuinely curious.
"Fucked if I know." You sigh. "Something for migraines. Shh."
Surprisingly he does stop talking. You're almost a little surprised considering how much he seemed to like pushing you at times. You suppose pain is something he knows all too well, and sometimes when you're in pain, all you want is silence.

"You need to relax more." He suddenly whispers, his voice sounding close to your ear, and you jolt, seeing how close he actually was to you and how he'd done it so quietly.
His indifferent look doesn't change at your surprise, and his warm, rough hands gently pull you into a more eased position, your head lying on his lap, your body outstretched across the rest of the couch.
"You're too warm." You inform him, going to lift your head, to move away from him.
Quickly, he grabs a pillow, putting it on his lap and pushing your head onto it as gently as he could.
Surprisingly he was right. Lying like this seemed to relieve a bit of the tension from the back of your head, but the pain behind your eyes still wasn't fading.
You close your eyes, but still wince every time the pain picks up. You only know the tablets have taken effect when the pain dampens a little, only to be replaced by a feeling of nausea.
"Damn it." You hiss, gulping loudly.
"What?" Dabi says, his voice suspicious from above you.
"These tablets always work but they just make you feel sick." You explain, grimacing when you remember Dabi had a weird thing about throw up. "It sucks."

There's a short silence between you both before Dabi sighs.
"Well, it wouldn't be the first time you've been sick on me." He jokes, but you note the weakness in his voice.
"Sorry." You apologise, wincing again as another throb of pain overtakes your skull.
He shifts slightly underneath you, but you remain on his lap, your eyes squeezed shut as you try to ride out the pain in your own head.
"Just try to sleep it off, princess." He says with a small sigh. "I'm stuck here now."
You'd love to roll your eyes at his comment. After all, he was the one that placed you like this.
"Don't try anything funny then." You try to joke.
He gives one dry chuckle, shifting again underneath you.
"Nah, not while there's a chance you could puke." He says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.

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