The Way You Touch, The Way You Taste

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The longer your date went on, the more Dabi lessened his efforts to keep his thoughts on anything other than what you were wearing under your dress.
He began imagining certain scenarios and laughing a little to himself when you'd pick up on his thoughts amongst the mass of other cluttered noise in the bar, the perverseness of some of them enough to make you stutter and stumble over your sentences, your face burning.
It was like he was actually enjoying using your Quirk to mess around with you for once, a knowing smirk gracing his features as you squirm a little occasionally.

"You wouldn't." You breathe as you pick up on the image he'd conjured up in his head of him clearing the place out just to bend you over the table.
"Wouldn't I?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, that smug look never leaving his face even for a second.
He even makes a show of pretending to get up, you instantly grabbing one of his scarred arms to yank him back down.
A flash of an emotion you don't recognise crosses over his face moments before he gives a small smile and sits back down, his stoicism returning again.

"Don't pull on me like that again doll, yeah?" He says, his voice cold in comparison to the warm thumb that runs over your jawline. "Gonna go smoke."
You're a little confused by the complete u-turn in his attitude.
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."You begin to apologise, only to be cut off by him as he leans close to your ear.
"Be a good girl and wait here for me, 'kay?" He asks, his breath warm against the side of your neck.
You squeak as his hand travels up your skirt again, squeezing your thigh tight before he's up and gone, leaving you blinking in confusion.

You can't imagine that anyone would put up a fight if he wanted to smoke in here. From the looks of it everyone is a little scared of him, and wouldn't dare speak up.
A more petty side of you is irritated that he'd grant this place the respect to not smoke inside but oftentimes sat on the windowsill and smoked out of the window at your home.
You swirl your now empty glass absentmindedly as you wait, trying to ignore the headache beginning to form from the sheer amount of thoughts in one place.

You can feel the people that were too scared to stare at you while Dabi was around start to stare again, another thing you try to ignore.
He's gone for a while. Longer than his cigarettes usually take. To the point that you actually wonder if he's going to come back. He certainly hadn't seemed happy when he'd walked off.
You begin to chew your lip, completely in your own head before a voice pierces through the mess of your own thoughts and everyone elses.
"You alright?" Dabi asks, a slight frown pulling thin eyebrows together as he looks down at you.

You jolt a little, but nod, putting your glass down.
"Yeah, yeah-" You begin.
"Wanna get outta here?" He says, grinning wide enough to show his tongue running over his sharp canines.
"Actually, yeah." You sigh. You were at your limit with your Quirk, and you wanted to be somewhere quiet now.
"C'mon then, princess." He ushers with a dark flash in his eyes.
You heard what he was thinking, and you didn't mind it. At least you'd be in a quiet room.
You slide out from the booth, Dabi standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets, either knowing or unknowingly shielding you from other patrons eyes as you pull your skirt down a little more.

He wraps an arm around your shoulders, keeping you close as he walks you out of the bar, and further into the cluster of buildings.
"This place is huge." You mumble to yourself as you look around.
You can't quite believe how big it is, people milling everywhere and rooms upon rooms laid in front of you.
"Mm. Worked hard for it." He mutters back, sounding almost a little sour.

You look at him curiously, before he smirks and grips both of your arms, pushing you back against a door.
You yelp in surprise as the door opens easily behind you, Dabi immediately swallowing the sound as he presses his lips against yours hurriedly, his grip on you the only thing stopping you from toppling over.
That photo must have really done a number on him.
"Da-" You try to say against his lips as he continues kissing you fervently.
He pushes you backwards until your back is pressed up against a wall, his hands moving to your hips to hike you up with ease.

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