When They Step In Your House...

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Sota still wasn't picking up your calls three days later, and your mental state was declining more and more each day. You barely got through the work day, and then by the time you were home, you were too exhausted to do much outside of collapsing onto your couch or your bed.
Dabi was left to bring food for you both after he was done doing whatever he does when he wanders off. He occasionally made food in your kitchen, if he could find ingredients around he could use to cook the few recipes that he seemed to know.

Blue seemed to know that something was wrong, and chose to stay near to you instead of Dabi for once which was also pretty nice, too.
Dabi was hanging out of the window smoking, half an eye on the TV as you and Blue cuddled together on the sofa when the doorbell rings out.
It startles you all, the noise unfamiliar in your home. You slowly lean up on your elbow to peer over at Dabi, who's looking coldly at you, flicking his ash outside the window.
You can already tell what he's thinking without even conversing with him, from the look on his face alone you could tell that he was assuming it was Hawks.

The doorbell goes again, and for a second, your heart lifts, and you hope that it's Sota come to talk face to face with you.
With maybe a little too much optimism, you sit up fully and motion for Dabi to hide. He looks a little sour about it, but is obedient and flicks his cigarette out of the window, plucking Blue off of the sofa and carrying him off to the bedroom with him.
You open the door, a small and hopeful smile pulling the corners of your mouth upwards.
Until you see who's on the other side.

You barely get a chance to react before there's a sharp sting to the side of your face, the slap delivered with such force that your head swings to the side, your eyes wide and watering.
At least she was wearing gloves.
"Junichiro?!" She asks, her voice high pitched in disbelief.
"Boss, I-" You begin to say, only for her to cut you off.
"You just have a thing for my partners? Is that it?" She asks, her red eyes furious, the grey seeming to have taken over the other half of her hair too, leaving a small patch of black left. "How sad. You can't find your own or something?"

"That's not..." You begin to deny, and she shoves you backwards into your home.
"I felt sorry for you!" Sota's boss yells, pushing you again while you were off-balance. "When you came in all burned. You..."
She grabs at your hair, earning a yelp of surprise from you as she yanks at it.
You had never been in a situation like this before. You'd never really gotten into a fight in your entire life, but honestly, with your luck at the moment, you probably shouldn't be surprised that the first one you find yourself in is with someone that had a Quirk that destroyed their last apartment.

"Why me?" She asks quietly.
"Look, it's not like how you're saying." You manage to say through gritted teeth.
"Oh, so you didn't sleep with Junichiro?" She asks sarcastically. "Ren's a liar?"
"I didn't know he was-"
"Liar." She snaps, her hands trembling as she retracts them from your hair.
And bless her, she actually doesn't believe you. Her thoughts are a angry, red tinted mess, but she really does hold him in high enough esteem still to not think he'd lie about having a woman in his life already.
You actually feel a little sorry for her.

"Not to be a dick, but he literally beat you. You think he's beyond lying about having you at home?" You reply, your voice full of pity.
This doesn't soothe her. In fact, those crimson eyes flash sharply and she lunges for you again, but you have enough time to grab her shoulders to stop her gripping your hair again, trying to push her outside of your house as she practically growls in anger at you.
"Don't you dare talk about that when you don't know." She seethes. "He was all nice to you from what I hear. Lucky you."

There's a tinge of hurt in her voice now, and your face falls.
"Look, I promise nothing happened with Hawks." You try to reassure. "I'm sure he's lovely, but he's not my type."
"Sure he is, your type is my boyfriends- oh wait, sorry, my fiancé." She simpers with as much sarcasm as a person could possibly muster.
She wasn't going to believe you. You could hear it all in her mind. She didn't believe you about Junichiro, because you could read minds, so how couldn't you have known about her? She wouldn't believe you if you told her the simple truth of the fact he just didn't think about her when you were together.

Which, admittedly, would be a very brutal thing to tell her anyway when she was already down, and potentially destructive.
She wasn't going to believe you about Hawks, either, after seeing the photographs. You hadn't seen them yourself, but they must have been compromising enough for her and Sota to believe it so thoroughly.
You're about to open your mouth, to try and politely request that she leaves because you weren't going to get anywhere, and you didn't want to fight when she speaks again.

"I was happy." She says, her voice barely above a whisper, her anger morphing into something more vulnerable. "I was healing."
"I'm glad to hear that." You reply, slowly reaching to try and pat her shoulder, to try to get her out of your house. "Just-"
'Talk to him, figure it out.'
You're about to say when the anger reappears, her ungloved hand  snatching at your wrist and dissolving your hoodie as you squeal in surprise.
"You fucking ruined everything." She hisses, completely aloof to the fact that she'd just destroyed an item of your clothing that so easily could have been yourself, leaving nothing but a pile of dust coating your skin and piling on the floor.

You take a couple steps back, her taking steps forward each time, refusing to give any distance between you both.
You trip over Dabi's boots in your panic, falling to the floor with a loud thump, your coccyx screaming out as you land.
"My whole life..." She begins before stopping herself to frown down at you. "I hate you. I feel so sorry for Sota having to have a sibling like you."
The words sting more than you expect them to, almost physically feeling your heart break in two.
"That's not nice, Hana." Dabi's hoarse voice suddenly comments from behind you.
Her head shoots upwards, confusion at her birth name being used filling her head, shortly replaced by fear when she sees Dabi standing with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall casually.
"What the fuck?" She asks, her eyes widening.

"What're you doing?" You hiss at him.
"Standing up for you." He replies, pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on. "Seein' as you won't do it for yourself."
He approaches the woman who had been grabbing at you so eagerly before, making her back off with each step.
"Maybe shouldn't be throwin' stones in glass houses." He says, his voice low and dangerous. "Your family wasn't perfect either, huh?"
She blinks in disbelief, fragmented memories returning and flicking through her mind quickly.
"I'd recognise that Quirk anywhere." Dabi snorts. "Congrats on being an aunt by the way."
This doesn't help her confusion, her mind going to her underage adoptive sibling. "What?"

He blinks a couple times himself before his mouth twists into a grin, his foot tapping a couple times on the floor.
"Oh, you don't know?" He asks teasingly. "You're dumb enough to not have pieced it together yet... Or he just has he just not told you yet?"
The mostly-silver haired woman furrows her brows in confusion.
"You should see him with her. Can't stand it when I make jokes about Tomo." Dabi grins widely, remembering a vivid scene of Hawks nearly knocking him off his chair once making a joke about the girl they called 'Fireworks' giving birth to a less than favourable child.

Your face feels as though the colour drains from it when you realise the implication, as well as realise what he meant in regards to 'knowing that Quirk anywhere'.
The woman opposite is still completely confused, her eyebrows furrowing and then loosening as she continues to back away, in too much shock to really realise what it was that was happening.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She replies, hand reaching behind her for the exit.
"Ignorance it is." Dabi chuckles, before his face goes completely stoic. "Ever fuckin' touch her again, and I'll make sure that I finish off the job Tomura started of cleansin' your bloodline."

He grabs at the front of her shirt in one swift movement, yanking her up so that his nose is practically pressed against hers.
Her body goes limp and her brain shuts off completely, likely some kind of trauma response from her time with Junichiro.
You feel guilty, but can barely scramble back up in time to grab Dabi's arm and get him to stop it.
"And if you're smart, you'll keep your fuckin' mouth shut about me being here. Feathers burn quickly. Trust me. I've tried."

He sneers down at her for a moment before letting her go.
She scrambles to the front door quickly, not even looking back as she runs off.
The whole thing feels like a fever dream, and your face is frozen in its look of shock as Dabi helps you up, his nose running against your jawline softly the second you're stood, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your temple.
"Lets get you warmed up, princess." He murmurs, hands moving to brush the dust off your body before grabbing your hand in his and tugging you back to where you had been on the sofa.

"What..." You murmur, feeling your own brain overload and begin to shut down too.

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