There's The Door

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You practically ran to the car, climbing into it at a speed you didn't even know was possible before today. It wasn't until you were about to clip yourself in that you remembered you were invisible, and even worse, your car was also invisible.
You grimace, looking over at Nakamura, who was standing amongst the others, looking down at the restrained man. He wasn't even needed over there, none of them had even acknowledged that he might have been with them. You couldn't drive home, or anywhere far, far away from here until Nakamura deactivated his Quirk. It'd be too dangerous to risk driving like this.
Shigaraki begins raising his voice, you can hear it even from where you sat, and the second his hands begin inching a little too close to the soon-to-be victim, you look away, staring at the opposite window for a second before squeezing your eyes shut as a loud scream rings out.
The scream is unlike anything you've heard before, it's bloodcurdling, desperate. And it immediately tears you from reality.
Within hearing that scream, it's almost like your soul leaves your body. You can almost feel your brain turn off, your mind going completely empty, your ears beginning to ring ever so slightly.

Your body begins to tingle slightly, and nothing feels real. You touch your face, as if to check you were still awake, still real.
You jolt a little when the car door opens, Nakamura sliding into the passenger seat.
"Not to rush you, but you gotta go if you don't want the backup to get ya." He says, casually pulling his seatbelt over himself. He looks over at you after, immediately showing concern. "You alright? You don't look so good."
"Fine." You reply, your voice dead as it leaves you.
You find your body going into autopilot, driving away from the still-screaming man on the floor as if nothing had happened.
You can't remember anything that happened from that point onwards. You don't remember if you spoke to Nakamura again as you drove him to where you'd picked him up from. You don't remember the drive back to your own home, and you don't remember what you'd done when you finally had gotten home.
You only become aware of what's happening again when your front door opens, immediately drawing your attention. You hadn't even heard any knocking. You immediately back up further into the couch, suddenly aware that you had just been... sat there.

"Why didn't you open up?" Dabi asks, a frown clear on his face even from where you sit.
"Didn't hear you knock." You reply, your voice still as dead as it had been earlier.
He stands by the front door for a few moments, seeming to look you over from the distance. Even your Quirk seems dulled. You can hear his thoughts, but they're almost unreachable whispers compared to how clear peoples thoughts usually were to you.
"You good?" He asks, his voice bored and indifferent like always.
"Peachy." You reply, trying to add a little bit of sarcasm into your voice.
He continues standing a good few feet away from you wordlessly, his shoulders slouched, his hands casually planted in his pockets like usual. Just another Tuesday to him.
"You don't look so good." He says with a small shrug.
"Gee, I wonder why." You reply, the sarcasm beginning to come a little more naturally now. Feeling seems to return to your hands too.
Dabi chuckles lowly, finally crossing the room to crouch in front of you, cocking his head as his cold blue eyes bore into you.
"Come on, princess. Don't be so sour. I made it so you wouldn't get into trouble, didn't I?" He asks, his hand reaching to caress your cheek.

Without thinking, you slap his hand away, hard.
One of his eyes twitches, his lips curling for a fraction of a second before that same stoic look he permanently wears returns.
"First warning." He says simply, his eyes icy as he looks at you.
You look fearlessly back at him. You were pissed off, and you weren't going to be made to feel like you were in the wrong for it. Sure, he'd tried his hardest to make it fair on you by calling in Nakamura to make it so you yourself wouldn't be caught, but you'd still had to be in a room full of murderers, of highly wanted criminals. You'd still had to drive two strangers to the scene of a crime. You still had to use your Quirk for someone else's gain. You still heard those screams.
You both stare at each other for what feels like hours before he relents, smirking at you.
"Anyway, I've come to make good on my promise. That'll cheer ya up, I'm sure." He says, his voice as playful as it tended to get.
He moves towards you, his arms caging you in on the couch as his face moves towards your neck.

Your foot flies up to his chest, stopping him from moving any closer to you. You don't miss the sour look that takes over his face, his thin eyebrows knitting closely together.
"I don't want to." You say, your voice stern and final. "I feel weird."
Dabi glares at you for a second, before sighing and moving away from you again.
He doesn't ask it, it comes out as more of a statement. As though your statement was a massive inconvenience to him.
"Probably because I was forced into aiding and abetting." You reply bluntly.
You both stare at each other again, neither of you willing to relent to the other, fire meeting ice.
"I did what I could." He eventually says, slowly, as though it was taking real effort for him to keep his cool.
"You could have not involved me." You reply, simply. "I have no intention of being involved with any of you. It was beyond fucked up of you to force my hand into doing that for you!"

You realise actually just how angry you are when you're yelling at him by the end of the sentence. You wince a little as you realise you were yelling at the man who, just hours before, had murdered several cops and heroes right before your very eyes.
He doesn't seem shaken however, the only sign that he was even mildly pissed off being the fact his eyebrows were getting more and more knitted together, and the heat that radiated off his body getting ever hotter.
"I came all this way for you." He says simply.
You can't help but feel offended by the statement, as though he was trying to insinuate that because he'd made the effort to come to your home, you somehow owed him.
"I didn't ask you to." You reply bluntly, crossing your arms over your chest.
You hear his less than favourable thoughts of you the second that you say it, and you don't care too much about them either. You weren't going to be bullied into a second situation you were unhappy with today.
You both continue staring wordlessly at each other, the tension thick between you.
"You on your period or something?" He sneers.

You see red. No pun intended.
"You fucking..." You hiss in disbelief. "No, Dabi, I'm not on my period. I'm pissed off that I was put in a highly uncomfortable position for you to get some back pats for finding someone with such a good Quirk for you all to take advantage of."
His eyebrows become more and more tight-knit as you continue talking, your voice becoming more and more raised again.
"You treated me like some kind of performing monkey, and I hate that." You growl. "If you're too dense to figure out why I'd be mad about what you did today and would rather be a total misogynist about it, go straight ahead, but you can walk out of that door and never come back."
You point at your front door, your hand trembling slightly despite your best efforts to not be scared of the potential outcome. You see the anger flit across his face for a split second as he stands, towering over you.
"Watch it." He warns, his mouth curling into a snarl on one side of his face.
You keep your eyes fixed on him, refusing to back down.

The silence between you both feels like it goes on forever thanks to the ability his eyes seem to have of freezing time, but it's likely only a few seconds.
"If you're not going to apologise, I'd like you to leave." You say, your voice shaking a little bit.
He stares at you, his frown never easing. He looks down at you for a small amount of time before silently turning on his heel and leaving.
Your heart sinks.
You knew this would happen, really. You knew there was no chance he was going to acknowledge that he had done something wrong, but a tiny part of you had really hoped he'd at least try to apologise.

You can only stare at the back of his head as he leaves the house, slamming the door behind him hard enough for the floor to shake.

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