Aiding and Abetting

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You kind of just sit there staring for a second before Dabi motions irritably for you to follow him.
"Oh fuck." You whisper, pulling up the handbrake and unbuckling yourself. "Oh fuck. Oh shit."
You were in big trouble now, and there was no getting out of it. The second you left the car that'd be it. Game over. No more normal life, or at least a facade at having a normal life.
You slowly open the car door, having a mini crisis as you step outside, slowly walking to join Dabi as he enters the ruined building.
You're immediately met with a group of men, although Dabi's hand is tight around your wrist, you're unsure if it's a sign of possession or a warning for you to behave.
"Guys." Dabi greets lazily.
"You're late." A pale haired man says, his scarred and damaged face pulled up into a snarl.
He's in a really bad mood, you can feel it just from the aura coming off him alone, without even hearing his thoughts. He's pissed at Dabi for showing up late when he'd asked him to call in someone extra for help.
"You know what women are like. She didn't wanna get out of bed." Dabi shrugs.

The pale haired man looks straight at you, his crimson eyes piercing straight through you as he finally regards you properly, his eyes running up and down you. You suddenly wish you'd put more effort into getting dressed properly after Dabi had begun rushing you out of the door.
"This the mind reader?" He asks, glancing back over at Dabi.
"I told you I'd bring her." Dabi replies, tucking a cigarette behind his ear.
The crimson eyes move back to you, piercing straight through your soul.
"We have an invisibility Quirk for you." He says bluntly. "You'll have to pick him up though."
"A invisi-" You begin to say, only to be cut off by an irritated grunt.
"We don't have time to explain everything. Just get the information like planned." He sneers, pulling out a disembodied hand from his pocket and placing it on his face.
That's what makes you realise you're standing in front of the most feared man in Japan, Tomura Shigaraki. The realisation sends a cold chill down your spine. You don't know what you expected, but you hadn't assumed you'd meet the leader of The League of Villains.

"Wheres your girl, Boss?" Dabi asks a little dryly, breaking Shigaraki's rather intense glare at you.
Shigaraki's one visible eye rolls towards Dabi who is shooting just as equal a sharp look back at him.
Eventually the sound of creaking wood draws everyones attention, and everyone turns to look at a pink haired girl as she walks down the stairs.
The pink haired healer you'd seen in Dabi's thoughts. She looked tired, and her bones made the most horrific sounds as she walked down the stairs, yawning.
Who you could safely assume was Kana's brother immediately reached his hand out to help her down the stairs.
They talk quietly between each other briefly before Dabi walks straight up to her, ruffling her hair like your siblings would do to you.
"Mornin'." He greets.
Her hands land either side of his chest, shoving him slightly as he grins. Suddenly your eyes meet hers, and just like everyone else, her first thought is about how intense your gaze is, so you drop your eyes to your feet.
You flush a little when she thinks about how pretty you are.
"This is Nezumi." Shigaraki introduces gruffly.
You look back up at her curiously, and she looks you up and down, her eyes a lot softer than Dabi's and Shigaraki's.

"Hello." She says, her voice barely caring through the room full of thoughts.
"Hi." You offer back with a small smile.
She was tired and wary, but nowhere near threatening. She gave off a pretty calming vibe compared to the rest of the room.
"So she's joining us?" Kanas brother asks curiously, and your natural instinct is to shake your head immediately.
"Nah, she just owes me a couple favours is all." Dabi says with a small shrug, pulling the cigarette out from behind his ear and placing it between his lips.
"Favours?" The pink haired girl asks, her face clearly scrunched up in confusion. She thinks about how she has no clue Dabi had any friends outside of their little circle.
Dabi remains silent, lighting his cigarette with a small flame from his finger. You look away, embarrassed.
You're actually thankful when Shigaraki perks back up again.
"You'll be going with Nezumi and Nakamura." He informs her.
"Nakamura?" She asks, sounding a bit distrustful. You suddenly get images of a few of her interactions with this Nakamura guy, who looked like a complete unit compared to Dabi and Shigaraki.

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