I Won't Stop Till You're Shakin'

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It was almost too good to be true.
Dabi was being so attentive. After you had managed to peel yourself off of him, and clean yourselves up, Dabi had pulled you to his chest.
And he wouldn't let go.
You lay there with your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head every so often, sometimes accidentally pulling strands of your hair in his staples as he pulled away.
You didn't mind that too much.

You had lay there in silence initially, perfectly content just listening to his heartbeat. But you do begin to tell him about what it has been like since you'd last seen him, and he listens, humming in acknowledgment and apologising, kissing your head whenever you expressed any kind of anxiety about him and what he was capable of.
And his thoughts help confirm that he was genuinely sorry, as he beats himself up internally for the way those texts he'd sent in a drugged-up stupor had made you feel.
He really, really didn't want you to be scared of him.
You couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't just be like this from the start, though.

"I'll have to go back soon." He ends up saying after a little while of silence between you, rubbing his cheek against your head, even though it was likely he would catch his staples in your hair by doing that.
You're not even mad, you expect it. You just don't really want this tenderness to end just yet.
"You'll have to." You repeat, almost a little dully.
"Don't be like that." He sighs, tipping your head back so you have to look him right in those cyan eyes of his.
You pout a little. "You always leave after."
Dabi gives you a once over, with a small sigh before pressing a chaste kiss to your bottom lip.

"I'll make it up to you." He promises, his voice low and gravelly.
You recognise that tone.
"You will?" You ask softly back, leaning your head back for him as he begins to kiss down your throat.
"Mhm." He hums against your throat, licking a hot stripe up it. "Gonna take ya out for a drink or two... get ya dressed up real nice..."
He kisses down your chest slowly, only pausing to speak a few words at a time.
"Show you off an' make all the others jealous..."  He continues, running his tongue down to your naval teasingly, making your hips buck a little in anticipation. "Cause they'll be all like 'how'd that ugly prick get a model like her?'"

He presses a hard kiss to the spot above your bellybutton.
You furrow your brows a little at his insult towards himself. That seems a little out of character for him, but his tongue running down the lower half of your stomach, kissing just on your mound stops you from being able to say any words to chastise him with, only a low whine leaving you.
"You want it, princess?" He asks headily, looking up at you with lusted-over pale blue eyes.
You nod, the month or so without him apparently hitting you both hard, Dabi behaving just as needy and horny as you.

He groans, his eyes fluttering shut as he dives tongue first into your pussy, immediately brushing over your clit with the metal bar in the centre of his tongue.
Your back arches and your hands fly to his hair to ground yourself as well as encourage his movements.
The second your fingers wind into his hair, you feel his lips pull into a self-satisfied smirk, his hands splaying over your hips as he grips onto them tightly.
He gets you to your first peak embarrassingly easily, rolling his tongue lazily over your clit until you cried out and ground your body against his face.

It's intense enough for you to whimper from the slight overstimulation when he just doesn't let up after that.
"Shh." He hushes, kissing your inner thigh and looking up at you with fire in his eyes. "All I wanna hear are those pretty little moans."
You open your mouth to reply, only for you to be cut off with a moan when he begins licking at your oversensitive bundle of nerves again.
This time, you're soaked enough for him to slide his fingers inside you without any resistance, his fingers curling upwards, trying to find that soft spot in the innermost parts of you.
Your head rolling back and your thighs trembling either side of his head tell him when he's found it, a low groan leaving him before be starts relentlessly working those two sensitive areas again until you're coming undone below him once more, a broken wail leaving you.

"S'good." He mumbles, kissing your thigh once more but still lazily pumping his fingers inside you. "S'pretty."
You whimper again, trying to squirm away from him when his thumb moves to your poor overworked clit.
"Stay still." He mumbles, his lips brushing over your knee. "Need you to give me one more. You can do that, can't you?"
You could, but it was getting uncomfortable now, you were so sensitive that you were probably going to come again within seconds anyway.
You're unable to form words at this point, only able to give small pants, moans, and needy mewls.

"One more." He repeats, hiking your leg over his shoulder. "C'mon, princess. Give me what I want."
He speeds up, your voice cracking as you arch your back again, your thighs spasming as you try to hold back the volume that naturally wanted to come out in mind of your neighbours.
"Don't hold out on me." He mumbles, giving you a sharp look before removing his thumb from your clit and moving to begin working his tongue on you again.
Except his nose clumsily bumps your clit before he can run his wet muscle over you again and the reaction you give is embarrassingly intense.

Your whole body seizes, a shuddering moan tearing from your lungs, and you feel a small burst of liquid come from between your legs.
The second it happens, you panic, sitting up onto your elbows and looking at where Dabi's hand is gently still pumping into you.
You'd fucking squirted.
That had never ever happened before and you couldn't help the embarrassment forming as an intense heat in your cheeks.
Your eyes flash up to Dabi's face, but he's staring directly at your cunt, his scarred and gnarled bottom lip captured between his teeth.

"Fuck."  He hisses. "That was hot."
For some reason, this just makes your cheeks burn even hotter.
He pumps himself lazily a couple of times, still regarding you with his lip trapped between white teeth, but sighs, shaking his head.
"Nah. Gotta go." He grumbles, slowly removing his fingers from you.
You whimper at the loss, your entire body feeling too sensitive. You're boneless where you lay, practically in a starfish position when Dabi curls up next to you.
He presses his body into your side, his erection pressed against your thigh, with what you could only assume was precum sticking to your leg.

He wraps his leg and an arm around you, laying his head on your chest, nuzzling into the little home he'd made there.
You're a little fucked out, but you feel like he's warming up against you, like some kind of hot water bottle.
"You should go to sleep." He whispers, his thumb coursing over your side gently.
You still can't form a verbal reply, offering what you hoped sounded like a grunt of disagreement.
You didn't want to, because you knew when you woke up, he'd be gone.
Your eyes are already heavy though, and annoyingly, you are struggling to keep them open.

He stays still against you, curled up and clinging to you like a limpet.
Between the heat of his body, the afterglow of what you'd done all morning as well as the exhaustion your body was feeling all put up a good fight against you trying to keep yourself awake.
You manage to go what feels like a long time keeping yourself awake, but you do lose the battle eventually, despite how hard you tried to stay awake.

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