Memory Lane

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Dabi remains knelt in front of the silver haired woman in front of him, his presence still unsettling enough for her to remain folded up in a defensive position.
He doesn't want to intimidate her. Not really. But the less she knew about that, the better.
They remain like that for a little while, Dabi staring her down and her holding his eye contact for a long while before the pressure clearly gets to her.
She shifts her piercing yellow eyes to the side, clearing her throat.
"Um, so can I ask about what happened now?"

He stares at her for a second.
He doesn't really want to talk about it, no. Especially now he knows she has a pesky Quirk which could give away more than he was willing to share.
"I don't really feel like talkin' to you right now." He says coldly.
It wasn't a lie, but it could probably come off as cruel. She deserved to know, but he was kind of dreading how she would react.

He wants to internally berate himself for allowing himself to get some weird attachment to her. For stumbling into her house bloody and vulnerable, and allowing himself to find her attractive. For happening to come across that alleyway and seeing that stupid creep trying to undress her. And how quickly the flames of his rage had eaten at his skin before he even had the time to think about his reaction to seeing it happen.
But he has to keep it quiet for now.

"Tell ya what." He compromises, a lightbulb switching on internally.
He grips her face again, softer this time, and moves her face so she has no choice but to look at him directly.
"Tell me how your Quirk works." He all but orders, his eyes searching her face.
She looks forlorn, defeated, and Dabi could almost catch himself feeling sorry for her. But a quick reminder that she'd lied to him kept the ire inside him going strong.

"Mostly it's just internal voices." She answers quietly, but seemingly honestly. "But sometimes if the thought is strong enough, I can see images. Kind of like flashback scenes in movies, I guess?"
Dabi mulls this over, his thumb and fingers still placed either side of her face.
"So I could show you?" He asks, his eyes narrowing.
"I... You could try?" She says a little uncertainly. Dabi moves away from her slightly, his eyes moving away from her briefly as he considers the fact she clearly hadn't knowingly tried it before.
"I'm not sure I want to see it." She mumbles, drawing his attention back to her.

Heat has clearly risen to her face, and her eyes are half-lidded with embarrassment.
Dabi scowls slightly. He found it cute and he hated himself for it.
Instead of verbally saying anything, he releases her face, flopping in front of her and lazily crossing his legs.
Staring directly at her, he revisits the beginning of that night.

He'd been trying to score. It had been late, the early hours of the morning and he'd gone the night without sleep because his Quirk was threatening to burn him from the inside out. He'd needed a little aid, a painkiller strong enough to take away the discomfort he always found himself in when he overused his Quirk. But something that would also knock him out.
The dealer had sent him the exact co-ordinates to the same alleyway that Y/N had found herself in.

He really hadn't been expecting to see her. Especially not expecting to see her passed out on the ground, her silky silver hair messed up and spread around the filthy, hard pavement like a halo.
Especially not expecting to see her panties on show thanks to the disgusting creep who had taken it upon himself to start undressing her in public when she was clearly out for the count.
His body had acted before he had even thought things through, his lithe body swiftly cutting towards the stranger, and his rough fingers tangling themselves in the smaller mans brown hair.
The smell of burnt hair hit Dabi pretty quickly, which helped him register how angry he really was by the scene laid out in front of him.

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