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"Send the damn text!" Ren groans.
"Ren." Sota warns, as he dabs at your face.
You stare at your phone in your hands, chewing your lip as Sota begins applying the second skin to the burn on your face.
"She's scared. And she needs to make the decision by herself." Sota continues, his sharp yellow eyes trained on where he was picking at the outer plastic.
"I don't care! She's hurt! Aren't you even a little pissed off?!" Ren snaps, flinging his hands into the air in exasperation.
"Of course I am, but being angry gets us nowhere. She has feelings for him, so this is going to be hard, whether he 'accidentally' burned her or not." Sota quips back.

You don't take too kindly to the air quotations, but you keep your mouth shut anyway, your brain trained entirely on not blabbing about who it was that did this to you.
Ren huffs. "Read it again."
You take a deep, shaky breath before robotically reading out the text: "I don't think there's anything you can do to make this up to me, too much has been done now. Lets stop seeing each other."
'Don't let him bully you into sending that text.' Sota thinks, catching your eyes.

You swallow.
You didn't want to call it off. Annoyingly, you really liked him, and this was one of the hardest decisions you'd had to make.
But this was the second time he'd hurt you now, and you needed to at least try to put your foot down about it.
But now was the perfect timing. If he was having a bad pain day, that gave you at least a day of avoiding the wrath of turning him down.
"He done this before?" Sota asks, smoothing down the corner of the clear bandage.
You shake your head slightly, a lie.

Sota regards you distrustfully, but doesn't push the subject, rubbing his thumb gently over the second skin on your cheek to make sure it was all down properly.
"You should ditch him." Boss says, shaking her head in disbelief in the doorway. "Trust me, they always say 'never again', and then..."
She falls silent, and so do the boys.
You give her a quick once-over, she looked different. Her hair was now half-silver instead of the single streak she'd had ever since she was young. You wonder if she dyed it, or if it was just naturally that way now.
Sota shoots you a pointed glance after she speaks, and you frown at him.
'Now really isn't the time to preach at me.' You think, moving your jaw up and down to test how tight it was on your skin.

'This guy might win the award of biggest piece of shit!' Ren continues to fume. "Who burns the person they're seeing?!"
Boss regards you with a soft, understanding smile, and for a second you feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world.
'She still doesn't know.' You comment mentally.
Sota shrugs ever-so-slightly.
'Thank you.' You add, looking at him softly. He doesn't really react fondly, standing up and looking away.
"This place becomin' a hospital or somethin'?" Kana asks gruffly, and you ignore his rudeness, instead choosing to try and be happy for them all that their friend had come back.

You hadn't really planned on coming here, but you knew that the aftercare ritual they used in-studio was the same people used for burns, and you knew Sota would happily help you out with free materials.
You hadn't known she would be here. If you had, you wouldn't have come.
You hadn't been able to face her since finding out Junichiro was in a seriously committed relationship with her the entire time he'd been with you. You'd nearly spun back around when you'd seen her upstairs grinning and talking to Kana.
"Didn't you get fucked up in here once?" Ren snaps.
Sota chuckles a little, replaying the memory in his head for you to see. You can't help but smirk a little, too.
"Guys..." Boss sighs.

"Well, I'll get going." You say, getting up and more than ready to flee so you don't have to be around her any longer, you were feeling guiltier and guiltier by the second, regardless of her having moved on and found happiness with the number two hero, of all people.
"No you do not!" Ren exclaims, reaching to grab your wrist.
You squeak, a little surprised to have a cold hand wrapped around your arm instead of a hot one for once.
"You gotta send that text first!" Ren says stubbornly, reaching for your phone with his other hand.
Sota shoots him a sharp look, but he ignores it, jumping to reach for your phone as you hold it above your head.

What you didn't expect was for Kana, the giant of a heteromorph, to stand up behind you, snatch your phone from your hand and click send, placing it back in your hand.
You stare at him in disbelief, and in a little horror. You hadn't seen him in years, and were by no means friendly enough for it to be acceptable for him to do that.
Well there was no taking that one back now. You'd have to commit to that one.
"Kana!" Sota snaps, genuinely angry, a rarity for him.
"What?" Kana shrugs, crossing his arms. "Ren woulda bitched about it all day if I didn't do that."

They all start bickering like they used to as kids, while Boss tried to calm them down.
Some things really never do change.
You take the opportunity to call out a thanks, hoping someone would hear it, and make a rush for the stairs.
You're in such a hurry to leave, your eyes trained on your feet, that you don't see a pair of black boots before it's far too late and you crash right into the body of someone else.
"Woah, easy there." The playful voice teases as you recover, only to realise in horror that it's Hawks.
At least he wasn't the one with the mind reading Quirk here.

"I'm sorry." You bow quickly, trying to pass him on the side.
"Oop! No siree! Bad luck to cross on stairs." He chuckles, reversing down the steps. "Hey, what happened to your face?"

"Nothing. Gotta go." You say dismissively before rushing out of the door.

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