Treat Me Right

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Dabi allows it to happen, because of course he does.
His lips part immediately, his body shifting as he leans over you, his arms caging you in underneath him as you refuse to let go of his face, your tongue sliding over his as you graze your hands from the sides of his face to his hair, gripping it slightly.
He groans a little, his fists tightening on the bedsheets underneath you, you can feel it from how tight the sheets go underneath your weight.
You use your grip on his hair to lower his body closer to your own, nipping at his gnarled bottom lip and tugging at it gently.
His eyes meet yours as you use that method to slow yourself down, his own breath heavy as you move your hands to the sides of his face again, gently using your thumbs to trace over the scarring. He leans into it a little. It's only slight, but you can definitely tell that his heads leaning a little heavier on one side as he looks down at you.
You were getting to a stage now where you were beginning to be able to tell when his eyes were intentionally harsh, and when they were just him generally looking at you. With eyes that light blue, and such an unbothered expression all the time, you kind of understand why his stare could be so nerve-wracking.

And right now, you were getting the feeling that he was giving you the Dabi version of puppy-dog eyes.
"Don't look at me like that." You scoff softly, still tracing over his scarred cheeks with your thumbs.
"Like what?" He asks, his voice low as well, a smirk tugging at his lips as he tries to close the distance between you both again.
You slip a little further from him, practically lying underneath him now, and his eyes pierce through you even through strands of his drying hair.
"You playin' hard to get, little one?" He asks playfully, moving his face so his nose is ghosting over your cheek, until his lips are hovering over yours again.
"I'm not little..." You breathe, the new nickname immediately sending butterflies to your stomach.
"Yeah? Cause where I'm at right now, you're lookin' pretty little." He teases, his bottom lip gently dragging over yours.
You completely melt into it, allowing a gentle kiss on your bottom lip to turn into a passionate and heated kiss again, him moving himself so one of his legs was between yours, the other pressed tight against the side of your thigh as he leans over you fully.

His body is heating up already, you can feel it as he hovers above you.
You almost let out a whimper of disappointment when he moves away from kissing you, his tongue and lips running and kissing down your chin, your throat, stopping to nip at the sensitive skin there occasionally, before he starts kissing along your shoulder.
You're about to complain about how slow he was moving for once when he lowers his body onto yours fully and you quickly realise just how into this he was as well as the familiar feeling of a thick muscle grinds against your core slowly.
Your head tips back as you let out a stifled moan.
"Feelin' that good already huh?" He asks, his lips practically pressed against your earlobe as he repeats the same grinding action again, except letting out a little groan of his own.
"S-stop stalling." You pant, shoving him lightly, only earning yourself a chuckle from him.
"It's called foreplay." Dabi says, and you can hear the smirk in his voice as he says it. You scowl a little at his  smugness, but his eyes finally meeting yours is enough to rid you of your attitude.

Everything about his looks today are soft, vulnerable. He's attempted to let you in, only a little bit, but it's something. So when you see him looking down at you with an actual genuine playful smile instead of a smug smirk, you heart flutters. There's something so normal about the expression compared to his usual aloof and dismissive demeanour that you almost feel like you've finally broken through the ice and found the real person inside Dabi.
His lips touch your skin again, kissing across your shoulder to the centre of your chest, kissing down to the material of your bra, tugging it with his teeth with eager eyes when he gets there, silently asking for permission.
You sit up, allowing easier access for him to slide the material off you with warmer than average hands, his palms sliding up your body sending electric shocks all through your being.
Your mind's a little hazed over as you lie back down, sure. But you were pretty sure this was the closest you'd gotten to both being completely bare in front of each other.

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