If Looks Could Kill, You'd Do Better Than A Shotgun Shell

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You slide into a booth together once retrieving your drinks, Dabi's warm leg pressed up to your exposed one.
The drink was on the house, but you suppose that didn't matter too much. What mattered was that there was a semblance of effort being made in regards to you behaving like as much of a normal couple as possible, spending time with each other outside of your own home.
He leans on his fist, practically turning his back to the rest of the room to focus entirely on you.
This didn't mean that he wasn't on guard though. You could hear his paranoid thoughts, although they were muted, at the back of his mind.

He was trying not to ruin the date.

"So..." Dabi muses, making no effort to hide the fact he's looking you up and down slowly as if he were a predator and you were his prey, a small smirk tugging at his upper lip. "How's my son?"
You scoff, smiling and rolling your eyes as you lift your drink to your lips.
"If he's your son, you can start paying child support." You joke back.
"I pay it in cuddles an' tuna." Dabi grins, his eyes fixated on your lips as you sip your cocktail.
You blink in shock. You'd been finding cans of tuna at the front door for the past week, and had assumed someone in the neighbourhood had taken a liking to Blue. You couldn't blame them, he was adorable even with three legs and a chunk missing from his ear.

"That was you?!" You ask, shocked.
"Eh..." Dabi shrugs, a mischievous look crossing over his face. "My orders. Someone else delivered them."
He looks potentially the most amused you had ever seen him look, something about it smells of trouble, but with the other people in the bar, and with more entering, it was getting hard to distinguish them all from one another.
You're unsure if you're comfortable with Dabi sending one of his friends around with tuna for Blue, but you hadn't noticed anything out of place or suspicious since it had started happening, so you try to trust him.

"Getting people to do your dirty work for you huh?" You try joking along.
His grin widens, pulling at the staples that pin the corners of his mouth together. Flames of mischief dance in his eyes as he meets your gaze.
"New guy has a lot to prove." He replies simply, but there's a happily lilt to his voice.
"So you're getting him to feed my cat?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
He titters. "Cats don't like him."
"All of them?" You ask, confused.
Dabi's grin widens even more as he nods, his foot tapping a couple of times under the table. He really seems to be enjoying this exchange, he only ever taps his feet like that when he was particularly happy about something.
"Why?" You ask, wondering if it was Quirk-related or something.
"Well, he's basically a big bird, so..." Dabi chuckles, although his eyes are dark as he glances away from you, lifting his glass to mismatched lips.

"Big bird?" You repeat in confusion.
...And then it hits you.
Oh. Oh.
"Oh." You laugh, a little more nervously than you'd like. "Didn't realise that hazing was a requirement for new recruits."
Surely not. Surely not Hawks of all people. You'd only ever bumped into him once, but what you'd heard from Sota and Ren, he was one of the good heroes. He'd helped out when Ren's dad assaulted him. He'd protected Sota from Junichiro after he'd hurt him and he stopped other heroes from interrupting their business with their prejudice thanks to old fashioned views on tattoos and tattooing as a practice.

Dabi hums thoughtfully, swirling the liquid in the glass lazily.
"That wasn't a challenge." You deadpan, picking up on a few of his thoughts amongst the mess of others.
His eyes snap up to meet yours again, a playful glint in them, that signature Dabi smirk reappearing.
A warm hand settles on your thigh, and Dabi's stare turns a little more heated.
"Didja miss me?" He asks, running his hand up underneath the tight skirt of your dress, his fingertips grazing your panties slightly.
You stiffen, your eyes widening and your hackles raising.
"Don't." You hiss, swatting his hand away.
Dabi gives a 'hm', but is obedient and removes his hand from under your dress, his calloused thumb rubbing your knee a couple of times before he retracts his arm fully away from you.

"You didn't answer my question."
"Of- of course I did." You admit, shifting a little to rearrange your dress. "The house is cold without you."
He chuckles dryly.
"Give me a kiss then." He requests playfully, putting his drink down and leaning closer to you, one of the stapled corners of his mouth turned upwards.
You are happy to oblige, leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. His hand is at the back of your head in an instant, stopping you from being able to pull away.

You share a couple more shallow kisses before Dabi himself pulls away, pressing a dry kiss to your cheek and letting go of your head.
"Missed ya too, gorgeous." He teases, glancing away yet again with a smug grin as he continues sipping his drink again.
"You've been talking more." You comment, playing with your glass. "While you're away, I mean."
"Yeah well Toga said-" He cuts himself off, shrugging. "Said I'd try, didn't I?"
"Its nice here." You try, changing the subject, sensing his defensiveness. "Do you like it? Must be nice living normally."
His jaw tightens for some reason, but he offers a tight smile. "It ain't too bad."

"You have a place here?" You ask curiously. It looked like the whole complex was connected to one large building.
His pink tongue runs over his scarred bottom lip, his teeth catching the skin afterwards.
"You'll find out later." He replies, his voice low.
"Will I?" You challenge for the fun of it.
He grins at your sass, the light bouncing off the staples that line his face. He always did seem to like when you had a little fight in you for some reason.
"Don't pretend you don't want to." He replies. "Sendin' photos like that..."
He seems to bite his lip at the memory, his thoughts telling you that he actually had memorised the photo with how clear he can recollect it.

"Unless..." He continues, his eyes lidding even more as he ducks to whisper in your ear. "You want me to fuck you here?"
Your face heats up immediately, and you back away from him slightly, revealing his cold eyes looking up at you through white eyelashes, that smirk sitting loyally on his lips.
You mentally question whether he'd always had white eyelashes. You feel like you'd definitely have noticed that before, considering the mass of black hair atop his head.
He raises an eyebrow, expecting an answer.
"Pervert." You scoff, deciding to ask about his white eyelashes later.
He smiles broadly, chuckling as he leans back. "Who could blame me, doll?"

You glance around the room. More than a few people were staring at you both, seeming to be in awe of your interactions with each other.
You squirm a little in your seat. You knew this was his intention, he wanted to show you off, and he was relishing in the fact that he knew people were watching.
You don't love the attention, though. You were used to flying under the radar, never drawing too much attention, and a lot of people avoiding drawing your attention on account of how piercing your eyes were.
Dabi picks up on your discomfort, his head snapping so he can shoot a sharp look at the rest of the room.

They all look away instantly, busying themselves with their own drinks and company.
You don't blame them, you'd been at the other end of that stare before, and knew just how terrifying it could be.
You smile gratefully as he turns around, enjoying his presence in a new setting.

"Any gossip?" You ask, turning the topic away from sex, trying to treasure this moment of relative normalcy while you can.

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