They Call Me Homewrecker

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Dabi, surprisingly, stays for a few days.
It's nice having him around, and it's especially nice having more than just Blue waiting for you when you get home from work.
It was nice having someone to wake up to, his warm body like a giant hot water bottle, and his hands a lot more gentle when he fucks you in the mornings.
It's nice actually having someone beyond yourself to cook for. Someone outside of Sota, Ren and Blue to spend time with, to play around with and to drink with in the evenings.
It all just feels normal. Homely, even.

You even begin getting into a bit of a routine, which seems far too easy to do.
Wake up, and depending on Dabi's level of consciousness, start the day off with lazy morning sex. Make yourself and Dabi a coffee for when he wakes back up again.
During this time, you solidify the fact that he is not a morning person.
You go to work happy, get through the day nice and easy, and practically rush home to see your partner and your cat curled up on the sofa, Dabi either asleep again or smoking with Blue curled up on his chest as he watches trash TV or the news.

And today was like every other.
You'd started it with a gentle kiss to Dabi's forehead. He'd been stirring all night, and was hot to the point that steam was leaking through his seams and you'd had to gently ease him awake a couple of times, lest you end up getting burned in your sleep.
His brows had furrowed slightly, but he'd remained asleep.
You'd made your coffee, and Dabi's, leaving it in it's usual place on the bedside table, next to the ashtray that lived there now.
You'd been on your way to work when Sota calls.

It's a little unusual for Sota to call so early on in the day, so you can't help but feel a little concerned as you pick up, waiting for the traffic lights to change.
"Really." You hear him state, not ask, the second you answer.
"Morning to you too." You roll your eyes.
There's silence on the other end of the line for a short while, and you actually check the screen to make sure you've not been disconnected as the lights change.
"Sota?" You ask, frowning.
"Was Junichiro not enough for you?" He asks, coldly.
"Excuse me?" You ask, pausing in the middle of the road in shock.

"Don't do this, Y/N." Sota sighs. "You know what I'm talking about."
"Um, no, actually, I fucking don't." You reply, picking up pace again, scowling as you continue your journey into work.
You wouldn't typically speak to Sota like that, but his tone was rubbing you up the wrong way.
"Your secret boyfriend. It's Hawks, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry?" You ask in a high pitched squeak, your scowl deepening as you pause in the middle of the street again.
"Don't even lie. They've taped up the pictures to the studio door." Sota continues.
His voice is a tone you've never heard before. Cold and unforgiving. The exact opposite of how you knew Sota to be.

"What pictures?" You ask angrily.
The only times you'd interacted with Hawks were in the studio itself, where no-one had been beyond Sota and his coworkers, and at your home, and you hadn't seen anyone taking photos there, either.
"Uh the ones of Hawks coming out of your house?" Sota asks sarcastically. "The ones of him leaning inside to kiss you?"
You make a choked noise.
"That's not-"
"I covered for you the first time, sis, but I'm not doing this again." He says, sounding sad. Disappointed.
Your heart breaks.

"Sota, I swear-"
"Don't." He says firmly.
"Look, I'll come over, you'll be able to-"
"Don't come over, Boss is one touch away from destroying something. She's heartbroken, sis. How could you?"
You're about to continue defending yourself when the tone sounds that signifies that Sota's hung up on you.
Your initial reaction is shock. You really hadn't done anything wrong, but thanks to what you can guarantee are misleading photographs and your prior history with sleeping with her ex, Sota would never believe you.
You stare at your phone in disbelief before you really think it through and realise:
The press had those photographs.

Dabi would see them and assume the same.
You needed to go back and tell him.

A wave of nausea hits you, your hand shaking as you slide your phone into your pocket.
After his little stint of jealousy when you hadn't even spoken a word to Hawks, who knew how he'd react if he saw those photos in the news or on social media?
You call up work, make a half-assed excuse for not coming in, and rush back home, needing the comfort of your own space, your cat and if you're lucky, the comfort of Dabi.

With every step back to your home, you become more and more frustrated.
You dwell on the fact that you couldn't really defend yourself without giving Hawks away or getting yourself into trouble, and potentially putting Dabi at risk, too.
You begin to feel tears prick at your eyes when you remember the sheer disappointment in Sota's voice. The shame of him even bringing up Junichiro when you hadn't known he was dating Sota's boss eats away at your insides too, and you end up feeling more and more sick.

When you get back you can barely take your shoes off with how blurry your vision is from tears you refused to shed.
Blue doesn't come rushing to re-greet you at the door, so you assume he's still curled up with Dabi in bed, and head straight there.
Sure enough, Dabi's still out cold, lying on his back with his head turned to the side, Blue curled up and asleep on his bare chest.
The second you see the two you release the tears you'd desperately tried to ignore, climbing into your bed and clinging to Dabi.
He groans in sleepy annoyance at first, but that soon changes when he feels tears wetting the patch of clear skin you'd nestled yourself in.

"Mmf?" He questions, lifting his head slowly. "Wha's up?"
"Something bad happened." You reply tearfully, tightening your grasp on him.
"Who? What?" He asks, his voice laden with sleep.
You sob suddenly with the fear of actually having to tell him, which seems to wake him up pretty quickly.
His arms wrap around you, and a frown settles between his eyebrows.
"What happened?"
"Please don't be mad." You beg.
You feel his body tense underneath you, but he remains at a level body temperature.
"No promises, doll." He replies honestly.

You take a couple more shaky breaths.
"A few days ago Hawks knocked on the door." You admit, burying your face in his chest, next to Blue. "He wanted to make sure I wouldn't tell his fiancée about him being at your base."
Dabi's breathing remains steady, his heat even, a good sign, even if he doesn't reply verbally.
"He was trying to get in but I wouldn't let him. And I guess it must've looked suggestive 'cause the press took photos and hung it up on the studio entrance and now Sota and everyone else, including you, are gonna think I'm some kind of homewrecker and I'm not."

Dabi begins to pet your hair, laying silently for a moment as you continue to cry into his chest.
"He tried comin' in here?" He asks, his voice rumbling through his chest.
"I didn't let him." You defend immediately. "Blue scared him off."
Dabi gives a dry, humourless laugh. "Attaboy."
"I swear I didn't do anything." You vow, looking up at him finally.
He looks as stoic as ever, as though none of this bothered him. It felt wrong, but you were just relieved that he wasn't bursting into jealous rage like you expected.

"You had three days to tell me." He replies, shrugging slightly. "So it's a little suspicious."
"Touya, I swear."
His stoicism wobbles a little, and he sighs, rubbing the rough pad of his thumb under your eye to capture the stream of tears and wipe it away.
"Quit cryin'. It'll be alright."
"Sota hates me." You say sadly, your lip wobbling slightly. "He's never spoken to me like that before. Ever. Not even when..."
You trail off, deciding it was probably better not to mention Junichiro when you'd already brought up what had gone down with Hawks.

"It'll be alright." Dabi repeats, continuing to glide his thumb over your cheek.
"It won't be." You argue weakly. "Sota and Kai are all I have."
Dabi's jaw clenches slightly, but it's only for a split second, and then two warm palms are cradling your face, forcing you to keep eye contact with him.

"I said: it'll be fine." He says for a third time, his voice final. "'Cause I got you, princess."

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