When You Leaned In Quick To Kiss Me

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You sit on the floor for a while long after Dabi's disappeared into your bedroom.
Your mind reels from all the things Dabi planted into your head. You're surprised how much detail his memory had, it was almost like watching a flashback scene in a movie.
You can't believe this happened to you. You'd never made a habit of going out drinking, and now you had, and you'd been actually enjoying yourself, someone had intended to spoil it.
And it wouldn't have just spoiled the night. Something like what the culprit had intended to do would have stuck with you for life, if you'd even have remembered it.

The thought of him succeeding in assaulting you and the potential of you not even remembering it is enough to make you shudder completely.
Suddenly, your heart is full of appreciation for Dabi. Small things like him pulling your skirt down when he could have easily taken a good look, especially with his perverse thoughts of you in the past, made you feel hopeful of the good that hid itself deep inside of him.
He had a clear aversion to vomit too, but you'd seen him enduring it while you were sick. Something you couldn't even see yourself doing for a relative stranger.
However, your trust of the public is tainted.

Emi had clearly left you at some point during the night, something she herself had preached against previously, and that probably angered you the most.
No-one had stopped the brown haired stranger from carrying you through the back alleys while you were clearly out cold. You wonder how many heroes he passed.
Your blood begins to boil. You'd always pride yourself on being as good a person as possible, trusted people to do the right thing and made room for people in your heart only for this to happen to you.
Your stomach begins to settle slowly, even though your mind is chaos. The grimy feeling all over your skin doesn't fade, and your limbs still feel heavy and hard to manage.

You manage to make your way onto the sofa, your mind still revisiting everything no matter how hard you try to think of literally anything else.
You tighten the blanket around yourself, squeezing your eyes shut even harder.
You think about the fact you'd cuddled into Dabi, wondering about how warm his body would have been for you to get so cosy against him.
For some reason this distracts you for long enough to finally get back to sleep.


Your body shoots upright as you wake, a cold sweat settling over your body and your hands tremble as you grip your hair, taking deep gulps of air.
"You good?" A raspy drawl asks from somewhere in the room, and you find yourself relieved to hear it.
"You're still here." You observe, still keeping your eyes shut as you brace both hands either side of your face.
There's a short silence, followed by the sound of something crackling and burning.
"You were thrashin' around." He replies simply, ignoring your statement and the smell of cigarettes draft over your face.

"Bad dream." You mumble, allowing yourself to open your eyes now.
Dabi was sitting along the windowsill, much like he had done before. A cigarette hangs loosely between his fingers, one arm hanging out of the open window. He stares back at you emotionlessly with half lidded eyes.
Eventually he hums, looking away and continuing to smoke.
The atmosphere is heavy, as though there was a massive secret being unspoken between you both.
"I'm going to have another shower." You announce, your voice dead. "Are you staying long?"

The question doesn't seem to bother Dabi.
"Probably." He says, just loud enough for you to hear.
"I'm probably not going to be the best company." You warn as you pull yourself up from the sofa. "I can't be bothered to cook, so if you want food you'll have to sort it out yourself."
His eyes dart to the side, but you're already on your way to the shower.

You sit in the shower, sobbing under the water for a good portion of the time spent in there.
You really, really hoped dreams like that weren't going to be a recurring theme now. You'd woken up feeling less rested and more dirty thanks to the fact you'd broken out into a cold sweat.
Once you're all out of tears, you start to scrub at your skin roughly again, this time not being so careful as to not break the skin near and on your tattoos.
You almost don't consciously realise you're doing it though, until you start realising there's red running within the clear water.
That stops you, and brings your full attention to where you are.

You look down and spot the bleeding and sore patches on your legs.
"Oh." You mumble aloud.
You put the scrunchie you'd been using down next to you, wincing as you finally feel the pain from the water hitting the new open wounds.
You don't hang around once you start feeling the pain from what you'd done, standing and turning the water off quickly.
When you leave the shower, you swear you see a shadow quickly shift in the frosting of the window. You put it down to your tiredness and state of mind, however. Likely just paranoid from what you'd learned.

You scramble around the bathroom, disinfecting your legs with wipes and ointment from your first aid kit.
Luckily your pyjamas are loose enough to not cause too much friction on your legs. You also take the liberty of looking in the mirror for the first time since becoming fully conscious again, only to be horrified that Dabi had never removed your makeup, so mascara tears ran down your face, eyeshadow all over your forehead and cheeks somehow.
Although most of it had washed away with the showers you'd taken, enough still remained for it to be embarrassing, so slowly you wipe it all off completely, revealing a very tired looking and paler version of yourself.

Eventually you leave, tempted to go back into your bedroom and climb into the safety and comfort of your bed. But the smell of cooking draws your attention, and you look towards the end of the hallway.
It was definitely coming from inside your home. You raise an eyebrow, padding softly towards your kitchen only to see that there was nothing there.
Instead, you step foot in your living room, finding Dabi sprawled over your sofa, leaning back casually with his feet on the table. He seemed pretty fixated on whatever was going on on the TV, lazily eating what seemed to be plain rice out of a bowl that definitely hadn't come from your kitchen.
You stare at the scene, Dabi nonchalantly chilling in front of your television as though he lived with you, as well as the untouched bowl of curry and rice by his feet for a moment before speaking up.

"You ordered food?" You ask, attracting Dabi's attention.
"Something like that." He grins.
"I really don't want any of your weird friends coming around here, Dabi."
"Relax, no-ones gonna bother you while the big bad wolf's here." He replies a little snarkily. "How about 'thank you, Dabi'?"
You stare each other down for a moment before you relent, remembering through your momentary panic how, actually, Dabi had done a better job of protecting you than anyone else currently.
Wordlessly, you flop yourself down on the sofa next to him, your eyes flicking over his two-toned skin. Now the fear of him had pretty much eradicated, and you knew the good he was capable of, the attraction you'd already had towards him felt amplified.

Quickly you press a chaste kiss to his cheek, unsure of why you felt the need to.
"Thank you Dabi." You say genuinely, giving him a soft smile.
His ocean-coloured eyes are probably the widest you'd ever seen them for a split second before the look turns into a sour one, his black eyebrows pulling together and the heel of his hand being raised to aggressively rub the spot on the gnarled skin that you'd kissed.
"Don't do that shit again." He snaps as you lean forward to pick up the bowl of food by his feet, humming in bored agreement with him.

But you'd already seen the unscarred patches of skin on his cheeks turn pink.

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