Free Therapy

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You're midway through cutting up vegetables for your dinner when Blue draws your attention, meowing like crazy, the sound echoing through the otherwise empty house.
"What?! What is it?" You ask, practically running to the sounds of Blue mewling.
Your face immediately settles into a look of disdain as you spot Blue clawing at the window, Dabi grinning at him and looking over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"You used the door the first fuckin' time..." You mutter to yourself as you stroll over to open the window for him.
The second he crawls through, Blue is rubbing himself all over him, Dabi picking him up like you would a baby, and following you into the kitchen.
"Did ya get those books?" He asks, leaning in the doorway as he looks over at you and pets Blue.
"They're on the side." You reply, motioning loosely with one of your hands. "Dunno if they'll be any use though, was there something in particular she needs to know? Why doesn't she just use Google?"
"To put it bluntly, doll, she doesn't know a damn thing about any of it. She probably knows more about pregnancy than she does Google, too." He sighs, dropping Blue to the floor carefully before strolling over to the sides and thumbing through one of the books.

There's a brief silence between you both, filled only by the sound of pages turning and your knife on the chopping board when Dabi suddenly speaks again.
"One time Kurogiri was tryin' to sneak her birth control in her food... She found out and was mad, obviously."
You pause, turning around to frown at him. What he just told you was all manners of fucked up.
"Didn't even know what it was for. Completely clueless!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. "Sometimes I wonder if the two of 'em even knew what they were doin' when they were doin' it!"
This was certainly the most animated you'd seen Dabi, and you can't help but feel a little amused by the way he'd begun pacing around the kitchen as you continued preparing food.
"I told them! We all told 'em!" He continues to vent, shaking his head. "I told her, he ain't got a fatherly bone in his body. I fuckin' told her!"
The room begins to heat up.
"Dabi." You warn as gently as you possibly can. You didn't want to have to redecorate due to him spontaneously combusting thanks to someone else's pregnancy.

In fairness, he does stop his pacing, instead sitting on the floor and letting Blue climb all over him as he glowers at one of your walls.
"Just can't fuckin' believe it."
"She might not keep it." You say, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Of course she's gonna keep it!" He replies, rolling his head back in frustration. "She fuckin' loves looking after shit. It's the only reason that weirdo even had a shot with her!"
You chuckle a little, his thoughts were chaotic today. He was saying all this, but he didn't mean it, and there was no way he didn't know you knew he didn't mean it.
"She's gonna keep it, and we're all gonna have to put up with the pooping and screaming and sick."
Dabi then gags a little at the mere mention of a little throw up, resulting in Blue jumping off his lap to walk on the counters as you cook.
The gag sets you off properly. You can't help but laugh at his weak stomach at this point. Baby spit up wasn't even that bad, it was solidly milk for christs sake.

"You're excited." You say, knowingly, the second you collect yourself enough.
"I am not excited." He denies, rather pointlessly.
You roll your eyes as you begin serving up two separate plates of food silently.
You feel his eyes on you as you do so, those cold blue eyes watching you like a hawk.
"You've not been feelin' funny or anythin' have you?" He asks out of the blue.
You look up at him with a confused expression before you hear it, and roll your eyes.
"For gods sake, Dabi. No, I'm not pregnant." You thrust his plate towards him. "I'm on the pill, but good job for remembering that's something you need to worry about now."
His eyebrows narrow slightly at your sass for a moment, but his facial expression quickly changes into his usual look of indifference.
"I'd have to lay off the Quirk use anyway." He informs you, as though it was you that was the idiot, and not him.
You give a small 'mhm' as you walk past him, going to sit in the living room to eat. He follows behind, his head still a noisy mess.

It doesn't improve as you sit together and eat dinner like a normal couple would.
It doesn't improve no matter how many cuddles Blue demands off him.
And it doesn't improve when you tell him you're not working tomorrow, so he can stay the night.
There was just one option left, but the second your lips touched his, you can tell the kisses you get back are half-hearted and distracted.
You move back, staring him down.
"Not feelin' it. Sorry, princess." He sighs, his head hanging back off the couch.
Well that was a first.
"Sure." You say with a small shrug. You think about it for a split second. "I think this is the first time you've come here for something that wasn't sex-based."
Dabi's thoughts sour, as if you had offended him by daring to state something that made it seem like that was all he was interested in.
"Not true. The first time I needed a nurse." He retorts. "The second time I needed to know whether you were Yakuza or not."
"Third time was cause you needed a nurse. An' then you got all anxious whenever you were alone." He continues.
"Alright! Alright." You sigh, not wanting to revisit that memory. "You made your point."
You're both quiet for a moment before he flicks your nose gently.

You shoot him a look, only to see he's grinning at you.
"Prick." You mutter, not meaning it in the slightest, as anyone would be able to tell if they felt how hot your cheeks had gotten simply from the sight of a genuine smile from him, his impressively white teeth a stark contrast to the mottled scarring on his face.
He drops a quick kiss to the top of your head before slouching back again, acting as if he hadn't.
It doesn't take long for him to start ranting again.
"And I'm the only one that knows! They all left me!" Dabi groans. "Shigaraki knew she was sick but he was too busy pickin' a fight with some guy that coulda walked straight outta Elden Ring."
It's at times like these that you're thankful you grew up with two brothers that enjoyed forcing you to play games with them or for them to laugh at your pathetic attempts.
"Sure hope his bonfire's lit in that case." You try joking to lift the mood.
He blinks at you in surprise before smirking that usual troublemaker smirk.
"Elden Ring doesn't have bonfires, but you're close." He chuckles. "Just for that, I'm definitely gonna have to keep you away from him."

You initially take this as a joke, until his thoughts reveal to you a genuine insecurity.
You scrunch up your nose.
"Uh, yeah. No offence to Fireworks, but hard pass."
Dabi doesn't seem convinced, but moved the conversation along anyway.
"I hope she tells him soon. Really don't want him getting on my dick about bein' the first to know."
"I'm sure he won't." You sigh, flopping back. Dabi's stress was beginning to rub off you in the form of a bad mood. "Especially if he was more interested in fighting."
You both sit with your heads hanging off the back of the sofa in silence after that. Dabi didn't seem too keen to continue complaining, and you sure as hell weren't going to encourage it. The less you knew about that whole mess the better in your eyes.
Eventually, one of his arms moves to pull you in to a tight hug against his body. You squeak,  but the second his hand moves to angle your head so you're nestled in the crook of his neck, your arm lazily resting over his warm torso, you allow yourself to relax.

He seems perfectly happy to just hold you like this, clearly too proud to simply ask for you to cuddle him. His cheek rests on top of your head, his arms wrapped tight around you.
Blue eventually comes to join you both too, you're completely unable to move too much in fear of scaring Dabi off the physical contact that he himself initiated for once, but you hear Blue's purring nearby.
It's slow, but it's certain.
The longer Dabi holds you close, the more his mind begins to quieten.

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