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You ended up keeping the damn cat.
You were furious at Dabi for letting it in, and the cat for just making itself at home.
You'd tried everything you could to get rid of it.
You made 'found cat' posters, asked neighbours about it and even went to the vets to check for a microchip.
When the vets asked if you wanted to leave it with them to try and rehome it, you'd made the fatal mistake of looking straight into it's big blue eyes before giving your answer.
Once you'd looked at it in the harsh fluorescent lighting of the examination room, you realised that there was no way this cat had been homed ever, or at least been in a home for quite some time.
There was a chunk missing out of its ear, and once the vets had given it a proper check over, there was a nasty infected injury on one of its legs, which would have to be removed lest it go septic.
So one microchip and a huge amount of yen down, you brought the newly named Blue back home with one less leg.
Dabi had looked so smug when he'd visited the next time, goading you for having a 'marshmallow heart' and Blue had been over the moon to see his equally tattered buddy.

Surprisingly, considering meetings with Dabi had been incredibly scarce since he'd allowed Blue into your home, the kitty actually made for pretty good company.
He didn't really think of anything outside of food and sleep, and occasionally you'd get glimpses of his memory of Dabi, but the few thoughts he had were soothing considering the house had begun feeling so empty without Dabi around.
The sound of him jumping on and off surfaces became soothing, as did his purrs and oddly musical meows.
You went from being irritated by Blue's presence to looking forward to seeing him after work shifts, excited to cuddle up with him at night on the nights Dabi didn't stay over, because given the choice, Blue much preferred the warmer out of you both.
With Blue keeping you company at home when Dabi wasn't around, and with Dabi actually managing to stay in contact with you consistently when he was away, you were actually pretty content for a few weeks.
Until the letter 'D' showed up on your caller ID when you were at work.
Now, Dabi had gotten better at texting you, sure. But he'd never called you. Not once. So you were almost a little dubious to answer it.

You look around, there was definitely no-one around. It was a dead shift, no-one had been in for about an hour, and your new coworkers pretty much did their own thing, knowing you were competent enough to be left alone. There was no micromanagement, and the lot of you were so introverted that you could all go an entire shift without speaking, quite happily.
You'd almost been there a month now and you didn't miss the library one bit.
"Hello?" You ask quietly, slipping behind a bookshelf.
"Hey, you work at a bookstore, right?" He asks immediately.
You freeze, peeking around the shelf you were hiding behind. You could see the entrance clearly, and there was still no sign of anyone around.
"Yeah... why?" You ask distrustfully.
You'd like to imagine they wouldn't target a privately owned bookstore, but what did you know? There could be some kind of manifesto in print that you weren't aware of, or they could want to go on a book burning frenzy like they used to in the wars, to get rid of hero propaganda and replace it with their own.
"Could you uh, do me a favour?" Dabi asks, sounding a lot more awkward than you're used to.
"Depends what it is." You reply honestly.
After the last favour you owed him, that word wasn't one you were enthusiastic about hearing these days. His behaviour lately had been less abrasive, and he hadn't pushed the matter of you still 'owing' him, but you didn't want to be let down by allowing yourself to believe you were both past the point of him behaving like he had in the past.

"Could you grab me a couple pregnancy books?"
You frown, your mouth opening to answer, before you realise fully what he said, and you feel your heart drop to your stomach.
You don't know why it bothered you so much when it had never been made clear that you were exclusively with one another, but the feeling almost knocked you sick.
"You got something to tell me, Dabi?" You ask, quietly.
Your voice is strained as you try to hold your temper, and try to keep his name said as lowly as you can on account of someone potentially overhearing your conversation.
"Wh-What?! No!" He says defensively, falling silent for a second before laughing, almost hysterically down the phone to the point you have to turn your volume down.
"Doll, you've seen my body, ain't no way I'm producing any fuckin' monsters soon. It's a miracle I'm not shootin' hot air."
He continues laughing some more, much to your chagrin as your face settles from a look of anger to one of complete apathy.

"Then who's it for, smartass?" You say through gritted teeth, not enjoying the feeling of being laughed at for a pretty valid concern considering you'd seen him learn how to kiss you by kissing another woman beforehand.
You flit over people he knows in your head, your eyes widening as you go to the worst possible option.
"Not the little blonde girl?!"
Dabi audibly gags at the other end of the phone.
"Don't be gross, Y/N. Of course it's not fuckin' Toga."
That only left one person. The pink haired one that you'd shared a car ride with that one time.
The one that was sleeping with Tomura Shigaraki.
You grimace. That was... big news. One that would stir the heroes up into a frenzy within no time if it ever got out. And here you were being trusted with that information.
You're just some nobody that works in a random bookstore, and you know that Japans biggest villain is now expecting a child before even the heroes did.
"Shit." You say, a little breathlessly.
"Yeah. So. Books?" He asks again.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see what I can find." You sigh, your hand going to your hair.
"When'dya get off?" He asks, his voice low.
"Couple hours." You reply, peeking around the bookshelf again. Still no customers.

"See ya then." He says, before hanging up the phone.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now