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You're almost embarrassingly exhausted. You hadn't even really done much, Dabi's ruthless enthusiasm leading him to nearly doing all the work, but your stomach ached as though you'd done multiple sit ups in quick succession.
He seems just as fucked out as you, his body slumped over you, and his breath hot and heavy as it fans over the side of your neck. His calloused thumbs rub mindless circles into your sides, a soothing gesture from the scarred man considering how tightly he'd been gripping your hips mere moments before, it was likely to have left bruises.
You continue petting his hair, at a loss of what else to do with the taller, and relatively well built man who had shown no sign of wanting to shift off you yet.

His hair is surprisingly soft. The way it pointed in all directions and always seemed to be in a mess whenever you saw him almost made you feel like it'd be rough and knotted, but it wasn't.
Honestly, you were enjoying the closeness. You couldn't really remember the last time you'd been held, and judging from Dabi's reactions whenever you hugged him, or touched him in any way that wasn't sexual, you could safely assume he was a little touch starved himself, too.
The holding doesn't seem to last for nearly as long as you'd like though, Dabi pulling himself out of your grip as soon as his breath slowed and his dick started to soften. The rush of colder air hits you almost immediately after the warmth constantly emitted from his body moves away from you.

"Wait, wait, wait!" You rush in a panic as you feel Dabi begin to pull out.
Too late however, and you cringe, expecting a mess now that you were going to have to clean up. God knows Dabi wasn't going to do it.
You sit up on your elbows to give him a pointed look, only to see him smirking with his phone out, the flash indicating he'd taken a photo of you.
You feel your face drain of any semblance of colour.
"Don't-" You begin to say, sitting up properly and suddenly no longer worried about having to clean up.
"Show anyone? Trust me doll, this is all for me." He chuckles, a shine in his eye as he smirks at you, only for his eyes to drop back to his phone, his pale pink tongue running over the top set of his teeth.

You still weren't overly convinced with that, and actually, that wasn't what you were going to say, either. You go to open your mouth again as Dabi runs his eyes over the photo he'd taken again, only to be interrupted.
"Ya know, if anyone else saw you like this, I'd have to kill 'em." He says, his voice even, and bored. But his eyes swipe over to you, and the gaze is sharp. A warning.
Now, you weren't planning on running out and finding anyone else. Your romantic history was pitiful at best, and Dabi was likely another mistake on your part, no matter how many minuscule acts of kindness you saw him do. But he didn't need to know that. He also didn't need to know that you waited around for him like a lost puppy while he was off doing god knows what.

"Interesting stance when you can't even be bothered to stay in contact with me." You retort stonily. You have no idea why you were testing him, but it was too late to back down now.
His eyes narrow momentarily, but it is only for a flash of a second before his lazy look returns, his body making its way between your thighs again.
He traps you in front of him again, his textured arms boxing you in as he leans over you slightly, his neon glare boring into your own.
"Did ya miss me that much?" He coos sarcastically, looking down at you with a condescending expression. "Poor little mouse."
Your breath hitches as his face moves closer to yours, as though he was going to kiss you again.

Except he doesn't.

"I mean it." He says lowly, making you open your eyes. Oceans of blue fill your vision, and you could tell there was a storm behind it.
"Alright." You murmur back after a likely audible swallow.
His face stays where it is a moment afterwards, his eyes not relenting. You almost wonder if he was going to do something, his mind eerily quiet again.
Quickly though, in almost a blink, you're no longer drowning in his eyes, his face moving from where it was, his hand placing itself at the back of your head firmly as his mismatched lips press against your forehead harshly and quickly before he pulls away completely.

He doesn't drift around you, instead making himself at home, grabbing a drying glass from the sink and filling it with water.
You watch him a little warily. He didn't need to threaten you. You had no plans on wandering. Now he was a few feet away from you, your body was noticeably cold, and you wrap your arms around yourself, shivering slightly.
You could have put your clothes back on, but wanted to get into something looser, cosier, but the cold had set into you and was making it hard to motivate yourself to move.
Previously stood with his back to you as he drank, Dabi sets the glass on the side again and turns his head lazily to look over at you, a brief expression of... something, flashing over his face before he turns to face you again.

"You good?" He asks, seemingly unbothered.
"Cold, but good." Really good, actually. You felt the most at ease you had for a while. Your body was relaxed, and you were honestly feeling a bit sleepy.
You shudder, expecting him to make a snide comment about just picking up your clothes and putting them back on, but he doesn't. Instead, in what seems to be a couple strides for him, he sweeps you up off of the counter effortlessly.
"Girls like that cuddling shit, right?" He asks, not bothering to look down at you, and you really have to fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"I know it's not your favourite past time." You mumble as he carries you to your bedroom.
He remains wordless, but you do pick up on a elusive thought of his, about how he didn't mind you scratching at his scalp earlier.

You say nothing, allowing him to think you missed that one. It was handy knowledge to have. He didn't seem to enjoy much physical contact, so it was good to know you could at least do one thing that he wouldn't get snappy about.
He places you on the bed a little clumsily, one the staples lining his wrists sliding against your bare skin as he lays you down, practically throwing your blanket over you before climbing next to you, making no effort to shed his own clothes.
You want to get a little pouty about it. Although he had covered you now, you had been completely exposed, totally vulnerable. And he wouldn't do the same for you.
But the second you feel his warmth radiating, you put your complaints aside in favour of sidling up to him, taking advantage of the order of being held while he wouldn't complain about it.

He seems unpracticed, as he always did when it came to intimacy when it wasn't sexual. You had to move one of his scarred arms around your back as you lay your head on his chest. You hear his warning before he says it aloud, and slowly raise your head, mindful of sweeping your hair to one side as much as possible to avoid it getting caught in his sutures.
He huffs a little in amusement, tucking his other arm under his head.
You lay one arm over his stomach, keeping your grip on him loose in fear of offending him.  It was already rare for him to allow you this close without any snarky comments, and you didn't want to push your luck too far.
Your other hand reaches up into his mass of black hair, petting it softly.
This seems to slowly work him into a state of relaxation. His body goes from feeling rigid underneath your head, to a little softer, a little more giving. You both remain silent, you soaking up his body heat while you could, finally able to enjoy the feeling of being held, even if it was probably reluctant on Dabi's part.

You did have to keep trying to tune out how he was reliving what you both had done together, his heart picking up pace occasionally as he does so.
"Dabi." You eventually sigh.
You were about ready to drop off. Your hand was slowly stopping the petting of his soft, raven hair and you were fighting for your eyes to stay open.
"Can't help it." He shrugs slightly.
You can hear the smirk in his voice. Honestly you wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it on purpose to get you worked up and try to go for round two, but you were sleepy thanks to the intense orgasms from earlier, the heat from his body, and the fact it was likely way past when you would usually be asleep now.
You shush him sleepily, scratching your nails against his head gently and rhythmically as you finally allow yourself to close your eyes.

Midnight Skies - A DabixReader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now