Prelude - The Talk

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???'s POV, third-person wise,

It was supposed to be a normal Sunday afternoon for her. Wake up, take a shower, and grind some mobage before exploring the town as usual. But instead, she's sitting on a seat, in a plane, at three thousand feet above sea level, reading a fanfic on Wattpad, listening to the latest hit anisong, looking outside and thinking of something. Now you might be thinking, why is she even doing this right now? It all came from a simple question.

'Why did he even get there?'

It all started with her lovely talk with her principal, Mr. Askalot.

A week ago, at (Your/Former/Highschool),

It was a very normal mor- ah you know how it goes. But for a certain individual, it's not. For her, she's been concerned of her friend being missing for a while now. The teacher said that he got sick, but it was a bit too suspicious. So, against her normal judgement of believing it, she head on to find answers, and the best way to find it is by directly towards the Principal's Office.

She knocked the door leading to said office, which was opened by the Vice Principal, Ms. Answery.

"Oh, Miss ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛. What brings you here to the office?" She asked.

"Can I talk to the principal? It's very important." The student replied. Ms. Answery then steps aside and let her in, as she goes inside.

"You know where he is." She said, and with the nod, the student goes to the Principal's Sub-Office.

Meanwhile, Mr. Askalot is thinking of the budget planning, particularly on the plans of building a statue of a certain protagonist, and sadly, he underestimated the price of building the statue.

"I knew I shouldn't made that bet. Now the higherups gonna cut my salary for the rest of the year..." He lamented, realizing that it's a mistake. However, it was interrupted by a door opening, and with it, the student entering the sub-office. "Hm? Ms. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛? What brings you here?" He asked her. The student just went on sitting on the chair, smiling nonchalantly, before slamming the desk in sheer anger, surprising the principal.

"Where. Is. (Y/n). (L/n)?" She said coldly, face darkened as well. The principal shudders at her anger before replying.

"W-well, he got transferred. Didn't you know?" He said, but the answer just brings more question to the girl.

"He WHAT?! He didn't tell me nor everyone! Heck, the teachers even said that he's sick, which has been MONTHS NOW!" She replied, fuming in anger at his bullshit as she grabbed a pen.

"Wait, really? Huh..." He mumbled, but the snap of the pen made him immediately went back answering the girl's question. "Well, if you want to know, we got a transfer request of a male student to be transfer to a prestigious highschool, which we decided on choosing Mr. (L/n) and he accepted it. We never told anyone about it because the other principal made it that it should be a secret only for us Principals." He explained.

"But that doesn't explain why did he accept it in the first place, nor why did you even chose him over countless other guys in the school." She replied, starting to calm herself down.

"Well, he wanted an average student, and he's average, so..." The Principal's reply made her silent, as it's more or less a yet another bullshit answer from him.

"... that's it?" She said, which the principal shyly nod. Suddenly, the girl went over the desk and pulled his neck collar towards her, making him yelp in shock.

"Wait-" The principal tries to explain, but gets silenced by the girl's glare.

"I want to know the name of the school. And with that, I want to get transferred there as well. I don't care if I have to start from after the midterms, but I want to get there no matter what." She stated. The principal is sweating bullets at this point, but seeing that there's no other way, he sighs in reluctance.

'(Y/n), what on earth is your friend really...' He thought, before gently patting her shoulder. "Very well then. I'll do it, but you can only find your residence and prepare the flight on your own." He said, which the girl released him and went back by her seat.

"That's fine by me. As long as I can find him." And thus, the principal (reluctantly) explain the school he was transferred and the country it's at, as well as preparing the transfer procedure for her. Knowing that he's in another country, it make her question why did he even accepted on the transfer request. But regardless, she left the office with the information in mind. Once outside, she got stopped by Ms. Answery, who is concerned of her after the meeting.

"Are you alright, miss?" She asked.

"I'm fine... I'm just tired of listening to that bullshit." The girl replied. Ms. Answery sighed at her response.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not cheap, y'know, especially when the summer is coming up. Not to mention finding a vacant apartment might be hard as well." She said, but the girl simply nods.

"I'll be fine, Ma'am. I can handle spending a hundred or two, and I can just find an empty house to buy instead." She replied. For her, money is something that she can handle with herself, as she's a part of the rich family that is busy working overseas who is constantly giving her money every week.

"I understand. Try not to feel overwhelmed, okay?" Ms. Answery advised, which the girl nods. The Vice Principal even gave her a hug, before releasing her and giving her a slip to skip the rest of the class.

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm surprise that you're not the Principal instead of him." The girl joked, which the Vice Principal took it lightly.

"Well, that's life, I guess." She joked back before waving at the walking-away girl.

Time skip to the day of flight!

The girl is now at the airport, checking her bags and belongings before putting it on the baggage conveyor and boarding the plane. As for her parents, they allowed her transfer, as they don't mind of her wishes as they're spoiling her a bit too much. Once inside, she took a seat and looks outside as the plane is getting ready for the take off. And soon after, the plane took off and she spend her time reading some fanfiction.

After everything, she can conclude that...

The principal is an asshole, the vice-principal is supportive, her parents are still spoiling her too much, and she's still in the plane.

But then, an announcement was heard.

"Attention, all passengers! We are arriving at (City/n) of (Country/n) very shortly. Please grab your belongings and prepare for the landing."

She then looked at the window and sees a fairly large city underneath, with a tower being the center of it. While she's amazed at the view, it doesn't wander her from her main goal.

"I have to find you, (Y/n)..."

(And thus the second season has begun. Who is this mysterious girl? What's her relationship with our Protagonist? Only time will tell...
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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