Day 10-3 - Journey Through the Memories

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After a dinner where it was mostly quiet for (Y/n) (again, due to the Fairy Knights present), he and Morgan returned once again to her room, where the boy returned to being relaxed with the Queen. The two are currently laying down on the bed, in which Morgan hugs him by his side.

"My Dear..." She started, but he didn't respond as he already closed his eyes, not wanting . "Please, be honest with me. Are you uncomfortable being with me?"

The boy finally turned to her with eyes half-opened, feeling tired after today.

"I...'m not, miss..." He replied, half-heartedly. "I just... want to go back home..." Morgan wanted to argue that he's already home with her, but she then understood that he wanted to go back to his previous home. However, she wouldn't let him do so, because she still wants to gain his trust and make him fall for her.

Even so, she can't deny that her future husband is depressed despite being open to her. Thus, despite her self-promise to not manipulate him in any unconventional way, she used her magecraft to make him fall asleep. Morgan sighs as she feel regret of doing so, but for her, it was necessary for what she will do next.

'Forgive me, my Dear, for what I will do next.' She thought, as she touches her forehead with his once again, and after that, she vanished.

Now inside his mind, Morgan looked around and learns that she's in one of (Y/n)'s memories. As long as she's there, any of her actions will not affect it. What she sees right now is a memory where he first met his very first Heroic Spirit friend.

"My name's Kiyo Nimase. Nice to meet you~"

'That's... Kiyohime...' Morgan thought. She remembered her well back in the past life, where the fellow Berserker would stalk her former Master occasionally. 'So she's your first friend... I'm surprised that she didn't go crazy.'

The view around her is then changed to a school, where this time, it's where he met the second one, particularly during a lunch break.

"My name is Mashurine Kyrielight, or Mash, if you like."

'I knew it... the Shielder is in this world.' This time however, Morgan feel a bit of jealousy within her when Mash introduced herself. Once again, the scenery changes as it shows new memories. From when Scathach appearing being handcuffed by police officer, Nursery Rhyme calling (Y/n) 'Papa', Jeanne Alter fighting him in a card game, to Mysterious Heroine X threatening him with her Caliburn. The Queen is perplexed on how many Heroic Spirits that he interacted in the past. But one thing she then learn is that he does so without having a Command Seal anywhere.

'My dear... how could you attracted this many Heroic Spirits without even summoning them...' She thought, and once again, the view changes. She now sees him in a different world, where even so, more Heroic Spirits are flocking to him, and she's even more perplexed that it was because of one Heroic Spirit that caused the entire thing to happen, and is also the cause of his fears.

'BB... If we ever meet again, I won't forgive you...' She thought. The scene changes once again, and now to one that's important to him. The memory of the confession from his two Heroic Spirit friends.

"Just accept us already!" "Then please accept me as well, Senpai!"

Morgan is shocked, but at the same time, is unsurprised. The two Heroic Spirits that he met first confessed their feelings to him. She hoped that he rejected them, but...

"Oh, I'll try! Just please don't be upset if I can't make you guys happy all the time."

Her heart broke, as it's the worst outcome for her. (Y/n) accepted their confession, and they in turn are happy because of it. It changed again for the last time, as it shows the nightly beach scenery, and she watches the very worst part of his memories.

Kiyohime is kissing (Y/n).

And if that wasn't enough to break her heart even more, Mash also kissed him right after. She cannot comprehend it anymore, as (Y/n)'s mind is then return to blank.

'My dear... you wouldn't...!' She thought, now with her emotions getting unstable. 'You really are just like him!' Morgan tries to calm herself, trying to deny the fact, but every time she does, she loses herself as her jealousy keeps on growing.

"I'm sorry, Morgan... I can't accept you..."

That one part of her own memory resurfaced in her mind, thanks to the jealousy. She breaks down and cries in agony of losing her love again.

'No, no no no no no!' She slams the ephemeral ground while continued crying, until...

"Take him."

She looks up to see... herself, in her Avalon dressing. The other Morgan kneels before her and lifts her cheek in sympathy.

"Take him, erase his memories. Turn him into a husband that you always desire."

The real Morgan is shocked once again, as her other self, representing her inner Berserker self, is pushing her to truly force him to accept her love. She keeps denying it, yet more Morgan clones appeared around her, chanting the same phrase over and over again. The real Morgan sulked in, gritting her teeth and slams the ground once again, as the clones begin to disappear before looking at the black sky in a maddening look.

"(Y/n) (L/n), no... Ritsuka Fujimaru...!" She shouted, "You will not deny my love once again!"

In the real world however, (Y/n)'s left hand is glowing in a dark red color, as something is engraved on the back of his hand.

A Command Seal...

(Y/n)'s home,

"And that is the short of it..."

Barring the surprise of her discovery that one of her other self exists as a separate person, Artoria has just finished explaining what happened to (Y/n) and his current missing whereabouts to Scarlet, Alice, and Altria. And not surprisingly, the other Heroic Spirits are enraged of the situation.

"This is the second time... I failed to protect him." Scarlet gritted, with Alice patting the Lancer's side, sharing the same feeling.

"Papa's must be scared right now..." She said. Altria stood up in frustration of finding a way to save him.

"I don't think even with Saveron and my Sister's help can find him." She lamented. Looking at the three, Artoria is struggling on what to do, seeing that the Heroic Spirits in front of her are starting to get depressed.

"Mer- The Principal already hired someone to help us find him. But all we can do for now is to wait." She said, but even with the sliver of hope, the other Heroic Spirits are too distraught to even reply, making the King worried.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Everyone turned to see Veil coming down from the stairs with a scowl. "We're freaking Heroic Spirits here! Why are you sitting here and crying like a bunch of babies over my nakama missing?! We should've plan on saving him instead right now!"

Despite the fact that Veil is the Alter version of the original Jeanne D'arc, she still has the charisma of her sister, which in turn worked in her favor, as the others are wiping their tears and regaining composure.

"You're right. It was unbecoming of me." Scarlet said, before turning to Artoria. "As you said, we don't have much time, so we need to come up with a plan to save him as soon as we got info about his whereabouts."

"That's right! While we're at it, we can start training as well. It's been a while since we've done actual combat." Altria suggests. "And besides, some of us haven't tried the Class Change skill that we got after arriving here."

"Ooh ooh! I've been tweaking my Noble Phantasm lately with my friends! I was hoping that Papa would see it, so I want to get stronger too!" Alice also joined the Spirits' newfound vigor. Artoria looked at the four and gave a hopeful smile.

"Then we better get going. But first, we need to visit his friends at the hospital." She said, which the four agreed. However, because it's already late at night, they postponed the idea and decided to go there first thing in the morning instead. As everyone quickly go to sleep, Artoria looked at the Heroic Spirits for the last time before excusing herself to sleep on the couch.

'To think that you have this many Heroic Spirits with you... Who are you really, (Y/n)?'

(As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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