Day 5-2 - The Academy of Technology

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*Ding, Dong, Dang, Dong!* "Attention, all passengers. We have arrived at Kivotos. We will make a landing at Millennium Airport shortly. Please buckle your seatbelts and prepare for the landing." With the announcement from the pilot, everyone looked outside and sees the new country from the window.

" With the announcement from the pilot, everyone looked outside and sees the new country from the window

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"Whoa..." is everyone's reaction to the view, especially at the center tower that shows a beam of light from it. Mash then notices something odd about the sky.

"Look! There're rings!" Everyone looked closely and sure enough, there is, making them ponder what kind of country Kivotos really is.

"I wonder what kind of people that we meet here." (Y/n) pondered, with Gudako grabbing his hand in excitement.

"Guess we're gonna find out!" She said, much to Kiyo's peeve of not holding his hand.

Minor Timeskippu!

As the plane landed, the Hevendor group are walking towards the pickup hall, as someone is waiting for them by the entrance.

As the plane landed, the Hevendor group are walking towards the pickup hall, as someone is waiting for them by the entrance

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"Oh, are you the ones from Hevendor?" The... person spoke, surprising the students.

"Whoa! They really are that futuristic!" Gentoki remarked, but the person simply chuckles.

"I'm not a robot if that's what you're wondering. I'm an actual person with actual live to do. Anyway, I'll be your driver for your trip around Millennium District." The person clarified, making the students in awe. Mr. Hojo then walks toward the person and extends his hand.

"Pleasure to be working with you, sir." He shakes the person's hand, which he shares the same feeling. And with that, the driver lead them to outside, where a bus is parked for the Hevendorians to ride on. After getting into it, the bus starts moving as the tour around the district begin. Every student looks at the view, but many noticed that the district is filled with fellow robots like the driver, many half-anthro dog persons, and human girls that has halo floating on top of their heads.

"Wait, halo? Does that mean..." Tomoe speculates, but the Driver quickly interject.

"Oh no. They're not dead. It's just an unique thing about them here in Kivotos. I assure you that they're pretty much alive and living their lives like normal." He explained, making the students understand.

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