Day 15 - Before the Camping Trip

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It's Monday, and all third year students are excited for this particular Monday. Because according to the academic calendar, this week will have the long awaited Camping Trip, and today should be the preparation day for them to learn more about this year's guidelines.

"Man, I can't wait for the trip!" Gentoki pumped in excitement.

"Me too, Bat. We just have to wait until tomorrow for that." Soichi replied.

"Honestly, same. I never had a camping trip before." (Y/n) also joined, making the two looked at him, surprised. "What?"

"You never had a camping trip before? Man, your childhood's kinda average." Gentoki remarked, but gets chopped on the head by Soichi. "Yow!"

"That's rude, even for you." Soichi said. "Regardless, it should be fun. Even though we already worked together as a club, it's a good opportunity for us to work together with others outside of our club."

"But didn't we do that during group projects?" (Y/n) then asked, making Soichi takes a breath and sighs.

"I should think first." He exasperated.

"Regardless, this'll be a pumped camping trip yet!" Gentoki then said with a fist pump.

Meanwhile, Gudako is talking with Mash and Kiyo about the trip.

"Lake Kuru is located away from (City/n). From the search, at Fall, it's also where many people go for a... marriage proposal?" Mash explained about the location. Hearing about marriage proposal made Kiyo excited.

"Marriage proposal?!" She repeated, and starts daydreaming as such with (Y/n), even as far as holding her cheeks in embarrassment. "Oh, Anchin-sama, I'll accept~" She said in her daydream, much to Gudako's chagrin.

"Camping at the lakeside huh..." She said, memories of one such event returned to her mind, along with its... horror implication. "As long as there are no Foreigners or Moon Cancers lurking around, this would be a fun trip with bestie."

"Foreigners? Moon Cancers?" Mash tilts her head after hearing Gudako's words.

"Gwak! I-it's nothing, Mash!" She dismissed Mash's idea, not wanting the kouhai remembering about her own fifth summer adventure as well. "This'll be a fun trip, that's for sure!" She then smiled awkwardly, again, still avoiding the topic. The bell then rings as students return to their seats. Moments later, Miss Morgana enters the room, and turns to her students for a greeting.

"Good Morning, my dear students." She said, with the students replied to her in kind. "It seems that you all are enthusiastic about something. May one of you tell me about what you are waiting for?" The students then were confused, but seeing her own genuine confusion made them realize that she's still new, thus a student rises up to explain to her.

"There'll be a camping trip tomorrow, Miss!" He explained, which Morgana gasps, almost forgetting about it.

"Oh dear, I almost forgotten about it." She exclaimed. "I was told that an event called a camping trip will be coming, but I am unaware that it starts tomorrow." Her small panic made the students awe at the sight, but still find it somewhat cute. She rummages through the briefcase before pulling out a paper that lists the guidelines for the trip. "Aha! This should do it."

Morgana then straighten herself before starting to explain the guidelines that are listed on the paper. While there are times that she's confused about a term or two, (Y/n) and Gudako quickly jumped in to explain it, making her understand more about the modern terms and words. After a while of listing them, Morgana puts down the paper and faces the students.

"Now then, does anyone have a question?" She then asked, but because her explanation was clear and easy to understand, none of them raised a hand, making Morgana sighs in relief before looking at the paper again. "Then... I believe there is nothing I have to say for today. Today's class is dismissed, and... I am looking forward for the camping trip tomorrow with you all, my dear students."

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