Day 18-1 - Looking Beyond the Past

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When the next morning comes around, (Y/n) let out a yawn, as he wipes his eyes to get himself more awake. After feeling awake, he turned around to see Alice and Tia sleeping together, with the latter being in her "childlike" form, just as he remembered.

'Well, at least those two got a good night sleep.' He thought. He then goes out of the tent and headed to the lakeside to wash his face.

"Morning, bestie." He turned to see Gudako kneeling beside him, washing her face as well, which (Y/n) greeted back. "Today's the last day, huh... It feels like we just got here since yesterday."

Hearing that it is indeed the last day for the camping trip made him remembered something.

"Ah... I forgot that Kiyo wanted a date here with me." He said. Gudako then giggles at his realization, making the boy confused.

"Ah, don't worry about me. Go ahead and have fun with her. I'll watch over the two." The Ex-Master said.

"Are you sure? I mean, your feelings..." (Y/n) recalled the night with Gudako at the lakeside together, which it got interrupted by Tia's appearance. Gudako realizes this and pats his shoulder in assurance.

"I'll be fine, Bestie. You really should do it, otherwise Kiyo will be very upset." She said.

"If you say so." (Y/n) replied. Before he leave, he gives her a brief hug before releasing it, making Gudako surprised by this. "Well, catch you later."

When (Y/n) walks away, Gudako looked at him with a sad yet relaxed look on her face.

'Those two have changed him for the better...' Gudako thought, before clapping her cheeks. 'Right, I shouldn't keep acting like this. One day, I'll confess my feelings to him!'

Timeskippu! Featuring Gudako washing Tia and Alice at somewhere secluded!

It's almost noon, and (Y/n) is now walking with Kiyo on their promised lake date together. Needless to say, Kiyo is happy about it.

"Better late then never, I suppose." Is (Y/n)'s reason on the date when he asked Kiyo about it.

"While I am happy about it, I honestly thought that you'll be spending more time with Alice-chan and Tia." Kiyo said, "But I appreciate it. You're getting better at dating as of now."

"Well, I did say that I want to be a better boyfriend for you two. Though I guess I should compensate Mash for not having the lake date." (Y/n) said.

"How considerate of you, (Y/n)-sama." Kiyo giggled. Kiyo then stopped walking, making the protagonist turned to her, confused. "Say, (Y/n)-sama... I haven't told you why I fell in love with you in detail."

"Err, didn't you told me that it's because of love at first sight?" (Y/n) scratched the back of his head.

"I did, but again, I want to tell you why I love you in detail, so please listen to me, (Y/n)-sama." Kiyo then sit on a boulder, and gestures him to do the same, which he did. Kiyo then begin telling him her true reason of falling in love with our protagonist.

"It all started back in my previous life. Back then, I was a Servant to someone I knew dear. I believe you heard of his name back in the past." (Y/n) then remembered the events with the evil Morgan, which she and Mash said the name of the Master that he knew as well. "I was his most loyal Servant, and I enjoyed every moment with him. That's why, when we parted ways, I was in regret of unable to confess my feelings to him."

"When I first came to this world, I thought that I can get rid of my regrets, but it didn't work. Thus when I heard about you transferring to Hevendor High, and seeing you moving right across my home, I felt that I see him again, the person I knew dear is back."

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