Day 12-2 - Three Sided Fights

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(Nevermind about each part contain one or two fights, I'm gonna cram all three of them!)

With Mash and Scarlet,

The Shield and the Spear clashes against the broadsword, as Mash and Scarlet charged head on towards Barghest, who is now devoid of personality, only following Morgan's orders of stopping the intruders. Barghest then counters with a sideway swing, which in turn blocked by Mash's shield.

"I won't get blown away that easily!" Mash retorted, with Scarlet quickly attempts to stab the Knight, but the Knight swiftly dodges her stabs, before retaliates with a punch with her other hand, forcing the two to back off.

"How did she get so agile?!" Scarlet remarked, surprised of the Knight's sudden agility.

"Morgan must have casted an agility spell on her- no, on all of her Knights." Mash replied. Before they can talk further, they see the Knight starts manifesting shadowy hounds around her, with the intention of overwhelming them with it.

"Kuh! In that case..." Scarlet gritted, before stabbing the spear onto the ground, catching attention from Mash. "Class Change!"

Scarlet's bodysuit is then glowed, as it then being replaced with a bikini and a thin cloth around her waist. Her spear is then segmented, making it look like a sansetsukon (a three-sectioned spear) as Scarlet pulls it out.

 Her spear is then segmented, making it look like a sansetsukon (a three-sectioned spear) as Scarlet pulls it out

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"Scarlet-san, I'm counting on you!" Mash said after knowing Scarlet's intention.

"Right. But don't forget about her hounds!" Scarlet said, noting their plan. After a nod from Mash, the two charges again, with Scarlet preparing her throwing daggers as she runs. Barghest meanwhile orders her hounds to attack back, but Mash swiftly pushes them away with her shield as they keep getting closer to the Knight while Scarlet then throws it to the hounds, killing them with three to five daggers each. Barghest summons more hounds, but the two Spirits continued their way while Scarlet occasionally throws some at the Knight, which she didn't notice.

Despite the accumulating damage, Barghest then begin charging at the two Spirits, having enough of her attempt failed.

"Now!" Mash orders, with her then holding the bottom side of the shield to slam it to the part where the dagger is stuck. Mash's attack made the Knight roar in pain as the dagger punctures deeper, but it's the perfect opportunity for Scarlet to deal the decisive blow.

"Class Change!" She then returns herself into her Lancer self, as her spear then glows red. However, the two then notices the shift of mana, indicating that the Knight is preparing a Noble Phantasm.

"Crap!" Scarlet cursed, seeing that her opportunity being delayed. But Mash has something more alerting to worry about: Barghest growing larger to unleash her Noble Phantasm.

"Scarlet-san! Get behind me!" She said, as her shield starts glowing blue, which the Lancer nods and does so.

"Please protect us! Lord Camelot!" Slamming her shield to the ground, manifestations of castle walls that leads to the sacred city appears, with Mash now bracing for impact.

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