Day 17-2 - Let Bygones be Bygones

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As (Y/n), Gudako, Alice, and Tia are playing together, somewhere near their spot are (Y/n)'s two girlfriends, watching them from afar. And of course, they recognized Tia the moment they see her.

"So that's how it is..." Kiyo commented, looking at the laughing Tia. "I didn't expect that the Beast of Babylonia is here in this Singularity, let alone in a form of a little girl."

"But I think she's harmless." Mash pointed out.

"I guess that's true." Kiyo said. "Now I understand why. They're worried that we would attack her because of our past." She then continued, which Mash nods in agreement. While the two keep watching, they see the inflated ball coming towards them, alerting the two.

"Uh oh..." Mash gulped, "L-let's just leave them be-" Before they could continue, Alice came into their hiding spot and sees them, making the two freeze.



"... Papa! Big Sis Mash and Big Sis Kiyo are here!" And thus, the two peeping girlfriends got caught and they sigh before handing Alice the ball and coming out of their hiding spot with her, surprising the Masters and Tia.

"Kiyo?! Mash?!" Gudako shouted. As for Tia, she suddenly went behind (Y/n), due to her past memories of the fight with the two returning to her. This made (Y/n) and Gudako confused.

"Ah... She remembered us." Mash said.

"Oh, did something happened with you guys?" (Y/n) said, which the two Spirits looked at each other and shakes their head.

"We rather not tell you..." Kiyo said, before putting her hand onto her chest while looking at Tia. "But as our fellow Heroic Spirit Alice is right now, we are not going to hurt you." She then stated, then extending her hand towards the Former Beast. Tia is skeptical about this, seeing her former enemy is acting friendly towards her.

"I don't know about your past with them, but I don't think that they'll hurt you." (Y/n) assured.

"But I attacked them... and made Uruk in ruin because of me..." Gudako sighs after hearing Tia's reason. It's expected seeing that the former Beast did attacked the two, and with how she is now, she's powerless against them. Everyone is confused of what to do at this point, until Alice pulled Kiyo's hand and gets close to Tia, making the latter hide further.

"What are you..."

"Tia's my friend, so Big sis can be her friend too!" Alice said.

"Friend..." Tia mumbled, still feeling uneasy about befriending the two Spirits despite Alice's assurance. That sense of uneasiness is then felt by the two, who are now feel bad of seeing the former Beast like this. It was then where Mash take a step forward towards Tia.

"Tia..." She started. "We do remember about our time back at Babylonia, but that's in the past. What matters now is the present." She then lowers herself onto Tia's level. "So that's why, we want to be friends with you."

Mash then offers her palm towards the former Beast, as the latter faces the Shielder with a mix of curiosity and fear. She then looked at both (Y/n) and Gudako, who are waiting for her response. After some thought, Tia slowly put her hands on the two, slowly accepting them to be her friend.

"You... forgive me?" Tia asked, which the kouhai nods.

"Of course, Tia. If anything, we're the ones who should apologize to you." Mash replied. Tia then holds the two Servant's hand tighter, now no longer afraid of them.

"Thank you, dear children." She said, slowly creeping up a smile. "May our friendship last."

Now that Mash and Kiyo have befriended Tia, things went for the better for the former Beast. The two Servants joined the two students of playing with Tia, and everyone continue doing so until noon, where (Y/n), Gudako, and Mash went on to catch some fish for lunch.

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