Day 20 - A Fae Family Outing

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The next morning starts off as normal as it can get... except the fact that (Y/n) is now having a breakfast with Morgana and her housemates, instead of having it with his family instead.

"I... don't mind that you invited me for this, Miss Morgana." He said while feeling awkward by how luxurious the breakfast food is. "But I could just bring you guys to my home and have a big shared breakfast together."

"I understand your worry, dear (Y/n)." Morgana said as she sliced the toast for him. "However, there are other reasons why I invited you alone this way. And no, it is not something related to the past."

As she said that, Weyna is seen pouring premium grade orange juice into (Y/n)'s glass, making him feel more awkward by the hospitality from the former Knights.

"I mean, you could just text me through StudentGate. Principal Merlin does that to me all the time." He pointed out, in which Morgana quickly pulled out her phone to find the direct message feature.

"I... see..." She nod in understanding after learning about that fact, before returning to her calm look. "However, it is a good gesture to directly invite your neighbor to a breakfast together, no?"

"Well... good point there." (Y/n) then said, before taking a small bite on the fried egg that Weyna also made. "Mm! It's actually way too good for a fried egg!"

"Thank you for your compliment, sir (Y/n)." Weyna smiled before going to sit next to Celine.

"While you are enjoying the food, allow me to explain why I have brought you here." Morgana then said, which (Y/n) is all ears while he's busy eating. "I wish to invite you for our family outing together."

(Y/n) stopped biting more of the toasted tart, surprised of what she's going for.

"Family... outing?" He said, "Oh wait! You mean the other two..."

"Indeed. We're now her highness' daughter as well." The white haired Celine said. "It's only natural when we're now living here together, and that the concept of her personal Knights is no longer apply here." 

"It does feel awkward at first, but we quickly gotten used to it." Weyna then added.

"Though you two still call Mother 'her highness'..." Tristine chimed in.

"... Well that explains one thing, but why me?" (Y/n) then asked Morgana directly.

"Does it not sound appealing to you?" Morgana tilts her head.

"Well, no, but I'm just your student and your neighbor now. And besides, I'm not that good enough to be invited in that sort of thi-"

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" The three daughters quickly blurted out, unable to see their guest feeling down by the invite. (Y/n) himself however reeled back from the sudden outburst.

"Sir (Y/n), you're more than worthy enough to be invited to our family outing!" Weyna reasoned, with Celine nodding in agreement.

"Even when it was brief, we do enjoyed our time with you." Celine added.

"And you're a far more reasonable choice for us..." Tristine finished while slowly looking away. Hearing the daughter's reasons made (Y/n) realize that they actually do want him to be with them, not just Morgana.

"As you can see, my daughters do truly wish for your companionship. And as such, you are more than welcome to join our family outing together." The latter smiled, showing sincerity of her invite. With this, (Y/n) sighs before giving a thumbs up for the four.

"Alright then. Lemme just get myself ready before we head out after this." He said, earning happy reactions from the daughters and Morgana. During their breakfast together, (Y/n) also take the opportunity to ask the daughters about their current doings here at (City/n):

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