Day 18-3 - Comforting the Primordial Mother

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White. That's all that (Y/n) sees around him. The last thing he remembered is that he fell from Tiamat's attack, and then... get eaten by her. He looked around to find anything, but all he sees is still whiteness around him. It's like he's in a white void.

Sobbing. Moments later, he heard the faint sound of sobbing somewhere within the void. With no other choice, he follows the sound, until he found the source.

 With no other choice, he follows the sound, until he found the source

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This is Tiamat's true form, the Femme Fatale. Unlike her childlike self, this one is the primal form of a mother figure, fitting for her title. Right now, she is sobbing while in a fetal position, saying "Do not leave me." over and over while doing so.

Seeing her like this, the first thing (Y/n) do is to approach her, in an attempt to talk to her. As he gets closer, her chant is getting more clearer to hear, and our protagonist couldn't help but to feel pity for her.

"... Tia?" He called her out. Upon hearing his voice, Tia stopped sobbing, and looked up to the person who called her. It's clear that she has been sobbing for a while now, as seen by the tear stains on her cheek.

"... Please... do not leave me..." She repeated her chant. "I beg of you, dear child... please..."

Tia tries to reach him, before pulling back her hand in fear. It's clear that she's still afraid of her past, but she's also not wanting the same fate to happen to her yet again.

"Tia..." (Y/n) mumbled. Seeing how pathetic she is made him feel guilt over his words from earlier. Because of this, he decided to do what he wanted to do in the first place.

He run towards her and hugs her.

Tiamat felt the warmth of his embrace, and stopped her sobbing.

"Why...?" She asked. "Why would you come to me...? I am danger to everyone... I am a Beast, humanity's evil..." She continued to ask him why. But for (Y/n), the answer is simple.

"Because you're our friend." He explained, and started to comfort her more. "You're our friend, Tia, and we should've never doubted you."

As he continued his hug, Tiamat then cries, unable to hold herself any longer. The Beast hugs him back, using it as a way to show him her remorse all those years ago. The two continue to hug until Tiamat stops crying, as she looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for doubting you, Tia. I'm just worried over how the other Heroic Spirits would treat you. I never wanted to leave you alone." (Y/n) explained.

"... I suppose that it is understandable..." Tiamat sigh. "Yet I truly wish to come with you. If those from the Singularity would try to harm me, then so be it..." As Tiamat resigned herself, (Y/n) holds her shoulder firmly.

"Don't say that!" He said, "Look, they may attack you, but that shouldn't be the reason why! It's in the past, right? They probably already over it by now."

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