Day 21-1 - The Week Before the Finals

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Things are getting pretty hectic for Hevendor High. We are now entering Winter, and that means to things for the school: The Final Exam, and the Winter Festival. The third years are nervous, seeing that it's their final exam of the school year, but they're also looking forward for the Festival as their final major event before the graduation.

"And now that the finals are coming up... How about we one last trip to Geetaku together?!"

And the boys are planning on their last club session together before the end of the year.

"Sounds good to me." (Y/n) said with a thumbs up.

"While it is a neat idea, are we going to do it after the finals?" Soichi then asked his best friend.

"Obviously! We're too focused on studying this week. There's no way we could slide that in." Gentoki elaborated. "Not to mention that it's fitting, since it'll be also the perfect time to send them off with a bang!"

"Send off?" (Y/n) then asked.

"He means closing the club." Soichi said, albeit with a bit of a saddened tone. "While it is something that we enjoyed, until now, there're only four of us in the club, and only Akira is the kouhai of the group." This surprised (Y/n), seeing that they've made many memories with the club.

"I know that it's hard, even for me really, but like they say, all good things must come to an end." Gentoki then said, despite lamenting the closure of the club.

"That came from someone who're panicking over our club being almost disbanded by the Gamers Club." Soichi said sarcastically.

"That was before we got friends with them, sheesh!" Gentoki then retorted, while (Y/n) just chuckled. Even so, the duo assured that the last gathering will be the best one yet.

Looking outside, he put the thought about the club aside, and wondered what'll happen once he graduated, but he put it aside for now.

On the girls side meanwhile, Mash, Kiyo, and Gudako are talking about the upcoming major event after the finals.

"So we agreed that we'll help Gudako on confessing her feelings to (Y/n)-sama." Kiyo said.

"That's right. But first, we must focus on the finals before the event." Mash then said.

"I still can't believe that we're at the finals already..." Gudako sweatdropped ever since learning of the finals. "And I haven't even done a review since the camping trip..."

"We can help you with that, Gudako-san." Mash then offers, "We could have a study session together at my home."

"An interesting idea, Mash." Kiyo remarked. "But how about we bring (Y/n)-sama too? It could make the session more interesting with him around~" Upon hearing that, Mash began to blush in embarrassment, but not because of just her boyfriend coming to her home.

"That would mean that my father would tease me the whole time!" She blurted her worst fear, knowing that her father would do anything to support their relationship... even if it's embarrassing. Gudako meanwhile chuckled at the scene, and then she glanced at her bestie, smiling at the thought of the upcoming event.

On the other side however, Veil glanced at both (Y/n) and his girlfriends, sighing over her idea of confessing her feelings to him as well.

'I have to do this alone... or else my kokoro would riot...'

Moments later, the bell signaling the start of the first lesson ranged, and everyone went to their respective seats. And not long after, Morgana entered the homeroom as usual.

"Good morning, dear students. I hope that everyone had a restful weekend after the camping trip." She greeted, which the students greeted back. She then told her students the obvious like the incoming finals and how everyone will dedicate this week to review the lessons.

"Even though I have been teaching you for not a long time, I hope that everyone will succeed in the test with my help."

And with her speech ended, 3-A, as well as other third years, have begun studying for the upcoming finals together.

Majore Timeskippu!

It is now after school, and the Casual Gamers Club are having an important meeting before the exams. While the third years already knew what's coming, Akira doesn't, making the news a bit unbearable for the trio to deliver to the kouhai. Gentoki, facing the curious kouhai, took a deep breath before delivering the heartbreaking news.

"Well guys, since we'll be graduating soon, I want to say that the club's shutting down after the finals." He announced, shocking the kouhai.

"What?!" She gasped in shock, tears starting to form as well.

"I'm sorry, Akira. I know that this is shocking for you, but given how we are as a club, I'm afraid that we have to disband the club." Soichi continued. "It's hard for us too, but we can't just have you continue the club alone."

"Senpai..." Akira sobbed, not wanting the club disband to happen.

"Akira..." (Y/n) pats her shoulder to comfort the poor kouhai. "All of us are sad about it, which is why we're going to make sure that we at least leave a lasting memories for ourselves, as Casual Gamers Club members."

"That's right!" Gentoki then tried to lift the spirit up for everyone, even after the announcement. "Which is why at the weekend after the finals, as our final club project, we'll be going to Geetaku to spend the entire weekend making memories together!

Whether it's Arcades, Card Games, Board Games, or any other game, we'll play as many games as we can, together!" Gentoki's speech did thankfully lifted Akira's spirit up, seeing how determined the club leader is to make it the most memorable one yet. And it's not just her, (Y/n) and Soichi are also amazed by his sudden newfound charisma that they ended up clapping for him.

"Even when the club ends, we're still the Casual Gamers Club!"

And with the hearty "CGC!" from others, everyone's mind are now at ease, even with the end of Casual Gamers Club as a whole. Unbeknownst by them however, the Gamers Club trio: Tomoe, Megane, and Kakkoi, are amazed by the sight of the togetherness.

"You guys really are special..." Tomoe muttered. "Such a shame, but I really wished that we could have a last game of Smash together."

"But you are planning on something for them as well. We could just come right in and tell them right away." Kakkoi reminded Tomoe about her secret idea.

"Nah, I don't want to ruin their moment." But the leader of the Gamers Club decided to let things go by for now. "Let's just wait until after the finals for now." And with that, the other two nods before leaving them alone.

Minore Timeskippu!

After the end of the group meeting, (Y/n) walked to the entrance of the high school. However, when he turned at an intersection, a familiar voice called out to him from behind.

"Omae." (Y/n) turned around to see Veil calling him.

"Veil? I thought you're already went home before me." (Y/n) remarked.

"I was waiting for you, baka." Veil replied while walking towards him. "Before we go home... can we talk at the homeroom?" While it was weird to (Y/n) to see his friend asking such thing, he noticed a troubled look on her face. Because of it, (Y/n) nods while standing right next to Veil.

"Alright. Let's go there." And the two walked together to their homeroom, where Veil will reveal something to him that might trouble both sides, even if she's determined to settle her heart trouble once and for all.

'If you do like him, then at least tell him straight. If you don't, you'll stuck feeling sad over your untold feelings for him'

Her sister's advise ranged in her mind, and Veil's anxiety went away as the two are approaching the door to the homeroom...

'I'll win this duel of feelings, my renai!'

(It's finally heeeeeere! *sobs over many times of not continuing this book despite wanting to.*
Now begins the final arc of this story, as I like to call it: The Closures.
I may be missing some plot points that needs to be addressed while I'm writing this arc, but at the very least, I want to bring an ending to the major part of the story, like (Y/n)'s love life and his future after graduation.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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