Day 14 - Bonding Through Cosplay

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It's Sunday, and for this morning, Veil suddenly slammed a piece of paper in front of (Y/n), who is eating his breakfast. He then looks at her confused, while the Avenger looks in a flustered look.

"Omae, Ore, Cosplay Contest, together." She stated.

"Cosplay contest?" (Y/n) repeated, and then reads the paper that Veil slammed on. "A contest where two cosplayers show their cosplaying skills as a duo? Veil, are you saying..." He looks at her, which she looks away, still flustered.

"I just want the prize, that's all." She said. Reading the terms and conditions, he then learned that rental cosplay will not let him qualify for the contest.

"Then you should've told me sooner. Otherwise, I can buy a costume for myself." He then pointed at the term. Veil realizes this and then slumps onto the floor, feeling defeated.

"Usoo..." She gritted. However, (Y/n) goes to her and pats her head.

"Buuut... I think I still have my Kazuma costume in my wardrobe..." Upon hearing that, Veil raised her head and looks at him hopefully. "But that's the only costume I have, so you have to wing it though." He then shrugs, but it's enough for her to bring her spirits back.

"Then get ready! We're going in there and win this contest together!" She then declared, with the boy just chuckles at her enthusiasm, and the two continued their breakfast together.


The two are now at Geetaku, where it's filled with cosplayers everywhere. (Y/n) is now wearing his Kazuma costume while Veil in turn cosplays as A2.

"Not gonna lie, we do look weird together." (Y/n) admits, seeing themselves from a window.

"I was hoping that you'll cosplay as 9S so we can do the Automata duo. But then again, I was late to tell you." Veil replied.

"But hey! It looks good on you. I think you have some of your sister's fashion skills." He then continued. Veil then blushes before looking away.

"S-souka..." She muttered. The two then are heading towards the registration booth, when they sees someone familiar in front of them.

"Wait, is that..." (Y/n) remarked, and the person in front of him notices his voice and turns around.

"Oh, it's you!" The person remarked. And for him, it was the Megumin cosplayer that he met twice now, now cosplaying as Kurumi. "It's been a while. I assume that you and your friend are entering the contest?"

"That's right." He replied. "I guess you and your friends are joining too?" He then asked, but the girl shakes her head.

"Nope. We're just here for our own booth. I was just talking to my friend over here." She said while gesturing the registration committee, and realizes something. "Oh, before I forget, call me Orty. We never had a chance to introduce ourselves."

"Name's (Y/n), and she's Veil." (Y/n) then introduced themselves, with Veil nodding as well.

"Yoroshiku ne." Veil said, making Orti giggle.

"A Chuuni, I see?~" She teased, making Veil fluster and waves her hands in denial.

"Stop calling me that, omae!" She said, making Orti laugh more.

"Anyway, I shouldn't keep you waiting. Good luck with the contest!" She then said, before stepping aside, and the two then register themselves for the contest.

Another Timeskippu!

The contest now begins, starting with the posing session where they have to make a pose before the stutter clicks to take the picture. Our duo are now preparing themselves, as they'll be the next one after this.

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