Day 13-1 - New Teacher's Re-Welcome

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After Morgan- ehm, Miss Morgana's introduction to the class, she begin her trial teaching for the current subject of the period. Despite being her first time teaching for many, her way of teaching left a good impression to the students, and soon, the first period ends with everyone praising her for the easy to digest lessons.

"Thank you, my dear students. I shall keep my way of teaching since you enjoyed it." Morgana said after hearing their praise. The soon-to-be former homeroom teacher then reminds them that Morgana will start teaching next Monday, making the students lament for now.

"Do not fret, my dear students. If you need questions about your subjects, you may meet me at the teachers' longue." Morgana said. Moments later, the two teachers left the room, leaving the students to share their opinion about the soon-to-be homeroom teacher.

"Her voice is so soothing, I could fall asleep with that." "Her lessons are easy to follow, almost like kindergarten kind of easy." "She's hot tho."

For (Y/n), he puts down his book as Mash, Kiyo, Gudako, and Veil quickly heading towards him.

"HOW?!" They whispered in disbelieve, still not believing that Morgan is back. (Y/n) just shrugs however.

"I really have no idea, but I'm glad that she's back." He said.

"But Senpai, what if she still has an obsession with you?" Mash asked in worry, with Gudako nodding in agreement.

"Mash's right, (Y/n)-sama. She might be planning on kidnapping you without us knowing." Kiyo also chimed her worry.

"I just don't want to fight her kishi again." Veil groaned. (Y/n) understands their worries, but tries to assure them that she won't going to do that anymore.

"After all, I want to show her around the city too. She may did try to do something bad, but I promise that she won't do it again."

His two girlfriend sighs, knowing his kindness to even Morgan is still his best point, and as such, they can only agree with him.

"I understand, Senpai. But please be careful." Mash said, with Kiyo also sharing Mash's sentiment. As the second period starts, everyone returned to their seats, but not without (Y/n) telling Gudako about something.

"How about we go to the teachers' longue during the break?" He suggests. Gudako almost wanted to shout, saying that it'll be a bad idea, but she hold it in and instead just follows his idea.

"I hope that Morgan wouldn't suddenly hug you when we meet her." She joked before returning to her seat, as the teacher enters the room to start the lesson.

Timeskippu to Lunch Break!

As he said, (Y/n) and Gudako are on their way to the teachers' longue, where they're going to meet Morgana as planned.

"I wonder if she's already used to living here..." (Y/n) wonders.

"Since Miss Rein told us that Morgan's been working since last Monday, I think she's used to it." Gudako said. With the two now at the teachers' longue, they're heading to the cubicle where Morgana is working. When they did arrived there, they seen a sight that they didn't expect.

Morgana struggling with a computer.

"Email...? What is this?" She mumbled, and consulted her notes at the side and found what it means. "Ah... so my address for the messages then. Interesting..."

The two students looked at each other and starts feeling uneasy seeing how Morgana is doing.

"I... no, Morgan's harmless. One hundred percent." Gudako stated. (Y/n) feels bad about the former Queen, thus he mustered his courage and calls her.

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