Day 18-4 - Aftermath, Vow, and Homecoming

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Everything around the evacuation point is slowly getting more stable, due to the disappearance of the Lahmus and the Beast herself. Morgana, along with the other homeroom teachers, are looking over their students for any injuries, while Gudako looked at the Lake in worry for her friends.

'I just hope that Bestie's alright.' She thought. As if someone heard her thoughts, (Y/n) and his Servants have arrived at the point safely, making Gudako quickly run towards him.

"Bestie!" She then hugs him, relieved that her best friend is safe.

"Yep, I'm here." (Y/n) replied after the hug, while his Servants just smiled at the scene. "Though there is someone who wanted to apologize." Gudako then looked behind him to see Tia floating alongside his Servants, surprising the gingerhead.

"T-tia?" She said, which the Former Beast nods.

"Yes, dear child. If you will, allow me to give my apology to everyone here." Tia then said. Gudako were skeptical about it, but she then realized how remorseful she is, thus she nods.

"I'll go call Miss Morgana and everyone else." Gudako then said, before doing so. While waiting, (Y/n) looked at Tia, hoping that she'll be alright when apologizing later.

"There is no need to worry, my child." Tia then assured. "I shall endure all of my punishment. I deserve them after the chaos that I have caused."

(Y/n) then holds her hand, which Tia then felt and looked at him.

"Then don't worry too. I'll be with you." He then smiled, making Tia smile in return and thanked him. Later on, Miss Morgana, the other homeroom teachers, and the entirety of the third year students are now gathered around the evacuation point, and with Morgana giving her a chance to explain herself, Tia begin to explained what happened earlier.

"I was the Beast who caused terror for you all earlier." She said, causing gasps from mostly the 3-A students, now truly believing her claim as that giant yesterday. "And the Lahmus, the ones who marched on the land, were my offspring. The reason why I did it is because of my sorrow of being left behind once again. I could not control my emotions, and thus, turned into the Beast you all saw earlier.

I did not mean for the chaos to happen, but it happened regardless. So if you despise me for my action, please, express so with all of your heart. I will not defend myself for what I did."

Tia then bowed, now feeling more remorseful than ever. The students who were listening to it are slowly digesting everything that she said while recounting the chaos earlier. The teachers meanwhile are thinking of something about Tia. After a moment of silence from both sides, one student spoke up about their experience.

"The Lahmu, was it? They didn't hurt me, rather, they saved me actually." They spoke, getting curious looks from their classmates. "I got tripped from running, and I thought I was a goner. But instead, the Lahmu wrapped my wound with some leaves before walking away. I don't know why they did it, but at that point, I realized that the Lahmus didn't even try to hurt us. They kept marching, sure, but never did attacked us."

The student's testimony then sparked some agreement from others who also experienced similar moments with the Lahmus. Even the teachers who tended the injured students' wounds, are now starting to agree with the testimony.

"But that doesn't explain how did she get so big!" Fiore from 3-C retorted. "She could've killed us with that giant body of hers! I don't buy it, not one bit!"

"That's right!" One of her Azthetic Men cronies agreed with her. However, the 3-A students are visibly intrigued by Fiore's claims, while the rest of 3-C is unsure about it. However, another class believed otherwise.

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