Day 10-2 - The Queen's Worries/Help Wanted

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(Y/n) and Morgan are currently sitting near the gardens of her castle, where they were just finished exploring the insides of said castle. During the exploration, the protagonist were quiet throughout the entire thing, making the Queen worried of how he feel right now.

"Dear (Y/n)..." The Queen started. "Are you alright? Is the exploration tiring for you?"

The boy just stared at the ground, still quiet despite listening to her. Getting more worried, Morgan slowly pulls him towards her and hugs.

"My dear... please tell me what is bothering you."

The Queen continued hugging him, giving him a calming aura while gently caressing him. He eventually succumbed into the calmness while letting himself being hugged by her. While doing so, Morgan secretly sighs as her head nudges his, but something's off...

'I'm sorry for this, my dear.'

The moment their heads touched, Morgan's consciousness has entered (Y/n)'s mind. Upon her arrival, she looked at the boy, alone in a world filled with digital cubes, surrounded with a large shield, a broken fan, and a broken red spear, not to mention many more broken weapons around him. She tries to reach out to him, but...

"Mash? Kiyo? Scarlet? Where are you?!" He yelled at nowhere, filled with fear. However, she then heard a sinister cackling sound from behind. Three sinister silhouettes are looming behind her, each with the same purple hair yet varying appearance. What's more however, is that they started to resemble more of her knights, shocking her.

"You're coming with me, or I'll kill more of your heroines!" "Come, or they'll get crushed by my claws!" "You won't get any saying of this. You'll be mine and mine alone!"

"Noooooo!" He then grabs the shield and protects himself, but the silhouettes starts chasing after him.

"Dear!" Morgan uses her magecraft to make the silhouettes go away, but to no avail, as the moment it gets close to him, she returned to the real world, in the same position as before. Morgan opened her eyes and noticed that (Y/n) is sobbing unconsciously.

'My dear... what is that vision? And why are you seeing them like my Knights?' She thought, continuing to hug him. 'And those names... Mash... as in that Shielder...' She then starts hugging him tighter, yet still comforting to the boy. 'I shall find a way to get rid of your fears, my dear. I promise.'

While this is happening, the three Knights in question are watching them from a corner, curious about how the relationship between the two are going by now.

"Is he... crying?" Melusine said,

"I believe that I know the reason why..." Barghest chimed in, eyeing at the ruby Archer. However, Baobhan disagrees.

"Oh, so you're blaming me for that? I did for the sake of Mother, and you two just followed my orders! Mother should be happy by now!" She said.

"But is it worth the effort if our Queen is worried about him?" Melusine argued, "Even if he starts to feel better with our Queen, he won't even dare to approach us, and start avoiding us like a plague. We have to do something or he will be forever confined in his fears that we made."

"Bah! You two can do so for all I care. I'll stick to my believes." Baobhan then stormed back into the castle. The two remaining Knights looked at each other and sighs.

"What should we do, Melusine?" Barghest then asked.

"We can try small things, but not outright directly approaching him." Melusine suggests. "You should make a dinner that is not too... 'your-sized', for the lack of better term."

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