Day 3-1 - Second Day with a Bang!

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As the next day rolls around, Gudako and (Y/n) are doing their morning routine at their homes. By the time they finished their preparations, the two meet up outside of their homes, both getting ready to start their school day.

"Morning, Bestie!" Gudako greeted, which (Y/n), who is just waving goodbye to Scarlet, waves at her.

"Mornin'" He greeted back, and the two walked together on their way to school, with Gudako feeling as energetic as ever. One thing to note however, is that Veil is not going together with him.

"Oh right, Veil wanted to copy my math homework..." He mumbled.

"Veil?" She questioned before realizing who he meant. "Oh wait, Jeanne Alter..."

"Yeah. Usually we walked to school together." He explained. Before Gudako can even comment, (Y/n) got hugged from behind, almost making him shriek in surprise.

"Morning, (Y/n)-sama~" Kiyo greeted while still hugging him.

"Morning..." He said while dropping a sweat at her harmless antic. Gudako watched at the scene and giggles at it.

"How lucky that you got a loyal girlfriend, huh." She teased him, making her best friend blush in embarrassment.

"I-I guess so..." He replied, while Kiyo then moves herself to walk beside him and holds his hand.

"By the way, are you free this weekend? Maybe we can have a date at that time~" Kiyo asked with a persuasive look on her face, making Gudako mildly surprised. (Y/n) meanwhile thinks for a moment before replying to her question.

"Well, I think I'm free that weekend. Where are you planning on?" He then asked.

"I'll tell you at our date." Kiyo said. As the two lovebirds chat, Gudako can't help but to feel jealous at him.

'How cute of them.' She thought, as the three keep on walking to their school.

Timeskippu! Now at Hevendor High,

The three are now at the second floor, with Kiyo already leaving them for her class. For the two best friends, Gudako went to the Teacher's Lounge for some finishing touches before her proper enrollment, while (Y/n) gave some words of encouragement before heading to his class.

At 3-A, the whole class, except the CGC duo and Veil, are gossiping about the particular new student that they saw yesterday, and when (Y/n) came in, they immediately went to him to ask about her. Of course, he got overwhelmed by it, until Veil literally roared from her seat to quiet the classmates around him.

"Can't omae see I'm working right now?! You guys are annoying as kuso!" She yelled at them for interrupting her work, with the Gamer Duo agreeing as well. Everyone else quiet down before dispersing themselves and heading back to their seats. (Y/n) continued walking to his seat before thanking Veil.

"I just want to finish my homework." She said before focusing on her work. Shortly after, the bell rings and everyone prepares themselves for the first period, with Veil quickly finishing her work. The homeroom teacher comes inside and begins her teaching, but not without an announcement. She looked at the students around and smiled.

"Looks like you all know about it, huh." She teased, causing an uproar of questions that the new student might join their class, which she giggles at her students. "Settle down, now. You might be right about the rumor, or that you're wrong. But if you really want to know the answer, how about-"

She stopped as she sees a silhouette right outside the door, making her sigh of her plans being cancelled and went straight to the point instead.

"Oh forget it. You can come in now!" She yelled, and the door opens as a certain ginger-haired girl enters the room with a happy mood. She turned to the students and waves at them.

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