Day 12-1 - To the Castle!

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Inside the mind of a certain protagonist, (Y/n) is currently standing in a white room, visibly confused of where he is now. He looked around to find any exit, but to no avail.

"Really... where am I?" He said, but with no one responding. He then kneel and sighs. "I could've convince her better... We could be a family together with Scarlet, Alice, and everyone."

He then looks at his left hand, where his newly appeared Command Seal is. "Then again, how did I get this? Is this why many Heroic Spirits flocking to me? Did the Goddess gave it to me?"

As he said that, the Command Seal glows with a door appeared in front of him. Seeing the door, he stood up and opens it, revealing a normal looking room that's similar to that to his own back in Boridale.

"This is..." He muttered. The door then closes by itself, alarming him. When he tries to open it, it instead shows the corridor towards downstairs.

"Am I dreaming right now? I can't be at my old home." He said again. He then heard footsteps, which came from downstairs which the mysterious person is going up. (Y/n) waits for whoever it is, and his eyes went wide when he sees the person, which they also have the same reaction when they see (Y/n).

 (Y/n) waits for whoever it is, and his eyes went wide when he sees the person, which they also have the same reaction when they see (Y/n)

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"Eh? Someone new here?" The person said, but then notices (Y/n)'s Command Seal. "Wait, that's...!"

(Y/n) looks at his Seal and shows it to the person. "You know this? Wait, are you a Heroic Spirit?" He then asked. The person shakes his head while getting closer to (Y/n).

"I'm not. I was however, a Master just like you." He said. "Name's Ritsuka Fujimaru. Nice to meet you."

(Y/n) blinks his eyes after listening to the boy's introduction, before pointing at him.

"EH?! GUDAKO?!" He yelled.

"Gudako? I'm Gudao... Wait, what do you mean by that?" Ritsuka, or Gudao for the sake of convenience, questioned (Y/n) of the nickname that he blurted.

"Ah... well..." (Y/n) then briefly explained on how he has a best friend with the same name, and the similar nickname.

"I understand. It sounds funny when you think about it." Gudao chuckled. "And since we're here, let's have a talk. I want to know more about your life with your Servants."

(Y/n) blinks yet again after hearing the last word.


The Castle,

Morgan, and her three controlled Knights, are watching over her clones who is building a wedding altar, with one carrying the currently unconscious (Y/n).

"It'll be all over soon, my dear." She said to herself, looking at the unconscious boy and then turned to her Knights. "Guard the castle. There will be... unwanted guests coming soon." The Knights nods before going to do so elsewhere. Morgan smiled at the incomplete altar, while caressing the boy's cheek.

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