Day 6-3 - Assault on Millennium

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As everyone at Millennium are running away from the scene, for the Hevendorians, the non-Heroic Spirits looked Binah in fear before running away as well, while the Spirits instead looked at each other and prepare their weapons. For (Y/n), he looked at Binah in awe before running towards Tomoe, who is manifesting her bow and arrow.

"(Y/n)!" She yelled, telling him to go back.

"I know, but I can't just stand around and do nothing!" He said as he then stood by her side. Tomoe sighs before looking at Binah dead in its eyes.

"Just stay behind me until Mash and Kiyo arrives." She said while drawing her bow. "As for you... Ruining a sacred event for Gamers, is a sin that's punishable by death!" She then fires her flaming arrow towards Binah, but it instead gets absorbed by a pink aura. "What?!"

Binah noticed her attack, and launches missiles from its back in retaliation. Seeing this, Tomoe grabbed (Y/n) and jumps away to avoid it, before putting him down.

"That's BS! How could a giant snake like that absorbed my arrow?!" She yelled. (Y/n) looks at Binah again to find any way to help her, but from the distance, he couldn't find anything useful.

"Senpai/(Y/n)-sama/Bestie!" From a distance, Mash, Kiyo, and Gudako arrived in a hurry.. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm alright, but how can we stop it?" He replied, referring it to Binah. As the Spirits try to find the answer, (Y/n) notices a rifle on the ground, and it sparked a memory of the past. He then grabs it, making Gudako panicked.

"Bestie?!" She yelled.

"I think... no, I know how to use it." (Y/n) replied with a determined look. Gudako clenches her fist before standing up.

"I'll go find some help! Mash and Kiyo, keep Bestie safe!" She said, and the two girlfriends replied with them turning into their Heroic Spirit form, in which Mash then stands in front of him with her shield up while Kiyo standing next to him, ready to unleash her flames. Gudako took a moment of awe at their forms as it reminds her of her past, before she faces her bestie in a worried look. "And please... don't be reckless."

"I will." (Y/n) assured, and thus Gudako runs to find some help. (Y/n) then wields the rifle in a comfortable position before aiming at Binah, with memories of him with a certain CAST still playing in his mind.

"Please be careful, Senpai!" Mash said. Now determined, (Y/n) puts his hand onto the trigger and pulls it. But instead of a bullet coming out of the rifle, multiple bullets are flying towards Binah from behind him, and like Tomoe's attempt, it gets absorbed by the pink aura, but Binah did not react to it as it keeps slithering away.

"Drat! No luck!" The trio turned around to see Iori and Hina going towards them with their guns. This is a new discovery for the Hevendorians, as they're surprised to see students wielding firearms as if they're used to it.

"Wha?" Is their reaction after learning about it.

"You must evacuate." Chinatsu said through her comms. "The Prefect Team, as well as many students of Kivotos, will handle this."

"But we want to help!" (Y/n) said, but Iori is not having it.

"But you can't even fire your gun! You should just run away to safety!" Iori said, gesturing at (Y/n)'s rifle. (Y/n) is upset of her words, but Kiyo interject before he can reply.

"So you're saying that you haven't seen our strength then..." She said, as she launches multiple fireballs at the attacking Binah, surprising the Kivotosians. "Some of us can fight, and frankly, we're much stronger than you all. If your Sensei is any indication, then our (Y/n) is our leader in this fight."

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