Day 21-2 - Resolving the Uncertainties

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At the now empty Homeroom 3-A, stood (Y/n) and Veil at the front, with the evening light illuminating the room. Veil stood near the windows, in which the light from the outside make her look like she's feeling sincere to him.

"(Y/n)..." She started. "There's something that I want to tell you."

When he heard the tone of Veil's voice, on top of the scenery that gives a certain vibe, (Y/n) knew where this is going, but decided to keep quiet for now.

'Veil...' He thought. The Chuuni then took a breather for a bit, mustering her words that she wanted to say to him before saying it.

"Watashi wa... anata ga... suki desu."

A typical romantic line that's seen in manga, novels, and anime, Veil confessed her feelings in the most normal way possible, despite her stuttering in some parts.

"I don't know why, but I like you. I thought that it's because we're rivals, but the times we went through together, it made me so happy..." Memories of the Duel, the Battle with Alteria, and the Cosplay Competition all came to their minds. "But since then, I have a gut feeling that somehow... somehow... I developed feelings for you...

But it feels so undeserving because I didn't spend more time with you to actually deserve it!"

Veil suddenly shouted over her unstable heart, making (Y/n) flinched. He thought that it's going to be something straightforward from her, despite her chuuni-ness, but it ended up being a bit complex for him compared to the ones with Kiyo and Mash. He wanted to comfort her, but what can he do about it until she finished confessing the whole thing?

"Kiyo and Mash, I get that. But I really shouldn't fallen in love with you! I still don't understand myself, even after being with Master for years before coming to this world! Is it because you reminded me of him? Or something else? I just don't know..."

At that point, tears have formed from Veil's eyes, unknowingly sniffling over her words. Unable to see her cry, (Y/n) went on to get close to her, but she stopped him with the small flames that she made with her powers.

"However..." She then wipes her tear away as she faces (Y/n) straight. "I can't just stay put and let my feelings grow like this. Which is why I want your answer right here and now."

She closed her eyes to reassert herself, and then looked at him, now with a calmer gesture and tone.

"Despite everything that I said... would you accept me of being your girlfriend?"

And thus, Veil finally asked him. Everything she waiting for all hinges on his answer. (Y/n) however, doesn't really know how to answer that after hearing her outburst of feelings.

"And I don't want you to answer it just with your experience with Kiyo and Mash." Veil then said, "I want you to think for yourself, and answer it from deep within your heart."

With that said, (Y/n) followed her request and ponder back to their experiences together. All of the things that they did together were fun and meaningful, but for (Y/n), it's all because the two of them were going together as friends. Even with her falling in love with him, he couldn't bring himself to love her back, just like how he did with Kiyo and Mash. This time however, since he's alone with Veil, he think through and through for the answer...

"... Thanks for telling me about your feelings, Veil."

(Y/n) started to reply after a brief thought for himself. "... But I don't think I can be your boyfriend."

Despite the answer, Veil did not move or react, and is instead waiting for his explanation.

"I don't undervalue your feelings for me, but I can't bring myself to love you right now. You were right that we only spend a little time together, but I always enjoyed all the times we had together.

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