Day 23-1 - The Winter Festival

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As snow falls throughout (Country/n), it marks the true beginning of winter. And what better way to celebrate it other than Hevendor High's Winter Festival. This event acts as both the celebration for the coming of winter, but also the final party to the third year students of this school.

Like the Japanicon before, those that are the student's family or related to the student are also invited to join in the fun, and (Y/n) and his Heroic Spirit family don't want to miss out on this event.

Right now, everyone in the family is getting themselves ready, with some of them already wearing their winter outing outfits. In addition, (Y/n) is also bringing his tuxedo while Scarlet, Veil, and Tia bringing their regal dress for the winter dance.

"It's hard to believe that a year have passed." (Y/n) said while adjusting his muffler. "And that I'll be graduating too. Talk about an eventful year."

"Congratulations, Boss!" Altria said. "Something like this should be celebrated. Maybe a party would do..." She then added, gesturing Scarlet of the idea.

"While it would be nice, we are going to a party too." Scarlet declined Altria's idea, making the Saberian pout in sadness over missing out some drinks.

"Don't worry, Altria. There's going to be the new years party, so we can do that instead." (Y/n) comforts her, making the Saberian lit up in return.

"Ooh! Then I'll look forward to that." She said, making (Y/n) and Scarlet chuckle over her excitement. Meanwhile, Alice and Veil came to the three, with the former now in an adorable winter outfit.

"How do I look, Papa?" She then asked, making (Y/n) smile and pats his daughter.

"You look adorable, sweetheart." He commented, making Alice smile in return. He then looked at Veil, who wears a casual with a touch of coolness on her outfit. "Yours look cool, Veil. No pun intended." He said with a thumbs up, making Veil smile proudly to herself.

"Sono toori. I personally picked them up, after all." She replied. And she does mean that, after blocking so many phone calls from Jeanne who insists that she'll pick the outfit for her.

The last one to come around is Tia, wearing her jacket with a sweater underneath. And her horns are adorned with caps to warm them up.

"This outfit... feels warm." Tia commented while looking at her jacket. "How do I look, dear child?"

Seeing Tia's current look, (Y/n) smiled at his (Heroic Spirit) Mother and gives her a thumbs up as well.

"Looking great, mom." He then said, making Tia smile in return for having complimented by her child. With everyone now all dressed up for the occasion, (Y/n) lead everyone outside, as they're going to Hevendor High to join the Festival.

Outside, (Y/n) then asked Scarlet to order a bus for everyone, while he himself go visit Gudako to bring her along. Once he reached the front door of Gudako's house, he knocks it and wait for the gingerhead to come out.

"Coming!" He heard Gudako's voice from behind the door, which she then opens it up. Gudako is now wearing a mix of a white winter coat and an orange blouse underneath, with a contrasting black leggings and white winter skirt. "Oh, Bestie! Are you heading out now?" She then asked him.

"Yep. I'm here to pick you up, actually." (Y/n) replied, which Gudako then turned around and went back inside.

"Just a sec!" She then yelled. Not long after, she came back with her back, which he presumed that it's her dance dress. "Alright, now I'm ready to go."

And just in time, the bus have arrived as well, with Scarlet calling them over. Gudako then locks the door before joining (Y/n) and his family on their way to Hevendor High. Inside the bus, while (Y/n) is sitting with Alice, Gudako found Kiyo and the latter gestured the gingerhead to sit with her. As Gudako sits beside Kiyo, the latter then held Gudako's hand in assurance.

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