Day 11-2 - Hospital Chaos

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After Barghest taking our protagonists to the kitchen, where she made a chocolate cupcake for him. the two are heading to a room where the Knight plans on making him introduce to her fellow Knight.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). Melusine is not as bad as you think. You can stay by my side if you want." Barghest assured.

"If you say so." (Y/n) replied. With the two now are in front of the door, Barghest knocks it before opening it, revealing Melusine, in her casual outfit, playing a fighting game. From their view, it seems that the Knight in blue is winning.

"And that is why you should not challenge me, oh scrub." Melusine said to herself. (Y/n) is flabbergasted at the sight, but Barghest pats his shoulder.

"Don't worry about that. Melusine is... the kind who prides on winning." She explained. Hearing the words from her fellow Knight, Melusine turned to see them.

"Barghest, and sir King." She greeted the two as they entered. (Y/n) looks closer at the game Melusine is playing which he then recognizes.

"That's Street Fighter V!" He remarked, catching attention of the blue Knight.

"Does sir King know about this game?" She asked.

"Just (Y/n) is fine..." He sweatdropped of her name-calling, "But yeah, yet I haven't tried it though." Melusine then offered a controller to him.

"Would sir (Y/n) like to play with me? I shall go easy on you." She asked. (Y/n) is wary of her offer, until he takes the controller and sits on the floor, which alerts the two.

"My King!" Barghest yelled, and lifts him up and puts him onto a cushion, making him surprised. "Please, don't ever sit on the floor. That is unbecoming for a King like you." She scolded, with Melusine sharing the same sentiment.

"I... uhh... I'm sorry?" He apologized, even though he doesn't aware of it. Regardless, he starts playing the game by choosing a character, while Melusine did the same. Barghest meanwhile left the two to bring some snacks for them. 

Outside of the room, a certain ruby Archer is watching them, and is still having the same conflicted feelings as before.

Back at the Hospital,

Scarlet, Alice, Veil, and Altria are watching over Mash and Kiyo as the latter are getting more and more healthy during their stay. The two are also finally aware of Artoria's role on yesterday's attack.

"I don't trust her." Kiyo said upon learning of the King of Knight's relationship with her boyfriend. "She stalked us just because she knows of (Y/n)-sama. If anything, she might take him away from us after we deal with Morgan!"

"Calm down, Kiyo-san." Mash attempts to calm the Berserker down. "It's thanks to her that we recovered much faster than we should be. And I don't think that she mean any harm to Senpai."

"But my point still stands." Kiyo huffed before looking away.

"Still, we don't know where (Y/n)-kun might be right now, and I'm dreading every second of it." Scarlet said, "So we have to trust miss Artoria regardless."

"I know, I know!" Kiyo snapped, "But... (Y/n)-sama..." As a single tear dropped from her eyes, she felt her hand being held by Alice.

"There, there, miss Kiyo." The girl comforts her. "Papa is strong, so we have to believe that he's safe," Which the Berserker feel embarrassed of being comforted by someone younger than her. Everyone then turned when a door knock is heard before it slides open.

"Sorry for taking so long!" Artoria returned from her outing, while carrying two bags filled with snacks. "It's hard to find  a snack shop around here."

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