Day 2-1 - Enter the New yet Old Friend

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"Shut up! I just can't stand you not understanding me!"

"But I want to-"

"Leave me alone!"

The girl wakes up with a cold sweat, gasping from the nightmare she just gotten. She looked around and remembers that she's in her new home now. She wipes her face before sighing.

"Today's the day..." She mumbled, before she looked at the clock... which made her eyes wide. "... Oh no!" She then frantically find her uniform and putting them on, before rushing down and grabbing a packaged sandwich and leaving the house (after locking the door, of course). She then ordered a taxi which she finds one before entering it quickly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there lady! Are you-" The driver asked but gets interrupted by her frantic glare.

"Hevendor High! Pronto!" She yelled, which the driver quickly turned around and starts driving.

"Calm down, sheesh!" And with that, she went to school on a taxi. However, amidst the scene, Scarlet was watching it the whole time, now understanding her new neighbor.

"So she's our new neighbor... hold on, she's wearing the same uniform as (Y/n)-kun's..." She pondered, before heading back inside to do more of her housework.

 Meanwhile, with (Y/n),

It's the first period, and it's currently History with some self-study for 3-A. As (Y/n) reading the reference book for the lesson, he got called by the teacher.

"Yes, sir?"

"Sorry to interrupt your study, but you've been called by the Principal to his office." He said, making the whole class groan while some muttering "It's should be a regular thing at this point.". Even so, (Y/n) is also groaning as well.

"Can I decline and continue studying? I think I have enough call-ins for this semester and I'd missing the lesson again." He said, feeling fed up with Principal Merlin's antic of calling him during class. However, the teacher shakes his head.

"I admire your reason, but sadly, the Principal's orders are absolute. I'll send you the assignment through StudentGate should you do miss the rest of our class." He said. Knowing that he's right, he face slam onto the desk before groggily went outside of class, but not before Veil giving an assuring look.

"Ganbatte ne." She said, which (Y/n) gave a quick thumbs up. Gentoki and Soichi are also give him some assurance with a shoulder pat and quick word of "Good luck.", before leaving the room completely. Now outside, (Y/n) groans yet again before mumbling,

"Let's get this over with."

Timeskippu! Featuring Kaori peeking (Y/n) as she tries to make amends for him,

Now right outside of the Principal's Office, (Y/n) opens the door and enters with a reluctant feeling.

"Alright, Principal. What kind of shenanigans do you-" He stopped when he sees someone very familiar standing in front of him. The person turned around to see him, before she gasps in surprise and tearing up.

 The person turned around to see him, before she gasps in surprise and tearing up

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