Day 10-1 - Aftermath/Queen's Introduction

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Beep... beep... beep...

The next morning, within a room of the Main Hospital of (City/n), Mash and Kiyo are laying on the bed, now bandaged on anywhere that were injured from yesterday's fight.

"Senpai!" Mash is the first to gain consciousness, jolting from the bed before the pain coursing through her body. The girl looks around the room and returned laying down, with tears forming from her eyes. "I'm sorry, Senpai... I wasn't strong enough to protect you..." She then have a solemn moment for a while, clenching her hands where she held her shield as hard as she could, only to get blown away by Barghest's sideway slash, before getting slammed on by the Knight's hilt of the sword.

As Mash continued her silent grief, a nurse enters the room with a tray of food and water with her.

As Mash continued her silent grief, a nurse enters the room with a tray of food and water with her

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"You're awake, good." She said, which Mash noticed her presence.

"Miss Nightingale..." She said as the nurse puts down the tray.

"You're lucky that your internal injuries are minimal. We were able to mend all of your bones during the operation." The nurse explained. Mash however were sure that she wouldn't survive after the fight, but she put her thoughts aside to see Kiyo sleeping right across her bed.

"But how did we get here?" She then asked.

"Someone called the ambulance during your incident. We don't know the details of it at first, but the person who're also at the scene helped us with filling the details." The nurse explained again. Mash then realizes something when she looked at the other beds, in which only one of them is occupied by Kiyo.

"Wait, where's Gudako-san?!" She asked, which the nurse points at the wall behind her.

"The other girl is resting at a separate room. You may visit her, but you need to recover yourself first." She said, which Mash breath a sigh of relief.

"I understand. Thank you for your help, Miss Nightingale." Mash thanked her, as the nurse starts walking out of the room. The Shielder looked at the food next to her before started eating. Unknown to her however, Artoria is sitting at the bed next to her, being invisible.

'I'm glad that my heal spell worked.' She thought. 'But I shouldn't sit idly by. I have to find a way to save him from my sister.' Artoria then silently walked out of the room, as she plans to find help from Merlin...

With you,

Our protagonist is slowly yet surely waking up, after being knocked out by Melusine yesterday. When he opened his eyes, he jolt up and hyperventilates, due to memories of yesterday coming back to him.

"No... Mash, Kiyo, Gudako..." He mumbled. He then looked around and learns that he's in a luxurious room, as if it's like it belongs to a royalty. When he tries to leave the bed, he heard the sound of a door opening, thus making him stop and returned to the bed, pretending to be sleeping again. He then feel a weight on the bed, knowing that the presumed assailant is right next to him. He hope that they're not aware that he's awake, but what's next surprises him.

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