Day 18-2 - Chaos at Lake Kuru

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Meanwhile at the Throne of Heroes, I, the narrator of this wonderful story, is narrating about how I'm currently watching the scene unfolding at Lake Kuru. There's a reason why I'm narrating it like this, because a certain useless Goddess is visibly upset about what's happening down there.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Whoops, looks like she read it. "Tiamat's woken up from her who-knows-how-long sleep and you're just letting her RAMPAGING?!"

"Are you expecting that this Tiamat is going to do the same as how she did back in Uruk?" I told her. "Just calm down, Ishtar. Knowing him, he'll stop her."

Unfortunately, Ishtar won't buy my assurance.

"How? With the power of friendship?" She replied with sweet sarcasm on her voice.

"Highly likely, knowing how he is and all." I nod with confidence. "Just trust me. Artemis and Ares are on standby if you're really that worried about it." While it is true, I do have something else planned for this little trouble.

Knowing that she can't argue with me anymore, she grumbles and walked away. Honestly, all she does is complain throughout the entire Second Month. Sure, I appreciate her for saving me back during BB's devious little plan, but she's still an useless Goddess at the end of the day.

Now then, time to go back narrating the story proper~

Scene Changey!


Tiamat's roar is heard throughout the entire Lake Kuru and its surroundings. Everyone looked in horror as the Beast looked at the ground with her glowing pink eyes.

"Everyone, please evacuate immediately!" Miss Morgana swiftly ordered the students, which they do so while panicking. For (Y/n), he looks at Tiamat in confusion and horror.

"Tia... what's going on?" He muttered.

"Senpai!" He then turned around to see Mash, Kiyo, Gudako, and Alice running towards him in worry.

"(Y/n)-sama, what happened?!" Kiyo then asked while looking at Tiamat.

"I don't know! I told her that it's risky to bring Tia back home!" (Y/n) explained. This made Alice gasped in worry.

"But she's a nice person! Why would it be risky for Miss Tia to come with us?!" She then asked.

"It's because of Babylonia." Mash started to explain. "She was the main threat back at the Singularity. Both Tia and Senpai are worried that if she come with us, the Heroic Spirits from that Singularity would try to attack her."

Alice looked at the Beast in sadness. Even if she's a Beast, she still care for her, especially after the moment they had yesterday.

"Argh, what should we do?! If she keeps up like this, she might start bringing the Lahmus!" Gudako said in frustration. Unfortunately, she jinxed herself, as Tiamat's spawn, the aforementioned Lahmus, begin to appear from the shores of the lake, much to everyone's panic.

 Unfortunately, she jinxed herself, as Tiamat's spawn, the aforementioned Lahmus, begin to appear from the shores of the lake, much to everyone's panic

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