Day 19-1 - Weekend Morning Activities

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The next day have arrived, and early in the morning, (Y/n) woke up with a sight of Tia's sleeping face above him. Upon remembering what happened last night, he rolls to the side and yawns, before feeling the warmth of the blanket around him.

'I guess Scarlet did came here.' He thought, before he moves it away to wake Tia up. The former Beast then get stirred from her sleep as she then sees (Y/n).

"My child?" She said, before wiping her eyes. She then realizes that she's no longer at lake Kuru, and then her memories of yesterday returned, making her stand up. "I almost forgotten. I am your Servant now." She then said, with (Y/n) giving her a smile.

"Morning, mom." He then said without any shyness this time, now accepting her as a mother figure here. And of course, it made Tia more than happy of being called that by him.

"So it is, my dear child~" Tia cooed, and pats his head. The door behind them then slides open, revealing Scarlet who were watching them for a while now.

"Alright, you two. Let's go inside for breakfast." She said, which the two nod to each other before doing so. Inside, they were greeted by Alice and Altria by the dining table.

"Good Morning, Papa and Miss Tia!" The former greeted with a happy smile, while the latter waves in return. The two took their seat as Scarlet puts down their food.

"How I miss morning pancakes..." (Y/n) remarked after smelling the familiar warm scent of the food. Tia took her fork and gently poked at it, before looking at how (Y/n) eats it and copies it. When she put the piece of the pancake into her mouth, she stopped at how delicious it is.

"How... soft, yet warm at the same time?" She remarked.

"Oh, pancakes are meant to be like that." Altria chimed in, as she continues eating her food. Tia glances at (Y/n) as he gives her an encouraging nod. Tia eats more of it and formed a smile upon it, enjoying the food. Everyone else including Scarlet smiled at her enjoyment.

"Don't forget to drink every once in a while~" Scarlet then reminded her, which Tia then nods before continuing. Moments later, Veil joined in after being overslept by half an hour, and everyone are now having breakfast together, with idle chatting and everything. Tia is astounded of how different it feel compared to dinner, and she couldn't help but to be happy at how different it is.

'This is... how a modern family feels like...' She thought, before closing her eyes in thought, 'Modern children... are truly wonderful.'

After breakfast ended, Scarlet immediately went to (Y/n) with a seemingly innocent yet threatening smile on her face.

"And now, my sweet brother. How about you take a shower so we can start your lesson right away?" Everyone including Tia shudders at Scarlet's 'Shishou' tone, which (Y/n) took a deep breath before doing so. While this is happening, Alice went to Tia to tell her something.

"While Papa's busy, how about we go exploring (City/n), Miss Tia?" She said.

"Exploring... (City/n)?" The former Beast tilted her head.

"Oh, right. It's the name of the city we live in. We'll walk around the city so you can learn more about how it works." Altria then added, seemingly joining Alice's idea. However, Tia is feeling uneased by it.

"But... the Heroic Spirits of this world..." She said in a saddened tone.

"Don't worry about that, Miss Tia! We'll tell them that you're different than before!" Alice assured her,

"And if we have to, we'll protect you." With Altria also supporting her. Even with the risk, the two family members convinced Tia to try.

"Very well... I shall take your offer." Tia said, making Alice excited of the walk together.

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