Day 8 - A Leisurely Orbital Flight

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The next day comes around, with (Y/n) waking up later than Scarlet after being hugged throughout the night. Looking at the time on his phone, he panics knowing that he's late for school, but a StudentGate notification stopped him, as he learned that he and others are given a day off by Merlin himself, presumably for them to rest after returning home. Accepting the fact, he goes downstairs for some breakfast, which he's greeted with Altria waiting for him downstairs.

"Ah, morning Boss!" She greeted, "I was hoping to see you today."

"Morning, Altria. What's up?" (Y/n) replied.

"I was thinking... can we go out together today? There's something I want to show you." Altria asks in anticipation.

"Well, since I am having a day off today, sure!" (Y/n) accepted, which the Saberian fist pumps in return. The two head off to have breakfast as expected.

An hour later, (Y/n) and Altria are now outside of the house to go to where the latter is planning. By coincidence, they see Gudako coming out of her home as well.

"Ah, morning Bestie!" She greeted, which the two greeted back. "You two heading out somewhere? If so, can I come?" She then asked. Altria were a bit skeptical about her question, but...

"Well... sure! You're Boss' best friend, so I don't mind as long as you won't freak out about it." She said, with Gudako quickly joining the two by his side. Altria begin leading the two, with (Y/n) thinking of what kind of place does she lead them to.

'Maybe she wants to hang out at Duelio? or that she wants to buy something... Guess I'll have to find out.'

Timeskippu, featuring a tall blonde knight looking at a dog!

The three are now at a forest somewhere away from the city. The two students are confused of why the Saberian lead them there, before said girl pats at the air, creating an audible metallic sound from it.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?!" Gudako remarked, which Altria nods.

"Boss, you remember that I came here by my Saveron malfunctioning, right?" She said.

"I get it, you're saying that the Saveron is fixed now?" (Y/n) replied, now understanding her plan.

"Well, not completely, but on the basic flight side, I fixed it thanks to the money I earned from my job, and my sister who shockingly helped me by sending some spare parts." Altria explained, with a flashback of her getting a large container and a message from Alteria - Altria's Alter sister, aweing the two. Altria then used her pen-tablet to reveal the hidden Saveron, that from the outside is still looked rough despite the repairs. The spacecraft opens its hatch for the three to enter. "Come on in!"

The three enters the spacecraft, which is dark at first, but after a few taps from Altria's tablet, it lits up, revealing multiple rooms at the side, and the cockpit at the front.

"Whoa..." The two humans awed.

"Welcome to Saveron, my personal interplanetary transporter." Altria announced. She then shows the status of the ship by the tablet's projection function. "From the status, it can at least escape the planet's gravitational pull, meaning-"

"We can go to space!" Gudako cuts in.

"That's right. But the warp drive is still under repair, so I can't take ourselves beyond the orbit." Altria then admits.

"But still, going to space..." (Y/n) wonders, while looking at the window on the side. "I can imagine how it looks like to see it up close."

"We can just go there right now." Altria grins, surprising the two.

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