Day 17-1 - The Primordial Mother Wants a New Friend

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The next morning comes around, and unlike back home, (Y/n) didn't woke up by some random alarm, as he instead woke up thanks to the sunlight. He looks around and see Alice still sleeping, making him sigh in relief seeing that his daughter is still safe. Speaking of Alice, he then remembered Tia and his promise from last night.

"I hope that Mash and Kiyo won't attack Tia..." He said to himself before getting up to stretch.


It's the second day of the camping trip, and once everyone is finished taking their shower, they're then have breakfast together. As for our protagonist, he's doing so with Kiyo, Gudako, Mash, and Alice together. The sight does made some boys jealous of him.

"Do you have any plans for today, Senpai?" Mash asked.

"Ah, well..." (Y/n) wanted to say that he does, but he couldn't tell them about Tia. Gudako then notices his troubles and decided to help him.

"Oh, we do! We'll be having a stroll around the lake!" She said. Kiyo and Mash went dumbfounded, but the former giggles remembering her talk with Gudako yesterday, making Mash confused.

"Did something happened yesterday?" She said, feeling out of the loop.

"We had a bit of heart to heart talk yesterday, it's nothing too important." Kiyo explained, glancing towards Gudako.

'So that's why...' (Y/n) thought, now understanding why Gudako did try to confess last night.

"And does that related to as why Gudako-san went with Senpai last night?" Mash then said, before she started to think of... something. "Wait... did you two..."

"WE DID NOT!" Both (Y/n) and Gudako yelled, with the latter ended up blushing. "We just talked about things, that's all!" Gudako then clarified. Mash reeled back from the outburst before nodding.

"A-anyway, want to come with us, Alice?" Gudako then said, trying to avert the topic. The little girl's eyes then gleamed before nodding.

"Yes, big sis Gudako!" She said, making the gingerette holds her chest, due to Alice's cuteness.

"Alright then, I'll go ask Miss Morgana for permission." (Y/n) then said, before leaving to do so with Alice joining him. During that time, Kiyo stares at Gudako with an innocent yet threatening look.

"Did you really..."

"I did not! Geez, I almost told him my feelings if it wasn't for Ti-" Gudako quickly shuts her mouth from blurting Tia's name, making his two girlfriends - Mash in particular - intrigue, but not for that reason.

"Y-you were going to confess to Senpai?" Mash asked, now understanding the situation. Gudako then sighs after the two knowing her intention.

"Yeah... I already told Kiyo about it. I can't help but to keep having feelings for him." Gudako confessed. Mash then glances at Kiyo, who simply smiled at her.

"... You really have changed, Kiyo-san." Mash remarked, making Kiyo giggle of acknowledgement. Not long after, (Y/n) and Alice returned to them, with the latter skipping joyfully.

"We got the permission." He said. Gudako then stood up and went to him.

"Great! Then let's go!" She said, before pulling him away to the lakeside, with Alice just following him. As for his two girlfriends, while Kiyo knows of what she's doing, Mash is still skeptical about the two's plan.

"Do you want to follow them, Mash?" Kiyo then said. Mash thinks for a while before nodding.

"Even though Gudako-san is going to confess her feelings to Senpai, something's not up." She said, with Kiyo also nodding in return.

"Indeed. I can clearly feel it." She said, as her eyes glints in a subtle threatening manner. "Anchin-sama is hiding something from me."

Meanwhile, with (Y/n) and the two girls...

The three are now walking along the lakeside, going to the direction where they met Tia last night. While Alice is enjoying the walk, (Y/n) and Gudako are feeling awkward to one another, especially for the latter who blurted her plans with him.

"Do you think that Alice would attack her?" (Y/n) then whispered to Gudako, which he shakes his head.

"Nah. Even though she's a Heroic Spirit, I highly doubt that she can hurt Tia." Gudako said, remembering her experience from the past. The two then stopped near the same spot where they meet Tia, which (Y/n) looks around to find her. Thankfully, it didn't take long until they heard a particular bush rustle, in which Tia emerges from said bush.

"You came!" She said, and then sees Alice, who are surprised of knowing Tia.

"You're Tiamat!" She pointed out, and the two students quickly panicked to stop Alice from blurting more about Tia.

"No, I can understand that you call me as such. But now, I am called Tia." The Primordial Mother said. "Please, do not be afraid of me. I do not wish to attack you or the modern children." She then said, spreading her arms as a sign of trust. Alice then looked at the two students.

"So... she's not going to hurt us?" She said, with Gudako nodding.

"Well, she didn't hurt us last night, and from the looks of it, she needs a friend." (Y/n) then explained. Alice then looks at Tia again, this time in intrigue.

"What he said is true. I merely wish to interact with you." Tia said. After saying that, Tia tries to walk closer to the three, which Alice then holds Tia's hands with a smile.

"Then let's be friends, Tia!" She said. Tia is surprised of Alice's request, and looks at the two students who smiled at her, encouraging her to be friends.

"Friend..." She said, before holding Alice's hands in return. "I feel... so much joy..." Tia then shed a single tear, feeling happy after years of being alone in Lake Kuru's lakebed.

"Glad to see you happy, Tia." Gudako remarked. After the wholesome moment, Tia then looks at the two students with a happy look on her face.

"Now that we're friends, how about we play some games together?" (Y/n) said, while pulling out an inflatable ball from his pocket. Seeing their intention, Tia's smile grew wider as she feels excited for the first time.

"Games..." She said, and clenches her hand in excitement. "Then let us play, my friends!" The two girls then ran along the lakeside, as (Y/n) starts blowing air into the ball. Gudako meanwhile looked over the two to keep them safe.

"Looks like those two got along pretty well." She remarked, seeing Alice teaching her about playing splashing water to Tia, before the two doing so playfully.

"I'm honestly glad that it went well." (Y/n) replied before continuing his thing. After the ball is ready, the two students then join the two on playing together, either by passing the ball or splashing water at each other. For now, Tia is happy that she's now playing with the modern children, and hopes that their friendship will last...

Although, their secrecy would not very soon.

(The more I write about Tia, the more I see her like Nahida hue
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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