Day 1-2 - Controller Shopping and New Neighbor?

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It's now after school, and just as they planned, (Y/n) and the Casual Gamers Club are heading towards the infamous Geetaku Street, home of stuff for Geeks, Otakus, and more. As they're heading to a bus stop, a certain Kouhai is catching up to them.

"Senpai, wait!" The boys turned around to see Mash frantically running towards (Y/n) in particular.

"Mash? What's up?" He asked in concern. She took some time to catch her breath before replying,

"Are you going to Geetaku right now? If so, can I join?" She asked. (Y/n) looked at the three, which Gentoki shrugs while nodding.

"That's our plan." Gentoki answered, before continuing, "And sure, you can come with us. We're only heading to the Gamerig though."

"That's fine. I have something to buy there as well." Mash replied in understanding. And just in time, the bus has arrived, and the five gets in and take their seats, with (Y/n) and Mash sitting together while the boys sitting at the back. As the bus moves, the three looked at the Pinkette leaning towards their clubmate with a sweatdrop.

"I'm taking a guess and believe that she's here just to be with (Y/n)." Soichi whispered among themselves, which the boys agreed.

Timeskippu! Featuring Akira fiddling with his fidget spinner,

After arriving at Geetaku, the boys and Mash are entering a large four-story building name Gamerig Games and Arcade. Inside is filled with all items related to gaming as a whole, with Consoles, Accessories, and such. (Y/n) and Mash, being their first time visiting here, looked at the map that showcased each floors and their contents.

"So we're only staying at the ground floor... I'm kind of curious of the upper floors though." She pondered.

"We're just here for the Gamecube controllers, so yeah." Gentoki said.

"Ah, CGC!" Everyone then turned to the source of the yell, which is from a member of their rival Gaming Club, Tomoe Onizuka. She skips to the boys to greet them with excitement on her face. "Are you guys buying new games? I can recommend you some! Oh wait, maybe you're going to the arcade section for some Guilty Gear!"

"Err, we're only here for the Gamecube controllers." (Y/n) replied, with the clubmates agreeing with him. However, Tomoe pouts before sighing.

"Aww, bummer. Well, I'm heading up. Catch ya later!" She then skips away to the escalator. Mash looked at the oni on the escalator and hums.

"She's really excited on playing games... as expected." Mash noted.

"We already gotten used to it. She maybe our overexcited rival, but she's a gamer just like us." Akira said.

"I see..." And with an agreement, everyone then begin looking for some good Gamecube controllers, with Mash trying to find some Switch controllers.

As they are scouring for the controllers, right outside, a taxi with a certain passenger passes by the building.

"This here is the infamous Geetaku Street, home of many shops for geeks and otakus alike!" The taxi driver announced. The passenger looked outside and awes of how bustling it looks.

"So cool..." She mumbled, "I hope there's an arcade center here. I'm itching for some DDR." As she keeps looking outside, she spotted a student of Hevendor High that bears an orange hair with fox ears playing with her phone, and a man with scuffled hair and a goatee admiring his new anime figure, which made her eye wide. 'Is that... no, it can't be...' She shakes her head before giving a light slap on her cheeks.

"Errr, you alright, missy?" The driver asked.

"I'm fine. I got lost in thought." She replied. She then lays down on the seat before pondering.

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