Day 4 - A Sister-Brother Day Off/Sister Reunion

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Today's morning starts with (Y/n) walking down the stairs half-asleep. But, as he reached the living room, he bumped into someone, jolting him wide awake.

"Oof!" He yelped, followed with a quick, "Sorry!". However, the person he bumped into instead hugged him, and by the feeling of the hug that he knows who it is.

"It's alright, you sleepyhead~" Scarlet said, before releasing him. Now fully awake, (Y/n) step aside as he head to the couch to watch some morning anime, but Scarlet have plans for him. "By the way, since you're having a day-off today, I've been thinking..."

"Oh yeah. Principal Merlin told us that there's an emergency meeting that he had to cancel today's school..." He recalled, before focusing back on what Scarlet said. "Ah, wait, what is it?"

Scarlet giggled before revealing her idea for today, "Let's hang out together, Sister and Brother!"

"... eh?"

A brief timeskippu!

As everyone finished their breakfast, (Y/n) asked Scarlet about what she said earlier as the latter is washing the dishes.

"Well, what do you have in mind about it? I'm not against it, since I don't have any plans and all, but I'm surprised that you were asking me about it." He said, ensuring that he's not really oppose to her idea.

"(Y/n)-kun is too busy with school, friends, and girlfriends, so you never spend some time with your Onee-san." She pouted.

"Ah... I'm so sorry about that..." He apologized, realizing that her words are true.

"And I always forgive you for that. I'm not that possessive..." She remarked. "But just once in a while, I want to have a day with you together, alone." She stated. "As of what I'm planning, how about a trip to Avalonia Garden?" She then suggests.

"Sounds good. I never been there actually." He remarked, making Scarlet giggle.

"This'll be perfect!" She clapped her hands in anticipation.

"Guess I should take a shower first." And the two head off to do their things before the trip later afternoon.

Yet another timeskippu!

With the two (unofficial) siblings are now prepared for the trip, Scarlet pats Alice's head before facing Veil, who is standing by the door.

"Now Veil-chan, try to keep Alice-chan entertained, alright? If you have trouble, just call us." She advised, which the white-haired Avenger rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She said, only to met a subtle glare piercing to her heart, making her relent. "I-I mean, hai okusama!"

"Good!" She smiled, turning off her 'Gae Bolg Alternative' and kisses Alice's forehead. (Y/n) instead gives her a hug before waving goodbye.

"See you guys at evening!" He said before entering a taxi together, as the two head off straight to the Garden. Back home however, Veil looked at Alice, still stuttering in fear.

"H-hey, Alice... w-wanna play some... Mario Kart?" She asked, earning an excited look from the girl.

"Yay! Let's play, big sis!" Alice then pulled Veil in after closing the door for a fun time of playing Mario Kart together.

Meanwhile, during the whole scene, Kiyo was watching them using the binoculars, noting of the current development of her boyfriend and his family.

"About time. Scathach might gone rouge and lock him away with her the longer this keeps up..." She commented. "Not that she can do it anywa- hm?" From the corner of her eyes, she sees a ginger-haired ex-Master peeking them from behind the fence, before silently follows the taxi.

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