Day 18-5 - Back Home with Apology and Stargazing

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"Umm... Sis?"

After arriving back home at dusk, (Y/n), Alice, and Tia is greeted with an angry Scarlet, who immediately ordered him to do a seiza right in front of her, while the other two, Veil, and Altria can only watch the scene.

"Dear chi-" Tia tries to intervene, but gets shot down by Scarlet's glare, stopping the former Beast dead on her tracks.

"I can't believe you..." Scarlet started, "To think that you risked your life and almost died, and never thought of summoning us since we're your Servants... Have you realized how worried I am to you?!"

The two other Servants inside can only look at him in pity over Scarlet's wrath.

"I'm sorry, sis. I completely forgot about that..." (Y/n) solemnly replied, even though he wanted to know how did Scarlet knew about it.

"A sorry wouldn't cut it, brother." Scarlet scoffed. "You get kidnapped by BB, then Morgan, and now almost get killed by Tiamat. You're beyond vulnerable that even with Alice, Mash, and Kiyo's help wouldn't be enough to protect you."

"Which is why, as your Servant, I will personally teach you everything about your role as a Master, which includes the basics, the advanced roles, and practicing what you've learned, all in one day starting tomorrow morning!" Scarlet then said, giving an aura of her old 'Shishou' self. Veil even feel bad for him of getting taught by the fearsome teacher such as Scarlet.

"...Y-yes, sis."

"Ah ah ah, Shishou." Scarlet corrected him, making (Y/n) repeat his last sentence, but with the correction. Scarlet then turned towards Tia, who is understandably frightened by her anger. "As for you... I may don't know how you did it, but my Servant instinct knew that you almost killed him. Of course, I would be livid for that..."

Scarlet then took a deep breath before sighing, glancing at (Y/n) once again. "But seeing you here made me realized that I can't deny the length my dear brother went through for you, so I'll punish you lightly instead."

Tia did a double take, seeing a formidable Servant like Scarlet decided to let her mistake mostly went through.

"However, we couldn't just accept you right away, even if you're now (Y/n)'s Servant. So, you have to earn our trust." Scarlet then added, which Tia nods in understanding. After all of that, Scarlet then went towards (Y/n), hugging him tightly.

"For now, welcome home, all of you." She then said, now softening her face, which (Y/n) promptly just smiled and hugged back, with Alice joining in as well.

"We're home, sis, everyone."


After having dinner together, in which Tia is fascinated by the food of the modern times, everyone else went on to do their night activities. As for Tia, she's a bit confused of what to do now, but (Y/n) decided to bring her to the backyard, where the two sits near the sliding door as the two stared at the starry skies above.

"So, Tia?" (Y/n) started, "Back then, when we're in your mindscape, were you... always feel lonely?"

Tia went silent after hearing his question, which she then stared down at the grassy ground.

"It was." She replied, "Before meeting you, I have endured the loneliness for an unknown length of time. I knew that I should not reveal myself to not create chaos among the visitors of the lake, but I can only bear myself for so long..."

"I am a Beast, but I truly miss the love from children that I gave birth and raised. However, thanks to you, I believe that I can feel the love that I longed for so long." Tia then smiled as she looks at (Y/n). "I know that I cannot replace your true mother who gave birth to you, but I truly wish to see you as my children. I hope that you keep allowing me to do as such, dear child."

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