Day Extra - The Amazing (Insane) World of Morgana

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On an average weekend morning, our Protagonist does his routine as usual. When he goes downstairs, he smelled something good coming from the Kitchen. Knowing who is cooking, he went there half-asleep and greets Scarlet.

"Morning, Big sis..." He said. But what he heard next is not from someone that he calls his big sister.

"Good morning, my dear brother." (Y/n) froze after hearing the tone of the voice, opening his eyes wide to see a certain silver haired adult flipping some eggs.

"M-M-Miss Morgana?!" He pointed out. "But how?! And where's Scarlet?!"

However, Morgana tilts her head in confusion. "Scarlet? Who is that person, my dear Brother?"

(Y/n) pinched his cheek, thinking that he's dreaming. But instead he felt pain, meaning that it is indeed a reality.

"How..." He wondered, but his thoughts are interrupted by someone else calling him.

"Good morning, father!"

A same voice, but high pitched this time. (Y/n) turned in horror to see yet another Morgana, but younger, coming to him with a big smile on her face.

"H-how... where's Alice?" (Y/n) asked, but once again, he gets the same response.

"Who is Alice, father? Is she a friend?" Little Morgana said. (Y/n) stumble backwards, praying that it really is a nightmare and not real. But then he gets bumped into yet another Morgana, but as a teenager.

"Ah, Ohayo, Watashi no tomodachi." She said, and from his guess, it was Veil's.

'What's going on?!' He thought. But finally, he sees someone coming downstairs, and surprise surprise, is yet another Morgana with a cap.

"Morning everyone..." She said in a tired voice. Unable to comprehend, he quickly runs outside and going straight to Kiyo's house, where he bangs the door in panic.

"Kiyo! Please open up! I need your help!" He yelled. But when the door opened, he went horrified once again, as you-know-who appeared instead of his girlfriend.

"My dear beloved! What's the matter?!" She said in worry, but (Y/n) turns around once again and runs to Gudako's house, doing the same thing as before. When the door opened, he closed his eyes in fear, but instead he gets pulled in by someone inside. After hearing the sound of the door being locked, he still has his eyes closed, but the next words slowly makes it open.

"Bestie! It's me!" Hearing the familiar voice for once, (Y/n) sees Gudako, the real one, holding him in worry. (Y/n) then hugs her tight, feeling relieved that he found someone that's not Morgana.

"Damn, it got you hard, huh." Gudako sigh, knowing what's going on and pats his head. "And here I thought she's persistent enough wanting to be summoned, even as far as having four rate ups in two years..."

Of course, (Y/n) doesn't understand any of that, but he just wants to talk to her about what's going on right now.

"Alright, first of all, we're dreaming. Even if it's scarily real, knowing what happened yesterday, it should not go on like this." Gudako clarified. (Y/n) looks upon her and questions what she meant. "Like I said, it's a scarily realistic dream. Something... or someone, might made us dream like this and making us stuck here."

"Then who do you think it is? Is it a Heroic Spirit?" (Y/n) asked, making Gudako pondered her head, thinking of the possible suspects.

'Oberon? No, too sassy. Merlin? Not even him or her would do something this scary... wait...' Gudako then thought of a certain Heroic Spirit... or rather, a Divine Spirit, giggling their butt off, making Gudako forming a tick mark on her head.

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