Day 6-2- Second Featured Match

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Back at the main event, the Smash-like doubles match between Hevendor and Millennium has ended, with (Y/n) and Akira winning the match, raising excitement for the other schools of Hevendorians' capabilities. After getting down from the stage, Midori and Momoi reached towards them in hurry.

"Wait!" Momoi called them, making the two Hevendorians turned to her while Momoi faces (Y/n). "Again, it was a great game! I never knew that you're a ThreeD main!"

(Y/n) tilted his head before understanding what she meant. "Oooh, ThreeD... I am maining him since the previous game." He explained while patting the back of his head.

Midori meanwhile shakes Akira's hand for a proper congratulation. "Thank you for playing with us. Sorry if our plan were upsetting to you."

"Don't be. If anything, I don't mind facing your plan again." Akira said, making Midori smile of mutual understanding. This scene of sportsmanship of course are being broadcasted live, making the recently returned (Y/n) Sensei looks at the protagonist and chuckles.

"I'm glad that my counterpart is getting along with the students." He remarked.

"He is just like you, Sensei." Yuuka added. "Hopefully, he's not an irresponsible spender like you." She then teased him, much to Sensei's chagrin. Shortly after, the second feature match is starting soon...

Second Featured Match: Team Hevendor (Gentoki, Soichi, Megane, Kakkoi) vs Team Prefect (Hina, Iori, Ako, Chinatsu)

At the main stage, two groups of students are sitting in front of their respective desk, as they're getting ready for the upcoming Counter-Strike-like match.

"Oh man, we're in the big leagues now, bro." Gentoki said to Soichi while sitting down, with the latter agreeing.

"Calm down, Gentoki. As long as you follow my plans, we'll work it through." Kakkoi advised.

"You lot better not drag us down, you hear m-" Megane's threat is swiftly stopped by a chop to her head by Kakkoi. "Ow!"

"Hush now. Don't forget to have fun, alright?" She said to the boys.

"Right!" The two boys replied. And with a bell ring, the game begins, with Gentoki being the 'tank' with a shotgun, Soichi and Kakkoi being the 'striker' with their assault rifles, and Megane being the 'sniper' with the namesake.

As the first round started with the Hevendorians attacking, Gentoki leads the group to the bomb site, but he gets flanked from the side by Ako from the corner.

As the first round started with the Hevendorians attacking, Gentoki leads the group to the bomb site, but he gets flanked from the side by Ako from the corner

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"Easy flank." She remarked. Gentoki clenches his teeth, upset that he got flanked.

"Don't mind about that." Kakkoi reminded him as she managed to fragged Ako in return, surprising her. "As long as one of us is still alive, we can win this round."

"Right..." Gentoki said while watching Megane's plays. On the other side, the Gehenna students are interested in the Hevendorians' playstyle.

 On the other side, the Gehenna students are interested in the Hevendorians' playstyle

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