Day 5-1 - Flight to Kivotos

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It's the morning of the day of the flight, and at the living room, (Y/n) is seen all prepared with all of his necessities for his three-day trip. Scarlet is currently doing a final check on him, despite his insistence that he's all ready.

"Did you packed your toothbrush, toothpaste, cologne, and-"

"Sis, I already checked and double-checked everything last night. You don't have to worry about it." He stopped her, feeling a bit of deja vu...

"Aww, Papa's leaving home again..." Alice lamented, but (Y/n) squats to face her at her level.

"But this time, Principal Merlin gave a heads up that there'll be no isekai shenanigans like last time. And this time, I'll be extra sure to call you, sweetheart." He assured, making Alice smiled of it and gives a hug.

"Man, you're going to another country and here I am stuck doing more sugaku quiz..." Veil groaned.

"Cheer up, Sensei. I'll be cheering on you, even when I'm at work!" Altria comforts her, but not much for the Avenger's assurance. (Y/n) pulls out his book and hands it to Veil.

"You can use this. It won't be much but It'll help." He said, and Veil looked at the cover of the book before sighing.


Soon after, a door knock is heard, prompting our protagonist to open it, revealing Gentoki and Soichi standing.

"Mornin', Rabbit! Today's the day!" Gentoki enthusiastically said, with (Y/n) high-fiving his friend.

"You know it." He said. Soichi meanwhile looked behind him and sees his family, which he comments on them before noticing Veil among them.

"Huh, you live here, Veil?" He said, making Gentoki notice and also asked the same thing.

"Urusai. It's bad enough that I have to do the quiz while you lot get to have tanoshii..." Veil snarled.

"Well, good luck then." Soichi cheered, with Gentoki giving her a thumbs up as well, both of which just sours Veil's mood even more. "Anyway, ready to go?"

(Y/n) looked behind towards his family, which they give him an encouraging look before he turned back. "Alright, let's hit the sky!" And thus, he carries his bags and leave the house before entering the bus parked nearby. Entering the bus, (Y/n) sees Tomoe and the Gamers Club sitting around as well.

"Morning, Gamer! Are you pumped of the event?!" Like Gentoki, Tomoe enthusiastically said, making him chuckle.

"You bet. Can't wait to see what kind of games that the event brings." He said.

"Me too. From what I heard from Mr. Hojo, the school that we're going to are technologically advanced, and the students there are basically genius when it comes to tech." Akira joins in.

"So they're tech geeks, basically?" Soichi said, which Akira nods. A bus horn noise stopped their conversation as the driver reminds them to take their seats before leaving, which they do so as they begin their way to the Hevendor Airport.

On the way, (Y/n) chats to both Mash and Kiyo that he's already on his way to the airport, but the reply he get from Kiyo however...

"Behind you <3"

... which he turned around and is surprised to see both of his girlfriends sitting behind him, smiling innocently.

"Wait, how..." He asks.

"Mr. Hojo brought them." The cool girl replied. "He said that the Principal invited them as guests."

"That's right, senpai. Both of the clubs also have given permission for us to join as well." Mash added.

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